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Seeking a Merchant/Business FC

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Hey all,


So as I climb the level ladder and prepare to transfer to Balmung tomorrow, I'm in the market for a FC so I can hit the ground running.


I have an aspiring Scholar/Astrologian and Goldsmith whose heart and loyalties belong to the pursuit of knowledge and the acquisition of money.


I plan on ICly offering a kooky degree of divination services with a chaotic neutral alignment. Sometimes services are rendered clean and legal. Sometimes he cashes in on desperation,


"Oh well that's an extra 200 gil. And there's a service charge of 50 gil. Here I'll tally up your bill for today...hmm.......carry the five....divide by- oh I meant multiply silly me ah! The total coast of me divining where your 5 year-old son was taken is about...24,017 gil. Plus another three hundred if he's still alive...it's not like speed-reading is easy especially under this kind of pressure. Serial killers aren't exactly predictable you know."

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If you are looking to make money for services then there are plenty of merc guilds out there. If you are looking for more of a dubious outlook check out Dubious Goods with Verad Belleville.


Dubious...that's actually accurate. Vyce will be a legitimate oracle but his services...might sometimes be so illegitimate that they would fail the paternity test.


Please share more about this Dubious Goods.

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Keep in mind that direct lies are not a Verad Bellveil thing, or I believe, Dubious Goods as well.


You might have seen the Bronco Grease ads? The product is sold by them while the advertising campaign is headed by Spahro.


Previous wares by Verad have been Imitation Fool's Gold, Gil on a Chain and Plot Devices.

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You can find Verad's wiki here.




You can also find him on the forums and PM him to converse with if you are interested in anything. I don't believe they're open recruitment but I could be wrong. He might know of other people though if you'r not the best match etc.


Looking through the Linkshells list, it's also possible this might be of interest as just a LS.


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