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New FFXI Expansion Announced

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While I've moved on from FFXI back in 2010 and have no intention of going back, it's always nice to see it continue to expand and prosper. Just recently, SE announced the 5th expansion for the game: Seekers of Adoulin.


It's based on, from what I can tell, the western continent. The new areas revealed look quite amazing (especially the big main city) and the new area draws upon Native American influence. It's also apparently a place where dragons and dragoons are common, a library exists that rivals that of Windurst, and more. The first of two new jobs, Geomancer, has been announced also.


Teaser site here: http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/adoulin/index.html

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If I were to take a guess at the other job... I'd assume it will either be Mystic Knight or Necromancer. Kind of a shame they added this -after- the whole abyssea thing. Wonder how many hours it will take to cap those two jobs, heh... Either way, I'm very excited to see and learn more about this... and best of all... More.Beatufiul.FFXI.MUSIC!!!!! :love:


Edit: Oop, guess I was wrong and the new job is Rune Fencer... Weird class but it does look kinda cool. Hope FFXIV gets some unique flavor like that with future Classes/Jobs.

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I want rune fencer in 14 D:!

I could see it as an alternate Job for Gladiators requiring level 15 in Thaumaturge and barring the use of shields?


Also, Rune Fencer is basically Rune Knight which is basically the same as Mystic Knight, kinda.

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I'd still like to see more of the classic jobs in XIV before we get to obscure ones like XI is getting now.. xD

What, a class modelled on Cloud Strife and Celes Chere (not to mention jobs in FFV and the FF Tactics series, also kinda sorta Adelbert Steiner) is too obscure for you? ;)


I'm curious at what point they decided that they were going to try to keep XI going. Seems like they figured on hedging their bets a bit instead of just concentrating on XIV.

Probably when they crunched numbers to find out this.

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Rune Fencer (the name, anyway) is a Tactics Ogre class - not that I'm complaining or anything. Do they have Celes' Runic or a similar ability to absorb magic? That would be incredible.


But yes, we need more of the "core" FF classes here in XIV before anything else. :S O Thief and Red Mage, where art thou?

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Rune Fencer (the name, anyway) is a Tactics Ogre class - not that I'm complaining or anything. Do they have Celes' Runic or a similar ability to absorb magic? That would be incredible.


It's actually been said that Rune Fencer is going to be the magical tanking class. Paladin is remaining physical, and Ninja being evasion/shadows. Rune Fencers will be able to activate runes that have different properties and you'll basically have to adapt with the flow of battle with them. Some might increase your physical damage output to help you generate more enmity, others might block or reduce a certain type of magic damage.


That's all they've really said at this point, though.

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