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Hello! Opinions please!


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Well, first off I suppose I should introduce myself~ But, I'm not sure what you can call me yet, since I haven't settled on a character to RP! More on that later. For the time being just Ivory or Raven is fine. 


I'm not really new to FFXIV, as I started playing back before ARR, but didn't stick around (at least I picked Balmung, which means I haven't had to tangle with getting-on-the-right-server-ness). Since then I've been on-again-off-again until around last month, when I picked up the Final Fantasy baton again and stuck with it. Prior to that I was a proud FFXI player for many years, and have dabbled in most everything else, roleplayed here and there since my teenage years, and so forth. 


And, along with sticking around ingame, I decided it was past time that I tried to involve myself socially a bit more than I have been (shy and soloplayer-ish). So here I am! 


That being said, I'm a little torn, and I hope you folks can offer me some opinions of your own to help me decide!


I'm trying to decide between two sorts of characters, a male Au Ra and a female Duskwight Elezen -- aesthetically, that is. The characters' IC concepts work for either, and are somewhat independent of what they look like. So I'm curious, as someone who hasn't been involved in the community up to this point, which it is that you folks find more pleasing or unique to the eye. I realize aesthetics are entirely subjective, but I like hearing opinions, and I really am stumped. If there's differences in each 'racial' RP community too, do let me know -- that's something I know basically nothing about (if Au Ra only RP with other Au Ra, etc etc).


Here's my first draft of each --


Male Au Ra (Xaela)






(I will admit there are a lot of male Au Ra running around, though -- I don't know if that's good or bad!)


Female Elezen Duskwight 1







Female Elezen Duskwight 2







(I'll also concede I like the way the game armor fits an Elezen a bit better than a male Au Ra -- the latter always feels a bit...stretched, to me. I'm really torn on skin tone here; I do like the lavender-ish look of the first on a more human-ish skin tone, but the second feels more 'true' to a Duskwight)


I acknowledge the last two as similar, but they use different faces, so sadly it's not a simple matter of visiting the aesthetician and changing if I got cold feet. And I'd prefer not to have to buy even more vials of Fantasia!


Thanks for your input! Once I've settled on a character, then I'll make a wiki and start actively seeking connections. For the moment, my current character wasn't really created with RP in mind, so there's a Fantasia in my future no matter what, haha.

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Both Femezen look good, but I am definitely more partial towards the second one! I love dark-haired Duskwights. Either way though, you've got something good.


I vote LOSE THE AU RA because there are never enough Elezen, in my oh-so-humble opinion.

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Parrot. I think the first Elezen's complexion is a bit more Wildwood-looking to me, although I'm sure there are definitely more peach-toned Duskies!


I really like the ashen skin tone of the second Duskwight. :)


I also vote lose the Au Ra!

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Haha, thank you all for your input! Since you all agree, that makes it easier for me to decide too. <3


I'll Fantasia her up sometime today and post a picture or two of the final version (as she'll have armor beyond the default then) just to make sure she turned out well. 


Duskwight it is~

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Haha, thank you all for your input! Since you all agree, that makes it easier for me to decide too. <3


I'll Fantasia her up sometime today and post a picture or two of the final version (as she'll have armor beyond the default then) just to make sure she turned out well. 


Duskwight it is~


You should of went Au Ra just to troll all of us:thumbsup:

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I would have had to murder you if you picked the hair colour in the first Elezen choice, it is too close to -mine-. 


That said though, the lighter skin can be interesting for some RP dynamic, depending on how you want to play it. In most places (Ishgard aside, but for no shortage of other prejudices,) the two Elezen clans are typically at contention with each other. In Gridania especially, you see a lot of racism directed towards Duskwight for often being unsavoury and being unknown, with their resistance and aversion to larger settlements. With lighter skin, one could use that to their advantage in blending in, or even just resent it.


That said, I kind wish I saw more tension played out between the two clans in RP. I can understand why it's a bit touchy to deal with, though.

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Whelp, thanks to all your suggestions, she's now all done! Here's Vivienne as she looks in-game (namely, with armor this time)






I also might try the 'battle-dreads' look when working on my melee classes (plus I get a distinctly Kerrigan vibe from them, so there's that too). Thankfully just a quick trip to the aesthetician!








Now I'll get to work on a wiki entry. Thanks everyone for helping me pick a look! 

Hopefully I'll get to roleplay with you all soon, too~

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