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Roegadyn Searching for Friends!

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Hey all!


I'd like to put my Roegadyn, Dhemitar Sterrbharsyn, out there on the 'market', so to speak! What I'm looking for is, well, just about anything! At the moment, I've been experimenting with character concepts and backstories (as well as leveling classes), and I think I've got something relatively sturdy that I can spring off of. Let me know what you guys think after reading the blurb right below!




Dhemitar Sterrbharsyn, a Roegadyn of simple tastes and easy moods. Having served on sea-going vessels both large and small, from great Eorzean whalers to minuscule merchant caravels, Dhemitar is no stranger to the sea. As with most of the Sea Wolf clan, his livelihood has existed in and around the choppy waters of the ocean for as long as he's been alive.


In the warm summers of years past, Dhemitar would sail coastal waters with anyone who would hire him, providing protection against piracy as well as rigging sails, steering ships, and other such seaworthy tasks, quite similar to most Roegadyn and Hyur that had settled in and around Limsa Lominsa. When summer trade routes evaporated into the cooling chill of fall, Dhemitar would leave the sea and his ships, and settle on docks and wharfs around La Noscea, with tackle, rod and bait primed for the casting. A prestigious fisherman in his own right, he was often able to net large catches of trout, salmon, shrimp and more. Whatever he could not eat himself, he would cook, and his falls and winters were spent cooking hot meals for hungry bellies, often exchanging bowls of hot shrimp stew and plates of seared salmon for nothing more than a story or nicely-asked request.


His springs were spent doing whatever he pleased, and whether it was to continue the fishing and cooking brought over from winter (if the nets had been especially full), or to simply practice his skills as a smith, much of his time was spent doing what he enjoyed. Until summers rolled around, and he felt his gil pouch nearly empty. And so, the cycle would continue, as the perennial Roegadyn continued his content and relaxed cycle of existence, living on and through the bounties and blessings of the sea.




In essence, Dhemitar is a very kind, and very simple Roegadyn. Often preferring to spend his days, fishing, cooking or smithing, he spends much of his time in Limsa Lominsa, relaxing and running a small, but well-known food stall on the street, which specializes in whatever Dhemitar has fished up that day. That being said, he is no stranger to combat, and like many Sea Wolves, had spent (and still spends) some time sailing the seas with the intent to fight, whether it be pirates, beasts, or creatures of the deep.


Now, I don't rightly know what or who I'm searching for. But, at the moment, I'm open for a lot of things! Perhaps, you need or want a cook, fisherman or smith to compliment your company! Maybe, you're just interested in a bit of hired muscle to keep someone or something safe on the road or the sea! Or, you might just be interested in sampling his spicy crabcakes, glazed salmon or shrimp fritters from his stall in Limsa Lominsa!


Regardless, if you're interested in exploring any of these options, or you'd like to suggest your own, please, leave a reply in the thread, private message me, or find me in-game (usually on Dhemitar Sterrbharsyn)! You might even encounter me doing some individual roleplay in Limsa Lominsa, harking his catch, grumbling about the lack of fish, or drooling over an especially delicious bit of mackerel. With that being said, please, don’t be shy! Even if it’s just to say hi, I like to be pretty open with everyone that I meet or roleplay with, and I try to include as many people as I can!


So, let me know what you think, and if any of you all are interested in making friends with this Roegadyn here!

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Seeing characters like this really makes me wish that my main was still living in Limsa.


Currently she's docked in Ishgaurd and was in Ul'dah before that, but I suppose there is always a chance I could bring her home.


I do have two well developed alts in the area.


Iyrnahct Sterrankasyn is a shipwright and armour smith out of Moraby, who makes frequent trips out to Limsa for supplies and a nip at the wench.


Daniwyda Merlfalkwyn is an old retired grump of a marauder, with a bum leg and a biting sense of humor.


Neither of them are played very frequently but if you wanted to set up a time, I could always bring them out to sample the crabcakes.


You should also consider joining Broken Chairs if it is still around. It's an all Roe networking linkshell, where I found many of my initial contacts for Klynzahr back in 2.0.

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Virella is happy enough to make new friends; however she is sort of stuck in Ishgard currently, but she may head down to Limsa/Mist soon enough! I have absolutely no idea what they would have in common, but it is easy enough to bump into one another IC someday if you are up for it :)

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Delial is currently doing the cool thing and grumping her way through Coerthas and possibly Ishgard because why wouldn't she want to make herself miserable? BUT she did previously more or less live in Limsa Lominsa and will likely return there once things have settled down. I imagine she'd be more than pleased to make friends with a local, especially if he also happens to cook! It would be nice being able to talk to normal people for a change. Normal people seem to not be in the business of asking her to do aggravating things.

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Hey there!


I have a couple of options available for you to RP with if you'd be interested! I do have Cyrus, a very kind and equally simple individual. He's a bit of a squire/knight-in-training and is more than eager to help whoever he comes across. I think he'd be more than capable of hanging with your Roe if you'd like for him to =)


I also have a few other characters as well! If you want to inquire more about any of them, feel free to check them in my description or whisper me and let me know =)

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Jerciex likes to visit Limsa's drowning wench sometimes and willing meet new people. Come have drink and talk with him there.  I m sure it will be good start ^^ or visit Gridania and spot Jerciex :) I have couple ideas how to start rp and see how it goes ;)

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Haha, no worries! I'm sure any ol' excuse will work! Bumping into each other in the street, visiting Dhemitar's stall, anything like that could definitely work!


Definitely! Dhemitar's pretty 'normal', as far as Roegadyn come. A bit of work, a bit of adventure, but not entirely devoted to either! He's about as amiable as they come!


Send whoever you've got at him! It's pretty hard to get on Dhemitar's 'bad' side, so, if they're able to have their ears talked off by a large, skillet-and-or-axe-wielding Roegadyn, they're basically fair game! 18x18https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/tUQPxp5SfXqlLMz3wWOd8udEVjfxrArbLFj-FwKqbmppLYdf9BDUCgyYcDoMnG1gKQuWkdiCU1Ts4IExogYUnxrlPU5-BzNV6rMNwFyzOnqft1L2MKv9o1ELfWZCakr4qL6n8VU[/img]


Dhemitar's actually going to be headed up to Gridania soon for herbs, on a small mini-venture with a new friend of his! Might be able to bump into each other!

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Max isn't very fond of Limsa, but I would totally force him to go there just to meet Dhemitar! Maybe they can go on an adventure or something haha. If you're interested in having them meet, I'll try to catch you IG sometime!

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I have a Roegadyn falconeer based out of Limsa who would very, very much be interested in knowing a fisherman to help her supplement the diets of her seafaring birds when they are being tended to or she can't find the time to hunt with them outside of Limsa. ^^

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Max isn't very fond of Limsa, but I would totally force him to go there just to meet Dhemitar! Maybe they can go on an adventure or something haha. If you're interested in having them meet, I'll try to catch you IG sometime!


For sure! At the moment, Dhemitar is in Ul'dah, buying (or trying to) buy some nice Ul'dahn spices, and he's going to be headed to Gridania soon after to buy herbs, and basically get some 'high quality' items for his stall. So, he'll be back in Limsa soon enough!


I have a Roegadyn falconeer based out of Limsa who would very, very much be interested in knowing a fisherman to help her supplement the diets of her seafaring birds when they are being tended to or she can't find the time to hunt with them outside of Limsa. ^^


That actually sounds really, really awesome! Definitely poke me in-game on Dhemitar or send me a private message, I'd love to help out with something like that, as it seems really unique and very cool!

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That actually sounds really, really awesome! Definitely poke me in-game on Dhemitar or send me a private message, I'd love to help out with something like that, as it seems really unique and very cool!


Aww, thanks! I'll definitely drop you a line. :D

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I just got through talking with Dhemitar and it was great for me at least haha. Real glad I found this rp forum.


It was awesome roleplaying with you, and helping you out! Don't be a stranger, feel free to hit me up whenever you'd like to roleplay again!


(( I oversaw Dhemitar RPing in the sands this morning and was impressed with his character, general RP style, and demeanor.  Sig was a bit preoccupied (and inebriated) but overheard some of Dhemitar's conversation.  If you see Dhemitar RPing, I fully recommend striking up a RP with him, I know I will! ))

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  • 2 weeks later...

The quickest way to a Roe's heart is a big of plate of food! Doendraga is the captain of a ship and totally-not-a-smuggler whose totally-not-illegal business dealings thrive on contacts from the mundane to the clandestine. He bounces around a lot, but the people who should recognize his face do, and there's no reason Dhemitar can't be one :D


So does he have a stall or something that maybe Doendraga frequents? Maybe Doendraga is a faithful customer that pays well for the rare catches that Dhemitar holds for him, and from time to time Dhemitar shares with him the rumors he's heard from peddlers, Yellow Jackets, and other sailors?

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The quickest way to a Roe's heart is a big of plate of food! Doendraga is the captain of a ship and totally-not-a-smuggler whose totally-not-illegal business dealings thrive on contacts from the mundane to the clandestine. He bounces around a lot, but the people who should recognize his face do, and there's no reason Dhemitar can't be one :D


So does he have a stall or something that maybe Doendraga frequents? Maybe Doendraga is a faithful customer that pays well for the rare catches that Dhemitar holds for him, and from time to time Dhemitar shares with him the rumors he's heard from peddlers, Yellow Jackets, and other sailors?


This could definitely be an interesting line of roleplay to pursue! Hit me up in-game on Dhemitar or toss me a PM, and let's work something out! Always fun to meet other Roegadyn! 


(Seriously, I've only seen like... three or four in a month of RP.)

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