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Hello and a few questions!

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Hey there! 


A best friend and I are hoping to make the move over to FFXIV here in the next few days, and are looking forward to getting involved in the community here, making new contacts and hopefully even finding an RP free company! We're both pretty much new to the RP community here- I played for a month back in 2013 just to explore the game world but never really interacted with anyone. So! That changes right now. 


I've been RP'ing for the last 13 years across a good number of games- NeverWinter Nights, Guild Wars, World of WarCraft, Guild Wars 2, WildStar and a few other games here and there. Generally I've stuck to RP in the realm of lawful neutral to lawful evil characters- though I'm not quite settled on what I'm doing here yet. About all I know is that I'll probably end up as a Miqo'te! 


But, on to the important questions--


One major question I have though is in regards to the Balmung server. Currently, I have a character there already which I'm going to repurpose for RP, but my friend is totally new to the game and hasn't been able to create a character on Balmung. After extensive Google'ing, it sounds like server transfers are the only way to get onto Balmung as of 4 months ago. However, the S-E page for server transfers says that server transfers won't work for going to a character-locked server. Is this true? Or do server transfers to Balmung still work?


I understand the Quicksand adventurer tavern is a major RP hotspot. Are there any others that I should be on the lookout for?


Thanks very much, and I'm looking forward to getting to meet y'all! :cactuar:

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One major question I have though is in regards to the Balmung server. Currently, I have a character there already which I'm going to repurpose for RP, but my friend is totally new to the game and hasn't been able to create a character on Balmung. After extensive Google'ing, it sounds like server transfers are the only way to get onto Balmung as of 4 months ago. However, the S-E page for server transfers says that server transfers won't work for going to a character-locked server. Is this true? Or do server transfers to Balmung still work?


I understand the Quicksand adventurer tavern is a major RP hotspot. Are there any others that I should be on the lookout for?


Greetings to you, and welcome back to FFXIV.


Server Transfers are sadly the only way to get on Balmung or waiting for that right moment before/after maintenance. Unless they changed something, you should be able to transfer in still, or at least this was true prior to 3.1 when I transferred my alts to Balmung from another server. It never hurts to check if it's possible and it doesn't cost anything, but time, to see if you can. Unless of course you can and then go through with it, but that's a different story. lol.


The major hub is the Quicksand, the other adventurer guilds in Limsa and Gridania do have people in them from time to time but they're not as active as the Quicksand. The even more rare place to see RP is The Forgotten Knight, a bar in Ishgard. Other then that, you'll find people RP'ing just about everywhere. Even though it's not always in public view. (I'm looking at you Hermit's Hovel.)


Hope this helps answer your questions and once again, welcome back. :moogle:

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Hi there and welcome to the RPC!


As answered above, you should still be able to server transfer to Balmung, even though the website says otherwise. (Unless SE really did change something, but it's unlikely).


If Your friend is the person who likes to have alt characters, or multiple characters, I'd HIGHLY RECOMMEND transferring some placeholders in all at once. When you pay the $18 for a transfer, you can transfer as many characters (and slots) as available in one go, as long as the characters are all going from one server, to another server (together). $18 doesn't seem as bad if say, you're getting 3-8 characters on, as opposed to 1.


For the most part, the Quicksand is probably the single biggest tavern, but there are a bunch of other ones around. Most "town"-ish settlements have a pub or tavern as well, which are used on occasion. There are also usually a pretty good picking of open-world events that take place just about everywhere else.


If you've got any questions about the RPC or its resources, ask away!

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Wow, thanks y'all! Some really great answers here! :lol:


One more question for now, at least- this one is much more minor but as I'm planning out my character, it popped into my head.


How do most people handle the time of day in-game? I noticed there's a game world clock, a server clock, and a real world clock. The night-day cycle is pretty striking and even city music changes depending on what time it is. Do people RP according to the time of day in the game world, or is it more by the server / real world clock? Or does it mostly just get ignored?

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Wow, thanks y'all! Some really great answers here! :lol:


One more question for now, at least- this one is much more minor but as I'm planning out my character, it popped into my head.


How do most people handle the time of day in-game? I noticed there's a game world clock, a server clock, and a real world clock. The night-day cycle is pretty striking and even city music changes depending on what time it is. Do people RP according to the time of day in the game world, or is it more by the server / real world clock? Or does it mostly just get ignored?


Depends on who you're RPing with! and their timezones, sometimes.


An in-game day is pretty short. But that's also because a variety of in-game mechniacs are adjusted by day/weather (like fishing).


For the most part, I kinda plan out my RP a little bit. So I might start a RP scene saying "it's the morning" or "it's the evening" or "Franz was having lunch" to give a vague time of day. But I've RPed with people who have a 12 hour difference than me (literally the other side of the world). ...the in-game day would be too short, and what might be "night" for me, could be someone else's morning.


But sometimes, these things are taken into account. Maybe I want a scene with a sunset, or rain, or some other aspect of the environment changing. When I get into a RP groove, it can go on for hours, IRL. So for me, the time/weather setting gets ignored unless I need it to be a certain way.

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Indeed. Oftentimes, when people FIRST start an RP, the in-game weather is taken into account for the start of it. Sometimes even the time of day. But a good 'neutral' thing to say is often just 'it is daytime' if you're emoting alone, trying to get someone to notice you.


Very rarely will anyone get upset with you at any point for times of day or the like, and if you're playing with a buddy, or discussing things with them in tells, you can easily just bring up ''what time of day would this be?" casually.

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