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Ello everyone!


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I just got back into the game after a long hiatus from launch, and I'm starting over fresh on Balmung. ^^ I've got a super tall Roe merc who's ready for some action. (Not that kind of action. Unless you buy her dinner first.)


My first question is, where do I start in terms of roleplaying in this game? I'm not 100% on how linkshells and free companies work - I'm here from Elder Scrolls Online. 


Either way, I look forward to roleplaying with all of you!

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I still don't know what Linkshells are, myself. Someone sent me a PM trying to explain it but I still don't quite get it. (Are they custom ingame channels? Some external chat program like mibbit?)


Anyway, welcome. I'm new to this community myself and have played the game for a little over a month. 

I like your name. Reminds me some kind of hostile alien race like the Skaarj from Unreal or the Dredge from Defiance.

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Free companies are like your full-on guilds in WoW and the like. Free Companies can have housing, have actions you can activate for bonus XP and other buffs over all its members, and have their own FC chat that only other FC members can see. It also has ranking systems and other such things one would expect of such a group.


Linkshells are, as stated, a indeed of sort of "custom in-game channel." You start up a Linkshell and then you can invite people to it. This gives you a chat that only members of the Linkshell can access. That's basically it. You want to be able to talk to all your buddies, or have a private IC method for your characters to have a way to contact allies? You use a Linkshell.

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Basically as was said above. Free Companies are really just guilds in other MMO's


Linkshells are custom chat channels. You will see more of linkshells during your story quests as you level. They are completely viable IC methods of communication, using a ''linkpearl''. It almost looks like one of these secret agent things you put in your ear.

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Where do people normally go for random RP when not in linkshells or free companies? Is it easy to find "tavern" RP?


In addition to the taverns, keep an eye on the RP Events section, as individuals and free companies host all sorts of events, from tavern nights to combat.

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