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Looking for an FC to Adopt Me

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Hi. I'm an rp'er but I'm in my spouse's FC, which is tiny and has like four of us total. No one rp's in my FC. I do gaming content with them. But...it there are any FC's that are out there that don't mind, I'm looking for one that wouldn't mind letting me join in on their company rp, sort of like an honorary member or something. I feel embarrassed for even asking but thought I'd throw it out there. PM me if you like. Thank you.

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You could always join another FC and just stay in a Linkshell with your husband and friends from the other one. That way you'd always have access to the chat for the RP FC, too, and could stay "in the know" about where the members are doing RP and such. I'm sure no RP FC out there would mind at all if you ran away to do questing and such with people in your husband's FC. :3

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