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Trying to re-wet feet

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So, I know I've been back and forth in this area. Over the last several months I've tried very hard to get back into RPing, and I keep hitting certain walls, people with drama, etc. etc.


So I shied back away from it pretty harshly. But, my character is just about 50 (supposed to be my main but I neglected him a little on accident in favor of doing 3.0 in frilly things only available to the ladies on an alt. I digress.)


I'd love for him to start meeting people again, and getting back into RP.


His name is E'irawen and you can find his profile in my signature. At the moment, he honestly has no real story/direction, so I'm very flexible. 


My only note is that aether sight is involved with him, and done so in a lore compliant way. But, I know the idea still doesn't seem to settle with some people regardless, so I thought I'd include this as a heads up.  (This is OOC knowledge as he does not know it is what he is experiencing, and is keeping it from everyone he knows. He is not fully blind from it yet, but his eyesight is deteriorating.)


Feel free to reply, message me here, or message me in-game (E'irawen Demiir), or even message me on tumblr. My URL is Balladsrest

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