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Not from round here [RP Open/Apply]


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Lucious looks over to Sumi, " My power derives from the earth and water, I am a pacifist I merely tend to the wounded using natural remedies, and rejuvenate the bodies back to peak performance." 


He points to the pouches around his hip, "The one on my left is full of the purest soil intended to heal outer wounds, the one on my right has the cleanest water conjured up from the deepest waters to heal internal wounds." 


Shrugging he says, " I have yet to encounter a problem where my words have failed and if anything, I always have a warmonger ready to do battle for me. But at this time he is away."

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Sumi listens translating what is said into pictures in her head, and formulating where she can play a role. Once decided she nods, "Then I will bring the spirits of the wind, to battle out foes should that become necessary." Her stern determined look implies that she thinks it will be necessary.


"So Khorchi, you are at front with that axe, try to engage any with weapons, I will be going for any that feel like standing back with bows or spells, well me and the air will harry them. Lucious you just.. do what you can and keep us from getting all chopped up." She nods with satisfaction as if the plan is good then relaxes against the rock, "Now we wait."

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Khorchi nods to Sumi her axe ready as she sat patiently waiting.


The plan made sense and she felt she could trust Sumi with this but something at the back of her mind kept bothering her..


she wrote "You wont leave me will you? Mata left me I dont want to do that again. I had to fight my way out I didnt like it."

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Lucious nods to Sumi, turning to Khorchi he places a hand on her shoulder,


 "Nothing to worry about miss, I have done this many a times. No one will be left and no one will be killed." 


He looks back down at the camp, his body laying on the ground peering over the edge of the hill. His arms crossed with his head laying on top.

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Sumi shuffles getting comfortable on the hard ground.


"I know why I do this, to stop these folks causing mystery to my people. When I come to this land I was thrown into refugee camp, and it was not a nice place and it is folks like these who get fat on their misery. But I am little curious why you two do this? Is it for Gil that we take from them or more?"


She lets her fingers play in the dusty ground making patters, "Don't have to answer, just .. we have a time to wait I think."

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Khorchi looks to Sumi and smiles and writes "They are hurting people I do this for free only to see them stop."


she tensed up when the man touched her shoulder tightening her hand on her axe.


Khorchi went back to watching the camp

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In the camp there is some disturbance and people starting to stirr and act alert. 


There appears to be a cave on the back side if the camp that is guarded.


To the right of the camp is a stream the cuts out of the cliff, possibly another way in but this does not appear to be garded.

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After a short while there is some commotion coming from the camp as a group of about a dozen folks all with mismatched armour and assorted weapons leave and head off in the direction of the tavern the three had met in.


Sumi peeks over the rocks watching them go. Then turns back to the others watching them to see what their reaction and views are.


"Camp is open, we make move now?"



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Lucious observed the situation. He looked over to sumi, "I believe you are correct. We should go before the situation is no longer in our favor." 


He moves to a crouching position resting his arm on one knee. Looking back at the camp he waits for the others input.

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Sumi nods and remains sitting, holding out her hand she conjures a small flame within her palm. Then she speaks as if to someone here but at the same time elsewhere.


"Spirit of fire heed may call. Bound to me though my ancestors I summon you to service in accordance with the ancient bindings. Come do my bidding and honour our pact."


There is a silence, and just when it was about to be clear nothing would happen an spirit of fire appears in the air focused on Sumi.


"We take no chances, ask questions later. Destroy dream weed and take gil. With eyes open, passion in our hearts, we will not loose. Uukhai!" 


With that she stands pulling out an old book of what seems to be animal skins with scribblings on. She leaps over the rocks to run down the hill her fire spirit in pursuit, and magic forming in her hands.

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