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Astrologian card issue.

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I think making the redraw ability never draw the card going back in would make the function feel better to use.


It would go a long way to minimize the RNG factor of Shuffle.  While I realize it's anecdotal, from talking to multiple AST players, there seems to be a really common issue of Shuffle pulling the same card.  It wouldn't be an issue if it was on, say, a 30 second CD, but the CD is too long for you to be pulling the same damn card.

That wouldn't make it a gamble, though, and in the end that's what the AST cards are. Unknown fate, yadda yadda.


See, now we are getting into that gray area of whether class aesthetics/design/functionality, what ever you wish to call it, are  impacting and fundamentally harming the actual gameplay and the simple fact of the matter is that it actually is. The entire design choice behind Shuffle is for the AST to be able to say "Hey, this card isn't very useful for me right now, lets change that!" And this for any number of reasons.


A card is all ready held. 


You have your desired Royal road or You don't want it's effect. 


No one can make use of it. 


You get the idea. To add further insult to this injury, Shuffle itself has a staggering 60 second CD only to have every 1 out of 3 to 2 out of 3 shuffles be the same card repeated over and over again. It's counter intuitive to the intended function of the ability and while its not game breaking (unless you are on the cutting edge of gameplay) it is both harmful and frustrating to deal with, especially as this is suppose to be a core mechanic for the class in general.

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I think making the redraw ability never draw the card going back in would make the function feel better to use.


It would go a long way to minimize the RNG factor of Shuffle.  While I realize it's anecdotal, from talking to multiple AST players, there seems to be a really common issue of Shuffle pulling the same card.  It wouldn't be an issue if it was on, say, a 30 second CD, but the CD is too long for you to be pulling the same damn card.

That wouldn't make it a gamble, though, and in the end that's what the AST cards are. Unknown fate, yadda yadda.


Disagree. You could still get a card you absolutely don't need. If I'm fishing for a Bole and get an Arrow and then an Ewer, I'm still fucked.

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Are you guys complaining about RNG, in a game practically flooded with RNG (cough relic cough)? I've had no issues with this card problem you are all frantically debating about, if I don't need it I royal road it. Shuffle is just reloading a 1/6 RNG, there's a 1 in 6 chance of you getting the same card. You don't need to minimize RNG, that's like buffing atma drop rates which were designed to be done over a long period of tim--


Oh wait they did because people frantically complained non-stop cus they couldn't get it done in a week. Maaan you guys need to experience FFXI's version, this is a shopping trip in comparison. I'd hate to see you guys after playing Corsair, ohhh man.

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Are you guys complaining about RNG, in a game practically flooded with RNG (cough relic cough)? I've had no issues with this card problem you are all frantically debating about, if I don't need it I royal road it. Shuffle is just reloading a 1/6 RNG, there's a 1 in 6 chance of you getting the same card. You don't need to minimize RNG, that's like buffing atma drop rates which were designed to be done over a long period of tim--


Oh wait they did because people frantically complained non-stop cus they couldn't get it done in a week. Maaan you guys need to experience FFXI's version, this is a shopping trip in comparison. I'd hate to see you guys after playing Corsair, ohhh man.


I don't know how much healing you've done in the past, but as a rule of thumb, healers HATE RNG.


Also : yes, I'm complaining about RNG in the only healing class that has to deal with it. I'm doing so because that RNG directly contributes to that class being less desirable in a competitive setting than the other two, non RNG healers.

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Are you guys complaining about RNG, in a game practically flooded with RNG (cough relic cough)? I've had no issues with this card problem you are all frantically debating about, if I don't need it I royal road it. Shuffle is just reloading a 1/6 RNG, there's a 1 in 6 chance of you getting the same card. You don't need to minimize RNG, that's like buffing atma drop rates which were designed to be done over a long period of tim--


Oh wait they did because people frantically complained non-stop cus they couldn't get it done in a week. Maaan you guys need to experience FFXI's version, this is a shopping trip in comparison. I'd hate to see you guys after playing Corsair, ohhh man.


I don't know how much healing you've done in the past, but as a rule of thumb, healers HATE RNG.


Also : yes, I'm complaining about RNG in the only healing class that has to deal with it. I'm doing so because that RNG directly contributes to that class being less desirable in a competitive setting than the other two, non RNG healers.

The thing is though, the RNG has nothing to do with the actual healing component of the job. If I'm not mistaken, they adjusted the potency of the healing so that the heals themselves weren't weak and ridiculous.


The card buffs are bonuses -- extras. If you really wanted to look at where AST shines, it'd be in versatility -- with the ability to fill in for a scholar with shields (where there isn't one) or a WHM with regens (again, where there isn't one). The cards are gravy, and pinning the RNG as the reason the class is less effective doesn't really seem like the right focus. 


I know a couple amazing AST healers whose only problem with the class before was the healing potency (and gosh darn they worked hard to make up for it). The cards themselves are an inbetween; a 'ooh this is handy!' 'Ooh I'll save this for later' 'Eh, I'll road it' in the midst of the versatile healing they can do. 


Not getting the card we want when we want it...? That's tough, and not something we should be relying on when it comes to the job -- because it can heal just fine. Not sure if I put it across the way it sounded in my head, but that's my take on it.

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Spear reduces ability cooldowns, and you need to use it before an ability is used for it to be under effect of the card. I think pretty much all classes benefit from it, but it's difficult to use to maximum effect in a PUG (but then again I don't really pay attention to what others are doing in dungeons if things are going well :P). It could be especially effective in raiding though.

Some examples of using it would be: giving it to a BRD before they pop their buffs, a PLD before Hallowed Ground, or saving it for yourself for Essential Dignity, Lightspeed, Luminiferous Aether, etc.


Because you have to give it BEFORE the person cast an ability out of GCD it is particularly useless on any other person than yourself unless you know 100% when the other person will use their. Actually EVEN if you are with your static since so long that you know when some person will use which ability (which is already a BIG thing knowing that you have to take care of your own stuff in between) the probability you have to have a spear at the right time and all is extremely low.

Spear is really useful before the raid begin when everybody will go for their opener but even there an arrow or a balance will be more powerful than a spear. It's a card you will mostly use on yourself because you can see what to do with it, but in 99.9% of the case you will just royal road it or shuffle it. Spear really suxx.


And just to answer to something LiadansWhisper said. Synastry is SUPER USEFUL when you know how and when to use it. Best example I can give is the double prey for AS1. Try it with any other class and you'll be half panicking using your CD, try is as AST, "oh hey Synastry I can still heal my tank while healing my prey lul" .

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And just to answer to something LiadansWhisper said. Synastry is SUPER USEFUL when you know how and when to use it. Best example I can give is the double prey for AS1. Try it with any other class and you'll be half panicking using your CD, try is as AST, "oh hey Synastry I can still heal my tank while healing my prey lul" .


Of course it is, just like Beacon in WoW.  Although, I would like to point out if tank damage is at all serious, you will still need another healer to back you up because that 50% hit to your healing is not going to let you effectively balance two heavily damaged targets at the same time.


My point was that the other reason you'd use it is the healing potency increase, which is analogous to Divine Seal, Dissipation and Fey Illumination.  However, Divine Seal is on a shorter CD and has a bigger increase, and Scholars have both Fey Illumination and Dissipation to choose from.  I can't imagine a situation where you'd take an AST over a Scholar for the purposes of healing two targets at the same time (or, for that matter, why you'd need to in a serious static, since you can just coordinate who is handling what at what time instead of needing to get an AST so you can make sure the prey target gets healed and the tank doesn't die).

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The Astro scrub I've become has a problem with Royal Road, heh heh. (no idea how it works @_@)

Don't think I have Shuffle yet, and when I Draw I pretty much get useful cards about...70% of the time?


Royal Road basically is you burning a card to increase the effect of your next card, depending on what card you burned. Bole and Balance make your next card more powerful (bigger buff!), while Arrow and Spear make it last longer, and Ewer and Spire make it into an AoE instead of single target. It basically bolsters the utility of your cards, making them stronger, last longer, or hit multiple targets!


What I usually do is try to get a Balance into my Spread and burn an Ewer or Spire into my Royal Road before a boss fight in a dungeon. That way we can open with a damage boost on everyone right at the start! It's rather nice. And having a boosted Bole or MP/TP refresh can help a lot in a situation too.


I just recommend playing around with it. With time you'll remember which cards give what boost to the next card played and then you can start throwing out Royal Roaded cards like the best of them. :thumbsup:

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