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Alpha Video #3: Black Shroud


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I love the new shroud... I also loved the old shroud :moogle: , but like... dayum, that is just awesome, and the lower ground open world dungeon-y part with the gate is all of the love.

Now about the jumping.

Please don't feed the discussion lol, you're just empowering the trolls. Yes it's unecessary, yes people are gonna spam silly jumping streaks, and jump onto unreasonable places, if you really hate it, when they pop an RP server open, run to it lol.

The jump and turn animations will probably be simplified and quicker like that to not get you stuck during battles (I wouldn't mind it too lol.) Immersion breaking as it is, sounsd like a reasonable compromise for less action-locky, and delay related combat. :cat:


But what I Wanna bring up is those crystals have a SFX O.o did you guys notice? and it's sorta glorious.

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Now about the jumping.

Please don't feed the discussion lol, you're just empowering the trolls.

If you mean the discussion on the official forums, I didn't know about them until last night. Never had seen anyone comment the jumping, so I did.


But what I Wanna bring up is those crystals have a SFX O.o did you guys notice? and it's sorta glorious.

What's SFX?

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Yeah, I noticed the SFX for the crystals and it was.. actually kinda pretty. It was like what you sorta expected to hear, if that makes any sense.


I also agree with you Aysun. I saw that waterfall and I was like: "I want to find it. That is going to be the first thing I do in the game. Find that freakin' waterfall and all the other waterfalls."


Now as for the jumping, I guess I am use to jump spam. It happened in EQ (which was my first MMO), it happens in Istaria (which is an MMO most of you don't know), and well...

WoW is the king of Jump Spam.


I am actually kinda glad we /have/ jump, cause I don't know how many times I've come up to a log and been like: "..you seriously just can't jump over that? Really? Its a dang log. I am a freakin' dragoon. >|" So its kinda nice to have the now ability to actually jump off/around things, because in truth, Vaelyn does do allot of jumping over and off things, but he is a dragoon, so jumping off high things to low grounds is a thing. Some of my other characters, may not be so willing to jump off ledges.


In away, I do kinda hope they place it damage for fall. I know Istaria doesn't have damage for fall, but they actually explained lore wise why this was and it actually made sense, but for 14, I can't figure how some races could fall down a cliff side and not take damage. OK. I can kinda see a Miqo'te getting away with this, and a dragoon class, but if a warrior was to fall down from a cliff side. He probably at least get some pain from the impact.

But we will have to see what comes of that.


Over all, I think ARR is actually far more beautiful then the original 14. I love where he is going with it and getting extremely excited. I just hope he is honest when he says that if you could run the old 14 you can honestly, completely, run the new 14. Being that the newer one wont be as much of a processor/graphics hog.

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