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Another Hello, plus help?

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Hello there community!


I've been looking for an MMO for a while now with fun roleplay, seeing as World of Warcraft seems to be pretty much same story different day, Wildstar flopped for me, Guild Wars never interested me and Elder Scrolls Online... well... let's not go there. I picked up the game today because I've always loved the Final Fantasy Series, and wish I had taken the step online earlier.


I've been roleplaying for a long time, both in MMOs and tabletops, and I'll be swatting up on the lore and looking forward to integrating with all you lovely roleplayers out there. Not sure on what I'll call my character yet, but I'm sure something will be invented in due course.


I've made my character, but the "World" part is proving difficult. I'm told Gilgamesh and Balmung are the two RP servers for Final Fantasy, but they're both restricted and I'm not sure what to do about it. I'm desperate to get into the game, level up and start looking for friends here, and some people have said it's best to make it early in the morning, but I'm from the UK so I don't know what really to do.


Do any other worlds on Aether have roleplay, or is it just those two? Also, could I make this character on, say, Cactuar and then transfer it (paid of course) to Balmung or Gilgamesh to bypass the whole 'restriction'?


Either way, I can't wait to get in to game and play with you all, and I hope you're all having a great day so far. ^_^ Can't wait to speak to you all.

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There's no official RP server, but Balmung and Gilgamesh currently are the most populated with roleplayers. I believe Famfrit, Jenova and Moogle all have growing roleplay communities. Hopefully someone from one of those worlds will be able to offer further help there. :)


Being from the UK trying to get onto Balmung or Gilgamesh is actually a benefit, as the servers usually open around 9am-1pm for us, so we don't have to get up early. :P Sadly because of Heavensward, returning members, general activity increase, and it being the summer, the servers have been closed much more than usual. I can't speak for Gilgy, but I last heard Balmung was open yesterday for about 4 minutes. There's a bit more detail about it here.


So, the first option is to keep trying to get in! Another time the server is often open is 10 minutes before and after maintenence, but lately even that has been difficult.

The second option is transfering! It costs £11 to transfer from the MogStation. It is an instant transfer, and will say the world is still restricted, but so far there have been no problems moving a character over. The only requirements are that the character is 3 days old.


I hope this helps! Welcome to HRC! It's always nice to see another EU player. :P

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Hi and welcome to the RPC!


As described quite well above, Balmung and Gilgamesh are not "official" RP servers in any format, but they do contain the largest communities of people RPing in game in public.


There are smaller communities of RP on other servers, which are a little harder to find, naturally. The RPC is open to them all and active linkshells/free comapnies we've been notified about (as in they posted here about it) can be found in the Linkshell Hall. There's also a forum upgrade in the works to better tag/filter servers, but the programming behind it is quite difficult. (The RPC runs on magic code).


If there's anything we can help out with, whether it's making/designing a wiki, helping you find any lore, etc, do let us know! There's a lot of good resources throughout the site. (Some sifting required)

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Thank you for the warm welcome and the support. I'll try to create a new character, with pre saved data, tomorrow. I usually wake up early for UK time, so I'll keep an eye on it, and if I seemingly miss the windows I'll continue to level up on another server and pay the transfer fee (although obviously I'd rather not make that a regular thing, being somewhat of an alt-o-holic xD).


I love the look of the Miqo'te, so I'll be swatting up on their lore! I may reserve the right to twist one of your hears once I have a semi-written story. ^_^


The only other question I have, is it better to play this game with a controller or a keyboard? And how does playing with either affect RP? (I can imagine it being a bit more difficult to RP and use controller at the same time)


Thanks again!

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One thing to note is you can transfer more than one character over at once as long as they all start from the same server.  So if you want to have some alts stashed away for later, make them all right now and transfer them all over at the same time.  You can do up to 8 at once this way, I think.  MUCH cheaper than one at a time.

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I can comment on controllers! (I play PC with a PS4 controller)


I find the controller support to be pretty good in the game, especially because I have a bad habit of hitting the enter key for text entry when I play keyboard/mouse games.


There are a few fancy tricks you can do with the hotbars/crossbars to help switch through with macros. I would pick what you find most comfortable playing with. Both are quite viable!


I should note: when you play on controller mode, you'll be put into direct-chat mode, so keyboard shortcuts for opening menus, inventories, etc won't work. You can modify that setting in the Character settings tab though!


Typically, I'll switch back and forth depending on what device I'm playing on and what I need to do. PvE/battle content, I'm always controller. I might switch to RP on keyboard if I'm using a tablet or something small that I can move around.

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That's brilliant, thank you ever so much for all the help. I'm seriously hyped about trying to get in tomorrow now, and if that fails, mass making of alts... woooo! ^_^ I might give my XBox controller a go (it's all wired so I know it all works)! Thanks for the input.

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Thanks, that actually helps my decision a lot. I mean, hopefully I'll be able to make a character tomorrow during one of the windows, but if not I'll definitely pay the £12 transfer fees, definitely seems worth it.


Which reminds me, where do RPers usually congregate? Any specific place I should know about?

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People tend to RP everywhere, although the the common ''hub'' tends to be the Quicksand in Ul'dah. It's your typical tavern/adventurer's guild so in and around the place is where most of the random RP can be found. But it can stretch across the entire city and further really.

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Awesome, thanks again everyone for the warm welcome and the help! Next stop is to find a... not a guild, what do they call it? Free Convention or something?


Free Company!


There are also linkshells, which are basically chat groups. You can have up to 8 of those.

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