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Hiya! Here to shed my lurker status!


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Still quite new to the game, but I wanted to drop in and say hi. ^^


--MMORPG background


Rather minimal. My last romp in the MMO genre was back in the original Guild Wars. So I am fairly new to the dynamic, though I have a general gist. Only thing I'm still having to get used to is the enormous amount of skills. Coming from predominant console gaming to suddenly having a lot more input is a bit daunting, xD


--RP experience


This I have quite a bit more experience with, having done forum RPs for several years. Little awkward shifting to MMO RPing, so you'll have to forgive any rust, but I'm hoping to pick up the habit quickly. I still do quite a bit via messager chat programs, which seems similar though.


--Character ideas/info


Still finding Olivia's voice. I actually thought of holding off any introductions until I had something, but what can ya do? So far my draft outline considers of:


Scarred by her fanatic father whose devotion to Garlean prompted branding his children with magitek, Olivia has since become a vagabond, fleeing her homestead and the fate it entails. Forced to partake in shady dealings and conceal her origin, she passes the white mark as vanity - a tattoo of her own choosing. Despite being haunted by further events of which her perceived inability cost another her life, she maintains a feint smile, hiding behind a mask which has earned her that very name. 


Still very much in development, but that is an incredibly brief summary of ideas.  


--How did you learn about the coalition?


I hold a certain Blackbourne entirely responsible. Such evil wiles. 


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?


Eventually, I would like to lean towards heavy, but as I do not yet know much of the lore. It's a bit difficult to jump in blind. I also want to just play it as a game, occasionally. So at the moment, I'm just playing it by ear. Suppose, I'll call myself medium for now.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)


Used to be an avid gamer who has only recently got back into them. In the interim, I've focused on writing as my go to hobby, though some bad experiences put a dent in my roleplaying, which I aim to fix. So far, I've heard nothing but the best from this commodity; rather excited, really. Otherwise, there isn't too much to tell. I'm terrible at figuring what to say about myself, so we'll just leave it there!


Mic drop; cookies for all.

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Thank you all for the welcomes <3


:tonberry: ...evil wiles?! I am guilty of no such thing :P


She lies. Whole reason I'm here.


Welcome! Hope you have a good time here. :3


Having an absolute blast so far! Though I'm still just settling into RPing in a MMO, it, and the game itself, has been a lot of fun. ^^

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