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Hotheaded troublemaker looking for connections

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Hello everyone! I recently came back to FFXIV after a few months break. I am currently focusing on leveling my jobs but on sometimes I really enjoy to just have some quality RP.. But for some reason I dont feel like FFXIV has a very friendly RP curve. I dont know how to pinpoint it... Its hard to get into.. I walk into the walking sands tavern... And its crowded... The place is either filled with ERPERS or married couples. 


                                              Who is my character?



I have yet to make a proper backstory for my characters. Only so far my main character Kalavai Stavis is a what hyur (human) male i'd like to call a ''hothead''. He's a young, charming male who has alot of personal issues that troubles him (things I have yet worked out what they are). He hides himself behind a facade of superficial behaviour and brawling.. 


Kalavai often has a dirty face along with several bruises from previous fights. He works for bad people and often gets into fights, perhaps to escape his problems. He isnt afraid to pick a fight even if the opponents are 3 and two times his size... Granted this often leads to him being severely beat up. 



                                            Roleplaying experience?



I am 20 years old and i've roleplayed for 5 years. I woud like to consider myself an above average roleplayer. I have learned many things since I started roleplaying. For example I do not like roleplayers who tries to make their characters look like a badass, who picks fight they are unwilling to lose and simply wants to look amazing. Kalavai has no super powers, he is not a extremely perfect combatant. He is a charming lad who doesnt know when to stand down and often earns himself a good beating.


                                             What am I looking for?



Im looking for experienced roleplayers who are interested in character developments. Preferably someone who is in a position to grow bonds with him. Female or male doesnt really matter. Though considering kalavai's personality, its more natural he'd approach a female. I dont really care much what gender your character is. As long as my character seems interesting to you and you have an interest in getting to know him.



                                            So what am I offering?



I dont particularly find random/tavern roleplay interesting as its often very one sided... During my years of roleplaying I've found out that the best way to start roleplay with an individual/individuals is to create scenarios (private ones) and roleplay using NPC's, making it sort of story-driven. I have many scenarios in mind. I prefer these scenarios as they allow very unrestricted roleplay and a good start for two to meet. 


If you're interested please add Kalavai Stavis in-game or leave a comment below!




If you have any questions, i'd be more than happy to answer them.

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I've seen you in the Quicksand a few times. You might want to try some rp with my character Callisto Harvey. She's a bit of a hothead fighter too, despite often losing fights.


I'm still new to RP, so tavern situations are getting me used to it. But if you're interested in any type then get in touch, or just walk up. It could be interesting!

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Click that Grindstone link in my signature. Please!

Not really my cup of tea. As stated above, im looking more for some bonding between characters.. Not some sort of combat tournament. Thank you for your reply, but it not really what I was looking for ^^

I've seen you in the Quicksand a few times. You might want to try some rp with my character Callisto Harvey. She's a bit of a hothead fighter too, despite often losing fights.


I'm still new to RP, so tavern situations are getting me used to it. But if you're interested in any type then get in touch, or just walk up. It could be interesting!

I will if I see you. Though tavern rp is a bit... overwhelming for me at the moment. And as my post says.. I find most of the people there very one sided. I prefer story-telling and a real scenario other than buying someone a drink and have the typical : ''Who are you?'' chat. Dont get me wrong, I dont mind chit-chat.. Just not a big fan of ''tavern roleplay''. I mostly go there because I have no guild yet and my contacts are mostly online when im going to bed. 


If im in the tavern I might walk-up.. Though I dont really do that too much... Im looking more for a story-driven scenario. One where both would agree that its to their interests.. Its like making an event. Makes it more fun for both parties to develop their character.

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 I prefer story-telling and a real scenario other than buying someone a drink and have the typical : ''Who are you?'' chat. Dont get me wrong, I dont mind chit-chat.. Just not a big fan of ''tavern roleplay''. 


I might be confused; I think what you're trying to say is you're not a fan of meetups and story beginnings in the tavern setting?


Because dismissing tavern roleplay as mindless chatter that goes nowhere is a mistake I see people make all the time. "Tavern roleplay" isn't just grab a beer and talk about your day. It's a setting with as many possibilities as any other.

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Click that Grindstone link in my signature. Please!


 I prefer story-telling and a real scenario other than buying someone a drink and have the typical : ''Who are you?'' chat. Dont get me wrong, I dont mind chit-chat.. Just not a big fan of ''tavern roleplay''. 


I might be confused; I think what you're trying to say is you're not a fan of meetups and story beginnings in the tavern setting?


Because dismissing tavern roleplay as mindless chatter that goes nowhere is a mistake I see people make all the time. "Tavern roleplay" isn't just grab a beer and talk about your day. It's a setting with as many possibilities as any other.



No, im fine with roleplaying in a tavern.. What im trying to say is I prefer making scenarios.. Aka writing scenarios. For example going to a less populated spot. Basically its like being a DM for an event. Pretend we're instanced. An example is said person (you or anyone else) goes to a bar. Say you're a female.. Four brutes walks up to do the typical ''pick-up'', they are touchy and your characters tells them to stop.. Brutes refuses to stop and perhaps ends up saying something or even groping your character, kalavai being a hothead and a stubborn idiot walks in and punches the guy. Etc etc. Kalavai would get beaten up since he's outmatched.. And thrown outside the inn.. Perhaps thats how they meet... 


Basically I like to write interesting scenarios for people that encourages character development! :)

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*Reads the post and slowly pulls the Wayfarer's Rest sign below her make believe thought table and coughs*


Well, I won't try to pitch our tavern to you, lol. Though I wanted to comment because I love the players who are willing to make DnD style plots. One of our main focuses that we have yet to achieve is making many different jobs or scenarios that our members can take on as groups to either provide actions, silliness, drama, or just something to get people to know each other; all of which grow and progress a character. I think people don't always understand that every action grows a character in some way. Even a tavern full of goofs can soften the heart of a cold, sad person after so many interactions. We rub off on each other ICly just as people influence others in RL. I love it. If anything, this is a post of support for the OP. Someone give this guy a story!


If you ever want to give taverns a chance, visit us someday. We are slowly growing but everyone who joins joins knowing everyone. No cliches, no judging, just Roleplay. We're like if Cheers and Fairy Tail had a baby, a really weird animated baby with bad jokes. And you don't have to join our FC to visit and partake in the RP. We are on from 7-10 central time on most nights, but as of late things have been a bit slower with the new patch. I will be available on Rini on most nights so feel free to message me.


Take care!

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I can throw Ashe or Zeph at you.

Zeph's wiki isn't done but he's a rogue in the Rogue's Guild who is whimsical and likes to push people's buttons but is all serious business when there is serious business to be had.

Ashe has a wiki that is mostly up-to-date that you can poke through.

He's also hotheaded haha...

Sorry I don't have any female characters to throw at you as my Xaela failed miserably and still leveling my Raen who will be a Ninja. 

So yeah....

Fun stuff!

I am not for tavern RP. My FC and I are all about character development and dangerous, IC expeditions so it's all development and crazy plots all the time!! 


(If you're in the market for an FC too xPP http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=11667)


I'm bad about checking RPC threads but send me a tell in game and we can plot, kick butt, go on an adventure, etc. etc. etc.

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You can shoot me a message if you'd like another person to RP with! Mhaya's a little hotheaded in her own right. Aside that, she runs a Bi-weekly card tournament and can sometimes be found travelling and fighting monsters. I'm always looking for more people interested in story-driven RP.

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