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[Balmung] Seeking Romantic/Friendship RP Connections

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Hi there everyone ^.^ friends suggested I try this site as my kitten doesn't venture outside much at times due to his work.


Sasha is a kind and gentle soul, he has a large build and carries himself with great confidence, usually.  But currently he helps maintain and attends a spa in the Goblet along with his long time friend and confidant.  Sasha is very open and outgoing with pretty much anyone he meets.  He loves to spar, cook, sing and play the piano. Though on occasion he has also been known to dance and is quite good at it. He is an ex assassin that went away to find peace after his mentor killed his wife and tried to kill his best friend.  Recently returning a few months ago he moved into a relationship that admittedly went to fast for him and it ended up leaving Sasha with a shattered heart.


So recently he went through a pretty bad break up and is just now picking up the pieces to move forward, some friends of his suggested he try dating, he's not too keen on the idea but he's not totally against it either so he's taking it one step at a time.  Sasha really just wants to get out and meet people that he didn't meet through his ex and make friends that he could go visit and chat with and branch out in rp areas. 


His interest romantically is in males, as he made a promise to his wife she was the only woman for him, but for friends he wouldn't mind meeting anyone. 


PST me for a link up or poke me ig please ^.^ Hope to meet some new faces soon!

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While I can't provide a romantic interest (on the account of being female, and taken) - I can certainly open you up to some progressive RP and possibly help give you some connections to go off! Reach out to [Noa Lanbatal] in game, or anyone from and we'll certainly help create some friends and connections that could lead you to what you seek!

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While I can't provide a romantic interest (on the account of being female, and taken) - I can certainly open you up to some progressive RP and possibly help give you some connections to go off! Reach out to [Noa Lanbatal] in game, or anyone from and we'll certainly help create some friends and connections that could lead you to what you seek!

Replied to in game ^.^ ty for the reply here!

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