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New to the Game - Anyone needs a dishwasher?

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Longtime RP'er but completely new to FFARR, I've even never played FF11. But after many years of travelling in RL and VL, I need an mmo to call home and this one seems to fit the bill the most. Gorgeous, story driven, fantasy, great community (So far) and a world that draws me in more then any other game so far. 



So, let me briefly/rapidly introduce to you: K'Vhanz Mephisto - The Runaway! 


((I'm not fully caught up on all things Lore so be gentle if I'm breaking the world. Skip the small story part if you just want to know what I'm looking for in RP))


K'Vhanz or Kev or Vhanz or You There!!! was born under the warm and powerful desert sun of his people, but the gods had other plans for the timid troublemaker. 


At the very young age of 2, his tribe got raided by slavers and the faith of his family became a mystery he quickly forgot. Sold to a rich and cruel Hyur Countessa who collected 'creatures' of every kind, he became very much aware of his place in the world. Bottom. Three years of dressing like a small toy soldier for the pleasure of his owner came to an abrupt halt when another creature of the menagerie finally took a knife to their obssessed benefactress' throat and liberatted, for a short time, the entire house. 


He can still remember those few months of complete freedom. He was scared for sure, only 5 years of age with nothing but puppet clothing on his back and nothing to eat. Living on scraps he found and for the first time stole just to make sure the sound of his stomach aching wouldn't keep him up all night. But he was free. 


Was it luck or faith that one of those peaceful nights, falling asleep in a linens crate at the port, that he had aptly sealed shut once inside, found himself far at sea the next morning on a traders skiff heading to Limsa Lominsa. And that was just the beginning of his adventures!


((Stopping here, don't want to reveal too much too fast but suffice to say he is now somewhat on the run from something/someone and takes any low profile jobs he can /dishwasher, etc/ as he travels to somewhere. 


So I'm mostly looking for Rp in an establishment, restaurant, bar, market where he gets bossed around while he tries to keep his head down and make as little waves as possible. I am still FC'less so looking to join one as well soon.))

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Sounds like you've got a pretty thought-out base here. Mind if I pick your brain a bit?


The Countessa: An eccentric, cruel rich woman gets murdered by her slaves. Do her connections notice? Who murdered her? Did everyone scatter? Who let a kid go off on their own? Did no one look after him? If he was enslaved at 2 and escaped at 5, he spent more time as a slave puppet than he did as a person. Where did he learn to steal without being caught? Why didn't someone else just kidnap him? What did he do during the Calamity? How did a single child not die in the harsh environment of Eorzea?


Not exactly nitpicking, as you mentioned you're still getting a grasp on the world and lore. Just hopefully giving you something to think about! Finally, if you're looking for a random RP setting, you could try any of the Adventurer's Guilds in-game. The Quicksand, the Drowning Wench and the... uh... tree one are all doubled as inns/fooderies so you could hypothetically also be a busboy on top of a dishwasher!

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Hello there, welcome to FFXIV! :D I'd be glad to role-play sometime! Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. You're welcome to check us out! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested.

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Sounds like you've got a pretty thought-out base here. Mind if I pick your brain a bit?


The Countessa: An eccentric, cruel rich woman gets murdered by her slaves. Do her connections notice? Who murdered her? Did everyone scatter? Who let a kid go off on their own? Did no one look after him? If he was enslaved at 2 and escaped at 5, he spent more time as a slave puppet than he did as a person. Where did he learn to steal without being caught? Why didn't someone else just kidnap him? What did he do during the Calamity? How did a single child not die in the harsh environment of Eorzea?


Great!  No worries, I like the questions and yes, there's definitely some holes in there. Some are intetional and others, like the Calamity I am still scratching my head as to how I'm going to explain that one honestly (Still reading up on it). Suffice to say some of the house runaways, including the murderer were indeed hunted down and caught, tried and hanged or simply killed. A few were re-sold. But Kev was one of the lucky ones that managed to hide long enough to be forgotten or deemed dead. 


The art of stealing came from another menagerie guest, showed him that if you obeyed, the help and guards would leave you alone occasionally trusting that nothing would happen and this was when the stealing of food from the kitchens mainly happened. Or pick pocketing the Countessa's guests while she hosted events and let a few of her 'pets' walk free to impress. 


As for living in the streets and the harsh environment, he wasn't always alone and that's where I don't want to add too much since I might create RP relations that could account for his survival. But I can say this, the name Mephisto comes from a person that had a great influence on him and that cared for him a great deal while he lived in Limsa. 


And big thank you for the help gang :) Feeling more at home already!

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"NALD'THAL WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN THIS MERCHANT" If you do skype / forum role play i have 3 estblishments you could work in! If your only doing Balmung Roleplay however.... I wish you luck.


I think I'll focus on Balmung for now but I'm still very much intrigued about the establishments. Anywhere I can look them up? And thanks!

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Hey there! Just wanted to post here. Mhaya runs a tavern out of The Goblet in the basement of her personal home. She could probably use a hand, and I figure that'd give you an avenue into meeting others to RP with. Feel free to shoot me a tell! I'm about to log into the game and will be on for a few good hours.

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