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Not from round here [RP Open/Apply]


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Lucious turns his head slowly towards the Au Ra, pausing for a moment the holes in  his mask peer at her. 


The barkeep arrives and lucious raises his hand holding up two fingers. The barkeep nods and begins making his beverage.


 He lowers his hand leaning back on to the bar, turning his head slightly to the right he says,


"Job? What is job?" His voice muffled from the mask.

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Khorchi gets up and follows Sumi axe held tight hiding behind her.


The strange mans mask was curious to her. She peeked out to look at then quickly darting behind Sumi.


She listened to the two talk. And she watched the room eyes darting.

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Sumi stands and picks at a loose splinter in the bar with her claw, "Well job be helping people, probably hurting some people and they will have money to be taken from them. Lots of money."


She frees the splinter pulling it from the counter, "Sound like you thing? My friend here likes you."

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The barkeep comes back with his drink, Lucious reaches into his vest pulling out some soil as he sprinkles it into the cup. 


"Hmm, money?" He slugs his big rucksack onto the counter, he pulls out a big book and drops it on the table. The book kicks up some dust from the size and weight of it.  "Money....Money....Money...Ah here, a form of currency used to purchase items from one another. Oh yes, I could use that. Do you wish to give me some?" He slams the book shut; placing the book back into the bag.

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Khorchi remains behind Sumi and smiles from behind her.


The book dropping gave her a fright and clung to Sumi.

she held her axe close as the two spoke. She knew she needed money as well.

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Sumi blinks as the leather hits the wood and the masked man consults his tome of wording. She also eek-giggles as Khorchi clings to her by a tickle spot, though she does spare her hand a pat of reassurance.


"I see you are wise man, and gil not anything for you. Yes there will be gil, but also experience to right some wrong, make new friends and if trade is better that is also acceptable. But yes you will get gil from this job."


Sumi steps aside pulling Khorchi out, "And this Khorchi, great warrior."


She then bows low, "I am Sumi of the Kha."

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Khorchi gives a polite bow and scootches back.


She wasnt sure who this person was but the mask reminded her of something or someone, she scratched the scar on her head then went back to creeping behind Sumi.

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Lucious chuckles rubbing the back of his head. "Wise wouldn't be the best way to describe me. But thank you." He lowers both his arms to his side and bows deeply. "I am....uh..." he raises quickly, "one moment" reaching into his vest he pulls out a small book; he opens the book, flipping through the pages "aha!"


 He said  raising a finger; closing the book placing it back into his vest. He bows again" I am lucious of gridania. A pleasure to meet you sir. ..."thinking for a moment he corrects himself. "No no that's not right, a pleasure to meet you. ..uh. ..miss."


He stands back upright, he leans his body to the left and waves at khorchi, "hiya. " Looking back to sumi crossing his arms he asks? " I believe you have a plan to obtain these jobs and more importantly the gil?"

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Sumi would giggle but is restrained, just the edge of her mouth turns up in a smile.


"Ah, now I know you are the one. Don't worry about the details they will come find us, all we must do is follow the trail. We aim to stop some people who do bad, and take from them what they have taken from others."


She holds her chin thinking, "That is if you are not stranger to violence?"

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Lucious tilts his head, "Not a stranger to violence? I do not understand. As for your cause, it means nothing to me whom you take from as long as payment is involved."


He looks around the room, "What trail is it you speak of? I see nothing in here." He stops, he picks up the cup taking a sip of his drink. Placing it back down gently, "Ah, fresh as always." He lifts the cup back up saluting the barkeep.


He turns his attention back towards Sumi. His body frozen again; as if he were dead.

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Sumi took a long blink, she had hatchet girl and the masked male of few words. If there was any doubt fate was dealing the cards it had given up and taken a long vacation in Costa, where the sun is bright and cool drink long.


She looked around noting the attention they were attracting, and concluding the idea of discussing the viper extermination while likely in one of their nests had a fatal flaw.


"Outside, we meet outside when you ready. Then I tell you."


Turning to Khorchi she asked, "Are you ready, I suggest we wait outside? "

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Khorchi nodded she put some gil on the table as she had been taught to and adjusted her armor.


Khorchi bowed once more to the masked man then went outside.


She stood outside the light hitting her expressionless face. She rested her axe a moment before strapping it to her back.

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Lucious nodded his head, gulping down whatever was left of his drink he put the cup down and placed some gil on the counter. Picking up the bow, he walked outside meeting up with the other two. Lucious handed the bow back to khorchi,


"you forgot this miss. I am not adept with the bow. I draw my power from the elements." He looks to sumi, "had this trail appeared yet? I still see no sign of it."

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Sumi walked out of the dark den of lecherous eyes and into the bright light of the Dawn Farther.  The fresh breeze swept away the stench of the bar and she felt the spirits of the land closer.


Standing taller she drew strength from the land and waited for 'team mishap' to assemble.


"Our trail is there", she pointed at a figure hurrying away in the distance.


"We go rid land of those who deal in dream weeds. We take their gil, burn their crop and gift their blood to the land."


She peers into the distance as the figure rounds some rocks, "Come", and she sets off at a jog.

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Wonders why the man handed her a bow. And sets it down. She sees Sumi identify whom they are to chase and swiftly follows.


Her axe strapped to her back she sprinted past lucious waving for the masked man to follow.

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Sumi jogs up the rise and off the track to the right of the nearby Black Brush Station, giving the large ants more than a good wide birth. Stopping at the top she peeked around the rocks and waited for the others.


She could see her prey heading towards the small settlement of tents huddled close to a rock outcrop. She pointed him out as the others arrived.


"See that is one who hear me talking of Dream Weed. See he go here to warn and get help to come deal with me. Only we follow, we not wait. Though they look like many, so best we not run in attacking I think."



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Khorchi is the first to run up beside her. She readies her axe. Her hands trembling holding it not from fear of the enemy but of what she will do to them.


Her mind raced with thoughts of her day with Mata and violence she had caused.

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Lucious catches up stopping next to sumi he looks down at the tents that she pointed out. 


He stands up taking a deep breath ready for battle as he exhales a green glow shined through the left hole of his mask and a blue glow from the right side. 


He looks over to sumi the glow from his mask pulses. He looks back to the tents waiting for the next move.

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Sumi watched the camp and then observer hew companions seeming to get themselves ready to rush in.


"No, we wait.. we watch and see. Not run into dragon's mouth when he has blind eye on one side. Come, let's find place to hide and learn."


She looked up the hill at the various rocks for some likely cover, "I think up there will be good? You think?"


She points to a sprawl of rocks and boulders that are overgrown with bushes.

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Sumi couches down where there is cover for the trio, sparing the occasional peek at the camp.


"I say we wait and see how they react. Person we follow heard me talking at tavern about doing bad things to people who sell dream weed. Also maybe there other way into camp that running straight at it, especially if they expecting us?


She pulls some spiced bear jerky from her cleavage, "Anyone want? It nice? Also time to talk about what we do.. I am friends with spirits, can call for help with protecting and mending hurts, or also doing nasty things to enemy. Khorchi has axe so that probably good enough, you.." she points at Lucious, ".. said something about elements? What that mean, like fire and water?"

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Khorchi nods to Sumi but doesnt take any jerky and holds her axe.


Shes not sure what spirits she speaks of but none the less trusts she can fight.


She looks to the masked man then back at the camp watching them unsure of what they must do.

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