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Ball of Anger Seeks Friends/Enemies/Anything

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Looks like a nice character.


Feel free to reach me out ingame, I have a character that often takes interest with all the things that are cool or awesome. Like piwates.


Edit: for potential additional hooks, i'm still looking for characters that can introduce mine to her little pilgrimage/visit thing in Limsa and Vylbrand... If they follow the rule of cool, the better!

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*Perks up head* Did someone pirate?! 


Jess'a seems like a cutey! I don't suppose he would be interested in joining the Dread Wyrms? ;) We're a skypirate FC that hosts weekly RP events that involve airship battles, treasure hunting and 'lessons' on being a pirate. The Dread Wyrms are a humorous, crazy bunch that aren't for the faint hearted or the squeamish, really. If you'd like to find out more click here or hereIf that doesn't suit your fancy, there are plenty of other of pirate/thieves guild-esque FCs I've had the pleasure of RPing with so I'm sure you'll find something soon!


Also, my characters Raih and Oyuu are potential contacts! Raih has been running around as a thief since her early teen years and is always looking for more friends that are in the same business. Oyuu is a Xaela that is currently bumming about in Limsa, getting up to mischief with his partner in crime. Maybe they can bump into each other? Their wikis are in my signature if you wanted to nosy at them. Good luck in your search for RP! :D

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Hi guys! Thank u so much for your lovely responses sobs.


@Valence - I will for sure! I’d be happy to have Jess give her a little tour of Limsa (so long as she’d be willing to trade gil or food for it, he’ll be the best. tour guide. ever. I’ll try to add you to my friends list on Suen next time I catch you online?



@Raih - I’m checking out your FCs website right now! It looks like something I might shove Jess into. He likes pirates, even if they do sail around in the sky. I’d also be happy to have Jess meet either one of your characters! I’ve stalked both of their wiki pages because I’m a creep and either one could be really interesting. Oyuu just because he’s also a thief and it’d be hilarious for them to get into an argument over who should take what. I’ll be sure to add you, too - if you don’t mind?

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@Raih - I’m checking out your FCs website right now! It looks like something I might shove Jess into. He likes pirates, even if they do sail around in the sky. I’d also be happy to have Jess meet either one of your characters! I’ve stalked both of their wiki pages because I’m a creep and either one could be really interesting. Oyuu just because he’s also a thief and it’d be hilarious for them to get into an argument over who should take what. I’ll be sure to add you, too - if you don’t mind?


Sure thing! I'm on around 6pm - 12am most nights (a little later on the weekends!) I'll try to grab you if timezones permit it. :D

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@Faye - thank you so much!! I’ve done a good stalk of both your cattes, and they both seem amazing. If I ever catch you online, I’ll be sure to pester for some rp!


@Raih - alright, noted! I’ll put in my application probably as soon as possible. Super excited about this pirate stuff.


@Chompie - YES I’m always around Limsa, and if I’m idling/standing around I’ll happily go ic for anything! Jess is an argumentative pissbaby so that will be gREAT.

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