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Husband-Wife team looking to transfer, looking for a FC

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My husband and I have been considering transferring to Balmung from Gilgamesh for the RP experience. We can't see to ever find an open window to create new characters there though. 


We were thinking of getting involved in a light RP FC that is also good about helping new players and things like that. We might consider heavy RP, but that's something neither of us have ever really done on any MMO.  (We have participated in text-based RP games though where people post paragraphs and paragraphs for every pose.) It's really more the atmosphere of an RP server with the events and people walking and people talking ICly that does it for us. We played on Landroval in LOTRO for a while and that atmosphere made us really attached to the game despite how old it is. 


So, do you think we'll find what we're looking for on Balmung? And, do any of you have any FCs to suggest?


Thanks in advance!

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Yes I think you will find that here on Balmung. Both large and small FCs exist that would match.


There are also LS as well as FC that would give you some involvement and support.


You would be welcome in Hugs & Cake

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