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If I may?


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Hello, hello!  I'm Aurou Mhirata of Balmung.  I've been around since PS4 Beta, RPing off and on all the while.  I suppose it's about time that I introduce myself to the community~  I would love to meet more people and their characters.  Feel free to approach me if you ever see me in game!


--MMORPG background

* FFXI 2004-2012, several servers under the names : Aurou, Ranie, Ranarei

* FFXIV 2013-Present, Balmung : Aurou Mhirata


--RP experience

* I began RPing on forums in the early 2000's and then found the RP community in FFXI.  I was once apart of and very proud to be a member of the LightsTemplar on Phoenix.


--Character ideas/info

* At the present I am RPing a White Mage with a small temper.


--How did you learn about the coalition?

* At one point ages ago I was approached by someone looking to get RP going in FFXIV... I didn't have a computer powerful enough to run the game and the PS4 was still a distant dream, so sadly I had to decline... It's been amazing watching this site and community grow and flourish so much from the sidelines.


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

* Medium-Heavy


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

* In real life I'm married and have kids with my best friend that I met while playing FFXI.  I work on computers for a living, doing a little bit of this and that.

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Welcome! It always brings a smile to my face to talk to other former XI players. I was on Asura, but I somehow remember your LS's name from random RP searches or maybe the Alla forum... I can't quite remember. Glad to see another XI face!


Thank you both for the warm welcome :)


We did quite a bit of recruiting on Alla back in the day, there's a very good chance that's where you know us from!

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Thank you :)  I'm really looking forward to getting involved with everyone here.  Now I just need to work on my Character page and do some fine tuning..

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I'll keep a lookout for you, Aiswynd!  I'm mostly EST evenings, but it's not uncommon for me to do some late nights :sleepy:




Lalafell... Eorzean trip hazards since 2010?

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