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Another newbie looking for RP friends!

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Hello there! I played this game a long time ago in beta/first release of Realm Reborn and loved it. I had a few MMOs going at the time, including some heavy roleplay on SWTOR, but that's passed a long time ago. I'm now looking for people to roleplay with in Final Fantasy!


I'm... well, let's just say brand new. I just finished my very first dungeon, if that gives you any idea. While I am truly enjoying the game, finding someone to play WITH, either through roleplay, regular play, or even better, both!


I do have three characters for you to choose from as well, all of them relatively close in level.


Edwin Silversong is a level 17 rogue/level 15 Pug Hyur. He's full of himself, a flirt, and a jokester but holds a few secrets inside of himself. He's also the only one I've created a wiki for located here.


J'Hoshi Tia is a level 12 Pugilist. He's noble and hardheaded. He wants to be the strongest, and won't let anything stop him from doing so.


Granorg Kha is a level 15 Archer and level 1 Marauder. I just switched him over into an Au Ri, so I'm working on his back story and personality right now so he's a clean slate if you'd like to help me work out a story with him!




So take your pick, please! I'd really like to RP in this game, as that's what keeps me vested and returning to these worlds! Either friend me in game or send me a message here and I'll be excited to respond!

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  • 1 month later...

Hello there! I would love to roleplay with your Hyur character. My character is a female keeper miqo, she can be a bit shy when she first meets someone but as she gets to know them she's very friendly fun loving feline. Just let me know if you want more info :)

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Hello there!


One of the first things I'd like to bring to your attention is that, for the greater part of the community, most people don't give a care what your actual level is as long as you're roleplaying. With the only exception being the armor you're limited to, lots of us will give a level 10 character the same acknowledgment as a level 60 decked out in toppest-tier raiding equipment. The story matters more than the PVE!


As an aside and a cheap plug, I'm also involved in a weekly fighting tournament on the weekends (Saturday night, 10pm EST) that some people seem to like going to! It can get a bit spammy and hectic thanks to the scroll moving quickly, but if your characters are looking to dive headfirst into activity it's a place you're guaranteed to at least meet some other, like-minded warrior type guys. There's links in my signature block to give you an idea, if this is a thing you'd be interested in!

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