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Adopted Keeper looking for various connections~

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Hello, everyone!


I’ve been in this game for a while, but I’ve never really gotten off my butt and seriously sought out specific kinds of contacts to further my character’s story. FFXIV offers a unique stage for roleplay, and I find it would be a shame to not take advantage of that. I hope to find some cool people here to be friends with, both IC and OOC.


A little about Naja: She’s a Keeper miqo’te, adopted by a hyur couple. She’s a Lominsian through and through due to where she grew up, and because her mother is an ex-pirate. Naja is a big tomboy who enjoys exploration, sparring, but also enjoying a quiet moment with nature and loved ones. She has plenty of insecurities and complexes, however, related to her identity.


More on her profile here: https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Naja_Elo%27quie


Hopefully my descriptions won’t read like a spreadsheet, but honestly, I find organization as a way to alleviate a lot of stress, as well as a tool to promote ideas that only further the roleplay experience.


I’ve had a good idea of how I’d like Naja’s story to go, I just haven’t found the right people to play with. :3




Childhood Best Friend: Besides immediate family, who influences a person more than a childhood best friend? This person doesn’t have to have the same interests as Naja, but they should mesh well together. This might be the trickiest role to fill in in the list, since finding a best friend is all about chemistry.


Rival/Playful Antagonist: Pretty self-explanatory, but I always find having someone to argue with/bounce banter off of to be a fun part of a person’s story.


Hyur (or other) Relatives: Naja is adopted by hyurs, but is also an only child. If you already have a hyur character, perhaps you could be her cousin, aunt, uncle, or other type of family relative. It’s worth noting, that even if her mom and dad are hyurs, that doesn’t mean that her distance relatives can’t be from other races. Dating between other races, and adopting children from other races isn’t unheard of, after all.


Miqo’te Long Lost Relatives: Naja doesn’t know anything about the family that originally conceived her. There’s a lot of mystery surrounding the tribe that she came from, and the circumstances that left her orphaned. If you have an idea, or want to work with me to come up with a background to her past using your character, I think this would provide a lot of fun!


Romantic Partner: Yup, this too. Finding a partner to work into your story can be a bit of a headache, so I’m going to be candid and just say what I’m looking for, just as I did with the other roles. :P For this spot, I’m probably looking for either a hyur or a miqo’te mate for Naja. A hyur would make a lot of sense since that was the culture in which she was raised. She’s relaxed around them, and sees herself as a hyur in a lot of ways, so it would come pretty natural to her (given the right person, of course). For hard but interesting mode, she could hook up with another miqo’te. It’s not that she doesn’t like other miqo’te, but she’s just initially wary of them, especially ones that come from a tribal background, since their customs are lost on her. It would obviously be easier for her to get along with another miqo’te that has a background similar to hers. Regardless of race, she probably gets along best with someone who shares similar interests to her. Those interests would include sparring, humor, adventuring, and taking a quiet moment to enjoy the natural beauty of the world. She’s straight.


?????: Other kinds of interactions. I'm just open to RP!




A bit about the mun: I’ve been roleplaying for about eighteen years, mostly on AIM. I graduated to FFXIV roleplay a few years back. I live on the East Coast, and the best times to get in contact with me are weekdays 5-10 pm, or the weekend. I tend to stay up pretty late on the weekend. My personality is an INFJ. And I also do roleplay through Skype, username: naja_eloquie.~


I like roleplay partners who have a sense of humor (dark or obscure is completely accepted :P), and who don’t take themselves too seriously. Even if I wrote out what I’m looking for specifically, I'm not a super serious person or roleplayer. I’m aware that I’m acting out the adventures of a cartoon cat-person. With that said, I still expect my role play partners to communicate with me openly and honestly, and be courteous to my feelings (and I'll of course be courteous to yours). Making an effort with a well fleshed out character is always ideal. :love:

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Your character looks awesome! Love the amount of detail you have put into her!


Would love to RP with you and see what comes of it!


Thank you so much! Just catch me ingame under Naja Eloquie or naja_eloquie on skype, and I'm sure we could plan something out, or just let the natural flow of RP commence. :P

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I've a Miqo'te that would probably enjoy talking to Naja, he's a bit of a pushover so I think the tomboy aspect of Naja would combo nicely. Feel free to send me a message on the forums or in game.


IG name: Andor Abys


Yesss. Sounds like fun. :)

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Hello there!  Much like yourself I have been playing the game for a while have only recently started to make an effort to involve myself in roleplay.  I would be more than happy to make offer up Almeric for some rp.  He's a Lominsan born and raised hyur highlander who is a sellsword by trade and a tavern storyteller for the fun of it.  I'm EST based just like yourself and our availability appears to match up.  Feel free to reach me in-game on Almeric Grey or to reach out to me here.  I look forward to hearing from you!

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Hello there!  Much like yourself I have been playing the game for a while have only recently started to make an effort to involve myself in roleplay.  I would be more than happy to make offer up Almeric for some rp.  He's a Lominsan born and raised hyur highlander who is a sellsword by trade and a tavern storyteller for the fun of it.  I'm EST based just like yourself and our availability appears to match up.  Feel free to reach me in-game on Almeric Grey or to reach out to me here.  I look forward to hearing from you!


Sounds good! I'm trying to find people ingame but I haven't been on that much today. Hopefully soon I'll be able to add everyone. :)

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I dunno that I would fit either mold or role, but if you want some Roelady fun, you can give me a pokeyprod. Thing is my work schedule doesn't have me online until after 12:30am EST.


Regardless, hope you make your connections and have funs! :D

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I dunno that I would fit either mold or role, but if you want some Roelady fun, you can give me a pokeyprod. Thing is my work schedule doesn't have me online until after 12:30am EST.


Regardless, hope you make your connections and have funs! :D


I'm definitely open to other kinds of interactions that aren't listed. :) And if I catch you at that time, it'd probably be on the weekend~

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Honestly, either of the Vael Ruhne twins would be up for it (both played using same toon, different classes/outfits though)


Vael'a is a generally kind, somewhat cheerful Machinist & Magitek Engineer, who can nerd out pretty heavily. He is not open for romantic entanglement however.


Vael'to AKA Brand is his twin brother, and waffles between being a Rogue and a Dark Knight, he tends towards being a bit harsher, and tending towards not being as smart (Though he could if he just tried). He is crasser and less well mannered but there is a kind and caring person, somewhere, in there...you might have to dig a bit...maybe get a steam shovel?

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Hello Naja!


Alderique is currently in Ishgard, but will be living in La Noscea and hanging around Limsa Lominsa more. He had lived there in the past in recent years, as well!


My signature links to my wiki, so feel free to check me out and get in touch.


Sooo late replying. Totally thought my post got buried! And sounds good. :)

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Honestly, either of the Vael Ruhne twins would be up for it (both played using same toon, different classes/outfits though)


Vael'a is a generally kind, somewhat cheerful Machinist & Magitek Engineer, who can nerd out pretty heavily. He is not open for romantic entanglement however.


Vael'to AKA Brand is his twin brother, and waffles between being a Rogue and a Dark Knight, he tends towards being a bit harsher, and tending towards not being as smart (Though he could if he just tried). He is crasser and less well mannered but there is a kind and caring person, somewhere, in there...you might have to dig a bit...maybe get a steam shovel?


No prob! At this point I'm just open to friends, family, and interesting interactions. That always leads to better inspiration for story arcs etc. 8-)

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Hello there! I enjoy what I have read so far about your character. Naja seems like the kind of person my muse could get along with, so I shall offer him to you~ Although I have not made his wiki page yet, all of the thoughts and ideas I have for Gehr'ir have been thrown into a google document I shall PM you the link to.


He would be most likely to fill the Best Friend or Rival role with Naja, depending on your preferences. He's kind of a smart arse, thinks he's cute, and will very openly pick on someone else, especially any noticeable insecurities (not necessarily to be malicious, but to test his limits with people).


I myself am new to the FF XIV game, but am not new to roleplay (or final fantasy series) by any means. My Skype is RUIM.L , so feel free to add me if you'd like to get some more brainstorming going! I will also send you some examples of my roleplay to see if my style agrees with you.


My active online hours are quiet reliably between 9pm CST to 2am CST. Convert that into your own time zone at your leisure. :D Hope to hear from you soon!

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