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[split] Garlemald's Presence in Othard and Relation to the Roman Empire

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It's in the 1.0 quest.  If we're lucky, Sounsyy can swoop in with a link, but there is information from those quests about how conscripted recruits were brainwashed and forced to kill a person every day to numb them to the horror of killing.


If I recall, this procedure was specific to the legion of Nael Van Darnus, as opposed to every other legion of the Empire. Was similar to decimation, if I recall correctly. Someone else will have to source that for you.


^This. ONLY Nael Van Darnus had such a rule. I remember Gaius being rather friendly in 1.0. He wanted Eorzea to join willingly. Nael decided if Garlemald couldn't have Eorzea, he'd drop a fucking moon on it instead.


Yeah I thought I'd mentioned that earlier.  That it may have been specific to JUST his legion, but I wasn't entirely sure.


On the other hand, apparently Gaius got on the crazy train right after, but that could just be poor writing.  After the WHM questline, I'm willing to allow for that.


Gaius fell to Ascian temptation. He was pretty reasonable until Ultima Weapon. ...so bad 2.0 writing got him killed.




I fear they'll do the same thing with Varis. Oddly enough it doesn't seem to have been addressed directly that the Warrior of Light and his companions have assaulted the Emperor and his forces head on - which is pretty much a declaration of war.


My guess is it's because he is, unfortunately, faded to be killed off which will again throw Garlemald into chaos. I'm hoping there's going to be more to it than that though - but it isn't looking good with the Warring Triad reference combined with what happened way back in FF6 last time an Emperor came near them...


I just really hope that if and when we see the Garlean Empire for ourselves we'll see it in a more sympathetic light such as with Archades in FFXII. A lot of people expected Ishgard to be rotten to the core and yet when we finally got to see it for ourselves it wasn't like that at all and boasts quite a few redeeming aspects and deliciously complex morality/depth.



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Perhaps the Xaela that have moved just finally had enough? Doma's razing led them to finally take initiative?


Or perhaps they finally got the funds to leave. Or they heard of the success the Domans have had at the Toll?


From what I can tell of the DRK questline, the job quest giver for 50-60 is a Xaela who had moved from Othard when it was first conquered by Garlemald. I think there was some circumstances once they arrived but it's not like no one left when their home was first taken.


Perhaps some xaela have just taken their sweet time in leaving.

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