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Celebration of the Destroyer - Sunday Aug 30th

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A fun event to watch while messing with the setting for my labtop. Was annoyed IRL making attempts at rp impossible, so sadly couldn't enjoy it to the fullest. At the very least got to feel like I saw an 80s era Man-O-War concert thanks to Nathan. At least I can throw something on the bulletin broad when I'm not getting bother every other minute.

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oh wow, was fun as always but so happy i was able to share a small story this time and show people just a small peek at clio's past a little more directly instead of flashback forum posts. i loved the other stories and songs as well but sadly i didnt get any pics this time, i hope some were able to still ;n;

thanks so much to jancis for organizing such a big event every month and everyone brave enough to contribute each time

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Umm... yeah that was AWESOME! Wow thank you to everyone who was able to make it at one time or another for the... um... well I was still there logging for seven hours.


Huge thank you to everyone who spoke in front of the pilgrims:

Byrnhilde Wulf who knows the power of a hood and a hairdo! :thumbsup:

Cliodhna Eoghan - For making a classic story twist with a fitting moral to the end 8-)

Ciel Sauveterre - Always providing another viewpoint and engaging to read story :lol:

Jana Ridah - Much more than a token miqo'te with a magic perspective :bouncy:

Berrod Armstrong - Words are as potent as his punch! :lol:

Nathan Telluride - I... ah... words... forgot how to use them. :dazed:


The skill and creativity is really what brings everyone together and it was just a fantastic time.


Another thank you to Chiyo and Roni, as well as an apology, for being so kind as to ask me if they could also share a story. Just from time line and what was planned out before I had to decline their offer, but I was blown away to even be asked. I really really hope that doesn't get pushed to the wayside - please use them still in role play, close events, own gatherings because it's a great reason to role play.:love:


Thank you to our guards: Coatleque Crofte, Kasaris Rakhin, J'maaira Tuhl, and Arrelaine Fashonti for keeping the borders to help people hear the event and find parties to RP with late comers.


Also what I think added a huge part and a personal spark to everyone big thank you to Berrod Armstrong and Adalhaid Rask for staying for many hours to hear and listen to everyone who came up to them. There was a bit of a line for awhile, but without rushing anyone along they continued to move and be interesting to listen to the people ahead as much as wait for our own turns. It was so engaging and I can't say thank you enough for how long and dedicated they both were in seeing people even late arrivals.


There's a couple thousand lines of log to sort through, scores of screenshots, and I will start on it tonight and share them!


The only thing I think that is missing from this event is some OOC non-RPer saying something about "What the..." :P But there was a guy bewildered on a chocobo who I saw lingering in the back for quite some time. Making someone look twice is simply magical. :geek:



Thank you all again. :love:

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It was really nice for everyone who came for what parts they could. Or what parts they enjoy. Once the freeform starts a lot of people take off with their groups which hopefully continues on for them.

I managed to stop by home at lunch and get three screenshots to share. 


Also I confirmed it's 2879 lines (includes the emotes and whispers but most of it is RP).







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It was really nice for everyone who came for what parts they could. Or what parts they enjoy. Once the freeform starts a lot of people take off with their groups which hopefully continues on for them.

I managed to stop by home at lunch and get three screenshots to share. 




This last picture... OMG, you could not have timed that any better. I gotta find some use for this...

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