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Elezen, Honor and the Houses of Ishgard

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So I'm finalizing my character's backstory..but I need a little more to go on. And I think this is a good place to get that info from the lore gurus!


I know that Ishgard has 4 main houses basically holding political power. But is it possible there are.. or ever have been.. more houses? Sort of minor houses, or upstarts. Would the 4 houses allow such a thing?


I know honor is important for Elezen, and that extends past Ishgard, right? The Duskwright and Wildwood Elezen would hold the same values, wouldn't they?


Thank you for your assistance in my seeming random questions!

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I know that Ishgard has 4 main houses basically holding political power. But is it possible there are.. or ever have been.. more houses? Sort of minor houses, or upstarts. Would the 4 houses allow such a thing?


Yes, actually. The main four are Ishgard's High Houses, nobles who can trace their ancestry back to the surviving Knights Twelve who defeated Nidhogg at Haldrath's side. But there are many, many "lesser" noble houses in Ishgard. A list of those we've seen so far in game can be found at the bottom of this post. These other Houses are still considered nobility in Ishgard, but lack the power and position of the four High Houses. More lore about the Ishgardian houses can be found below:


-Ishgardian High Houses Lore Compilation

-Ishgardian Class/Political Structure



I know honor is important for Elezen, and that extends past Ishgard, right? The Duskwright and Wildwood Elezen would hold the same values, wouldn't they?


The Elezen are often described as being a proud race. More lore about the Elezen, Duskwight and Wildwood, can be found in the link below:


-Eorzean Racial Lore Compilation



Hope this helps! ^^ Lemme know if you have more questions!

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I can be wrong of course, but from what I have seen of the gridanian elezen (they are many), they seem very different on the honour part than their Ishgard kin. They don't seem to care very much about it, but pride, as said above, is what truly defines both, Ishgard and Gridanians alike to my eyes. 


I think honour and code of conducts and chivalry and all those things are societal constructs that stem from Ishgard society, while pragmatism and no-nonsense are defining traits of the ones living in the Twelveswood.


Pride, though, seems to me to be central to the bloodline. They appear haughty and mannered, no matter where they are.

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