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Looking to get back into RP

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Warning: Low effort post inc. Maybe.


Name's Jezune Garinthe. Been out of the RP scene for a while and am looking to find some new people to RP with since it's something that I very much enjoyed way back when! Here's a wiki link: link


Jezune Garinthe is a somewhat dim-witted, well-meaning Midlander with a friendly face. Hopefully that's not too boring for all of you sellswords with a heart of gold, but that's what he is. He's fiercely loyal and a bit of a savant when it comes to combat. However, he'll often choose to fight in ways he believes to look cooler, rather than what would actually be the most efficient. He loves a good fight and will fight to and beyond the point of exhaustion, though he hates seriously harming people. He's a bit of an optimist and a romantic, looking for the best in people which could possibly leading to him being easily tricked by more malicious figures. He warms up easily to people, often even being overly friendly to those he barely knows.


Just wanted to put myself out there as available for general RP and such. Really looking to get more active in this side of the game, thanks for reading!

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Welcome to the RP-side!  And oh my goodness, I have a feeling that Jezune and Reima would get along really well, personality-wise.  If you ever feel compelled to hit up a cheerful, plucky young conjurer with a penchant for good-intentioned meddling, feel free to shoot me a Tell!  I'll see if I can't catch you in game~

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