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Just wanted to be heard.


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This is being posted here because I know the RP community reads each others' lodestone blogs and because I wanted my thoughts and opinions noted where they were continually deleted. Is this post any less petty? Probably not, but when I'm branded as being immature, a bully, and paranoid I felt I had some right to do something to stand up against such a baseless attack.



I was made aware a few days ago that a search of my name on the lodestone page spurned the following blog entry, recently written by Aveline: http://lodestone.finalfantasyxiv.com/rc/diary/entry?e=434787#comments












I'll let everyone draw their own conclusions.


But here's mine:




(Spoke with Kylin and got the OK to post this on a forum that would not arbitrarily delete my thoughts. However this thread will be locked by a moderator if things get ugly, but as the title indicates I wanted to be heard.)

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From an un-biased point of view, the hypocrisy is palpable, to say the least. I don't see anything wrong with either of your posts. Being quoted out of context like that isn't fair by any means and she was in the wrong. Both deleting your post and having the nerve to call you immature is honestly just kind of laughable. I mean, I got a chuckle out of it. I don't know who they think they're kidding. What is this, grade school? Adults don't behave that way. I don't think I need to candy coat that statement because any mature, respectable person would agree with that.


I think the best advice I'd have on the situation would be to ignore it. Word travels quickly if you act out of line, and I've heard plenty of stories over the years about many people. Everyone's a gossip. Suffice it to say, people easily make names for themselves. I'm sure I'm no exception. (Yes, I've heard the elitist endgame braggart comments~)


I can't for the life of me find it right now, but I actually read a really interesting study recently that's somewhat relevant to the situation at hand. It was a study on how members of social circles can have an underlying tendency to defend the actions of their peers, even if those actions go against their morals or beliefs. People allow them to subconsciously be skewed for the sake of retaining their friendships and circles. Those actions are obviously on a small enough scale, though.


Naturally, the article does a better job of explaining it than I can, but I think it's incredibly relevant in this community. I'll definitely throw up a link if I can find it again.


Seems like people will root themselves in their social circles and defend them endlessly for the most part. I think the largest issue is the size of our community, and that will be remedied with the release of ARR. When more people flood into the community, the bad apples will both make a name for themselves and not have as much of an impact due to the increase in numbers. People can throw all the tantrums they want, but it's only going to make others look at them like they're an idiot and they'll only further alienate themselves.

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Just as a quick note of clarification, there really is no "they". My initial grievance isn't with the linkshell but rather with my character's name being used in that fashion by that individual, and me being quoted out of context as such. As it stands, I am on friendly terms with a small handful of people who belong to that linkshell and it really isn't my intent to burn those bridges over an apparent disagreement with its leader. As stated in the initial reply I have a lot of fond memories from my time with TALE and have always considered myself on friendly terms with many of its members.


What you said is interesting though Merri, and I appreciate your feedback. If you happen to find that study I would certainly be interested to read it.

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I figure I should also clarify that everything past the first paragraph of my post wasn't really directed anywhere in specific, rather the community as a whole. That's kind of an important bit. Wasn't directed at anyone. Figured I'd just take the opportunity to actually voice my opinion on everything that's going on. Your situation just sort of fell into the whole mess of issues I see popping up everywhere these days. Didn't mean to derail anything.


I think most people are aware that there's rifts in our community, and those rifts are unfortunately backed by their respective circles. As you've stated though, there's always going to be exceptions.


Either way. Here's hoping ARR will drown out those rifts.

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This is not the first time she has done this (specifically, too--quoting someone without asking them first, as well as using their words out of context to support her or her LS in some way), and won't be the last. I'm sorry that she did that, Eva. I understand why you felt the need to post this here.

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I suppose it goes without saying that I feel stuck in the middle of these rifts that Endemerrin mentioned, and I really am not 100% sure what to believe.


Frankly, I'm sick of it. Sick of the BS I've seen coming from so many directions in the past month - as well as the past two years - to the point where I just want it to stop, so I can actually enjoy some decent roleplay with people who don't judge each other unnecessarily.


I, for one, am hopeful that A Realm Reborn will bring with it a tide that washes out the incessant noise, drama, and suchlike from the community at large.

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As stated, your namesake is everything, and word spreads fast. While it's probably better to let things go, I'm in favor for Eva, because quite frankly if someone has your namesake, they can run with it and spread it as they will. Unfortunately, this hapens whether or not you defend yourself, but I can at least sympathize with trying to take an active role in ensuring your voice and perspective is at least heard and known.


But then, like NKato...


I just...I just want to RP!

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I just want my name removed from the post. It's unfair that something so petty has to come up when a lodestone search is conducted on my name. I've already asked her directly and that request got deleted (see above). Is there any way to report this?

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I just want my name removed from the post. It's unfair that something so petty has to come up when a lodestone search is conducted on my name. I've already asked her directly and that request got deleted (see above). Is there any way to report this?


As I learned when a member of Everwatch was spreading actual lies about me via the blogs, no, there is no way to report them, sweetie. I recall at that time, the leaders of Everwatch shrugged and said they supported free speech and encouraged blogs of all kinds.


Now. Since you seem to have changed your minds about free speech, as I said in my personal blog in response to you, I will delete all evidence of quote attribution from my post as soon as you delete this hilarious echo chamber of a thread.

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This post was created before you posted anything in your blog stating you would remove it, while Eva asked you repeatedly. This thread would not have been created if you would have obliged in the first place, instead of ignoring and merely deleting her posts, then your own.


It's simple really, there is no winner or loser in this. Just delete your post on the Lodestone, which should not have been made in the first place, and Eva will remove this thread.

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Hi D, nice to meet you?


Anyway, it is very simple, yes! I can still post in this thread, though. Which means it hasn't been deleted. So as soon as someone figures out how to hit delete on this public troll thread, I will be happy to delete Eva's name from my personal blog post.

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You are the one making this in to a drama fest, everyone else has agreed with Eva on this.

You posted first, and instigated. You remove it first, and Eva will gladly remove this thread. Anyone can see how that is the fair way to go.


Just do it and end all this crap, the rest of us are tired of the drama being created.

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Listen Sugarplum, it doesn't work like that.


Cause and effect.


You posted your exaggerations first, before I posted the above truths. I asked you to remove it before this thread was even created and you didn't.


Now you demand that I delete this thread and you'll suddenly comply and do the right thing?


If you delete that blog - than I'll consider withdrawing this very objectively-written RPC post. If you want to insist upon leaving it, than I'm content to leave things as they are and move on with my life and enjoy the last week+ of RP in the game. This doesn't faze me much, I just felt it was in poor taste. But it's wrong of you to make it out like I somehow started this. You know very well that putting my name in your blog out of context in such a manner in order to, I don't even know, bolster your LS? Bolster your own ego? Whatever the reason, it was wrong. And while it's an assumption, given the past I think you know it was wrong and chose to do it anyway. It sounds to me like you're just upset that I called you out on it.


Whatever the case, I'm over it. If you delete the blog I'll lock this thread and we can get on with our lives. If you leave the blog, I'll get over it and move on with my life. I think most everyone that I care about that may have misconstrued your message as some sort of indication that I actually still had some iota of respect for you now realizes that's simply not true, and I suppose has a pretty grounded understanding of why. So the thread served its purpose as far as I'm concerned.


The fact remains I wish it didn't have to be made in the first place.



For everyone that's had to endure this or simply doesn't care, I'm sorry. Here's some fun-shaped cookies for putting up with it. :D


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As I have stated a few times now, the point of the quote was to highlight positive dialog. It was a comment that genuinely made me smile at the time, and now & then since. I'm sorry if you were offended by someone attributing you to saying something nice once. And again, I'm still unclear as to how posting a positive expression on my blog is somehow drama, but I would appreciate it if you and your friends would stop harassing me about it. If you don't want to delete this thread, that's fine, but I'm going to stand my ground in this Eva. I won't be bullied by you and your friends.







Reason for edit: Typo correction. Changed attributed to attributing.

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Look, I don't know you, Aveline, and after what's been going on recently, I don't care to. But if someone requested nicely for you to take the blog down, then there's no real objective reason to not comply. But because of your apparent inability to take down the blog, thus ending the drama, clearly, you have some other motive as to keeping it up; do you not? If you really cared about there being "anti-drama spray handed out with every pearl," you'd do best to follow your own ideals and delete your blog.

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Ah, unfortunately Eva did not ask very nicely. He said he "didn't expect" me to "comply" with his request, and padded out the post with insults. I'm also not the creator of this thread. If there was truly a wish not to have any drama, Eva could have PMed me here, or IMed me, or emailed me, etc. Instead, he chose to make a public thread on a small community forum he moderates (not the Lodestone, curiously enough), and when he didn't get his way immediately he tried to pin the drama on me. I think I've seen enough here to know that once again, this was not meant to be a civil thread, but one more attempt to harass me. How does the saying go? "Don't feed the trolls?" I think I've given the OP enough food for the day. :)

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Gerick that was actually the 2nd request, after Eva made no attempt to contact me privately and instead made a dramatic thread here about it. And, as you can see in that screenshot, I'm happy to comply with Eva's (nice and respectful) request, as soon as he deletes this thread. But unfortunately he would prefer this thread stay up. So I will continue to attribute him in my blog post to saying something nice about me once. :) The horror!

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How many times does someone have to state to remove it for you to do so? Is there an allotted amount of times before you will?


Come on now.


I count once on the Lodestone, her second posted comment viewable in OP.

I count second, after she REPOSTED it because you deleted her comment.

And now a third time here, on the RPC, where you cannot delete her posts.

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Regardless of whether the request was made in private or public, you should have complied at the first reply because of the indication that Eva was displeased at having it posted in your blog. Now, if you'll look at the dates here....




Eva didn't post this thread until YESTERDAY after numerous attempts to try to get you to take the blog down, whereas you posted this blog on the 19th, and Eva posted that she didn't like having you use her namesake on a quote.

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From xkcd, for relevence (because I created a "dramatic thread"):





She's already stated that she's going to stand her ground and not remove it despite my requests. She can keep it up and she can keep trying to convince everyone that her reasons for posting it in the first place are fact. I believe otherwise. I really don't have anything further to contribute to this thread so I'm going to get back to work now. Both blog/thread will stand and life may finally go on now.


Again, sorry for inconveniencing everyone~ Looking forward to RP over the next week-and-a-half!! :cheer:


Also OP of this thread is a 'she', not at 'he'. At least, the last time I checked. :lol:

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My take on this?


Both sides need to chill out. I don't care who's at fault right now.


Both of you move forward, and treat each other with respect. If I see any more of this drama - or for that matter, any drama rooted in issues from FFXIV 1.0 - in A Realm Reborn, I'm reporting any parties involved in said drama to Square-Enix.


*walks back into his house and slams the door shut*

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Last Updated: 8/16/2011


10.8 User Disputes. You shall be solely responsible for resolving any and all disputes that may arise between you and other Users in connection with the Game, and for paying any and all expenses incurred by you in connection with resolving such dispute. SQUARE ENIX shall not be responsible for mediating or resolving any such disputes and shall have no liability to you or to any third party for any costs, fees, expenses, damages or other losses incurred in connection with or as a result of any such disputes.




Just sayin'.

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Last Updated: 8/16/2011


10.8 User Disputes. You shall be solely responsible for resolving any and all disputes that may arise between you and other Users in connection with the Game, and for paying any and all expenses incurred by you in connection with resolving such dispute. SQUARE ENIX shall not be responsible for mediating or resolving any such disputes and shall have no liability to you or to any third party for any costs, fees, expenses, damages or other losses incurred in connection with or as a result of any such disputes.




Just sayin'.


*sits with a cup of freshly brewed coffee in front of him* Yeah, thanks for pointing that out. Still, I've seen Square-Enix clamp down on harassment and misbehavior in Final Fantasy XIV and XI in the past. I'm just saying that if a problem gets bad enough, Square could get involved.


Besides, you seem to have missed the point of my statement...oh well, I'm not gonna bother spelling it out right now, because I've got math class in an hour. Waking up in the morning and seeing that this issue is still alive, doesn't exactly make me a happy cat.


Edit: It also seems that the User Disputes section is related to commodities and accounts, not community issues.

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