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Docs Clinic [Open]

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As they converse, Elza heads over to the cabinet to find the sleeping droughts. Although Elza does not use traditional alchemy medicines, she is knowledgeable in the potions and concoctions that can be made through alchemy from her previous Mentor in Gridania years back.


Bringing it back over as they pull out some Brandy. She smiles as well keeping a hopeful face. 


" I don't doubt that we can help you Evangeline. I promise to do everything in my power to help you out. "


(( Sorry the reply took so long guys! :( ))

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Evangeline smiles back, "If you don't I'll haunt you. It will be very terrifying. I've always thought I'd make a particularly good ghost."


She holds out the empty brandy cup to be filled with sleeping drought.


"I think I'll haunt the toliets."

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"I think even after a hundred years, I'd still find it entertaining to scare a man on the toliet." She downs the drink and settles down onto the pillow.


"Strong stuff..." She muses, "I'll have to get the formula..."


Her breathing slows, and minutes later her eyes are closed.

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Once she had went to sleep Xha turned to Elza and nodded "Go collect the other things we will need, Ill see about an exorcist we should have some time to come up with something." Xha stood to go to his desk and pour over some reports to see if he could find an exorcist.

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"Remind me why we are stopping by here, Cobalon?" An Au Ra woman in a red dress opened the door to the clinic, accompanied by a Carbuncle at her side that...spoke.


"We need to give you a checkup. I am sure a doctor can see if anything different is found that you are unaware..." Cobalon said as he waited in a chair next to the Au Ra. She brushed her black hair in place as she waited patiently. Idly looking over one of many books. 


(sorry if I am butting in...I want to get in on this too :( . looks fun)

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(Its fine :) )


Xha stood hearing the new voice in the lobby. He peered out to see the woman, he nodded to Elza that she could handle Eva for the time being and slipped her a bit of parchment with some void exorcists on it.


He walked to the Au Ra woman and smiled warmly "How can I help you miss?"

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Quint quietly eased the book back into her lap. The dark colored scales and skin along with her hair made her stand out from her red dress which looked very well made. Behind her reading glasses the faint sight of her pink colored umbral rings stood out more prominently. The carbuncle beside her was about to speak but figured for his own safety, he would not say much.


"Cobalon here told me to get something called a 'checkup'. Though I am not sure what he is thinking." she looked to Cobalon who was resisting the urge to speak. Shaking his head to give Quint the warning that even doctors may want to cut him open if they found out.


"What does a normal checkup do exactly?" the odd Au Ra asked curiously.

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"Well normally we just take your vitals and compare them to others of your race. Make sure they balance out nicely. We check to make sure each of your senses is functioning then that's it. You get a hard candy and can be on your way."


Xha chuckled a bit easing her tension best he could.

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"I see..." She thought for a moment about the choice. "There is no problem then with a checkup." to Quint it was her first time in her life. The idea of such a check up would of never came across had experiences before didn't influence her choices.


Cobalon on the other hand decided to sit idly by for the time. Watching her carefully.

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Xha grabbed his own special tools he used for check ups, a multi lensed eye piece that served many functions. he tapped it with a finger as one lens popped down and he examined her eyes. They were fake upon closer inspection, then he grabbed a thermometer and asked her to open her mouth. As he waited for her to do so he tapped the lens again for another look at her.


"Open up and Ill take your temperature."


He was certain what he was seeing but some sort of construct. He was not certain how she would react if told she had no vitals and she might need to see a mechanic.

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Quint sat there in the chair without moving at all. Her posture straight and her expression stiff as a board. Even when he took a closer look at her eyes, she didn't budge. The command to open her mouth was questionable but she complied. Opening it just enough to see the tool he would use to place under her tongue to read heat.


The use of the thermometer rose to the normal temperature of an individual. Quint was unaware of the taste but could feel the tool under the tongue. Preventing her from speaking for a moment.


Cobalon watched him work, desperately wanting to talk. Yet he refrained from speaking to keep Xha working and NOT drag attention over to him.

'Not a word, Cobalon...Don't let them know you can talk...'

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Xha tapped the lens once more and it popped up and his eyes were seen again "Well...seems you might be best seeing a specialist. Your heat is right but its perfect no variation. Your skin is cold you have odd style scales. I could go on but this checkup does very little for you at the moment."

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Elza nodded to Xha'to in agreement and went to taking care of Evalengline for the time being. Seeing the girl fast asleep, she propped her head over a pillow and lay a blanket over her to keep her warm. 


She went over them to gather the other supplies needed for Xha'to politely greeting the other woman walking in as she did swiftly.

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"Ah thank you Elza I think our best bet for miss Eva is the name I left on my desk there. Its a young Au Ra girl who specializes in this sort of thing we could more than likely ask her." (the part of exorcist will be played by an npc. If a player would like to just be the NPC please let me know I shall leave this open for a day to see if there is any interest)

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Quint sat there and yet still uncertain as to how he would ask that she see a specialist.

"A specialist? What kind?" and it may of been new to others who have yet to see her that all comments about her don't seem to phase her much unless directly insulting her.


"I tried going to a Goldsmith and an Alchemist and they said that I should see someone who knows more about bodies...and Cobalon here told me about visiting a Clinic. So he found this." she pointed to Cobalon who still tried not to speak. "So I assume there is no more testing possible?"


Cobalon would finally break. "Come on. Give her an exam already! Weigh her, measure her, test for something!" the Carbuncle just suddenly said out loud in a clear tone. Apparently there was another reason behind these supposed medical exams than trying to toy with her...


"...Why are those things important?" Quint asked. Of course medical records of any kind are important. And Cobalon might be the one encouraging such things would exist for Quint.

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A sing-song voice cooed in to the office ahead of its speaker.


"Dooooctoooor....tiiime for a cheeeeeck uuuuup...!"


Steel walked in to the office, a simple bodice and pair of brais on. She halted as she was greeted by no less than four other individuals along with the doctor in question. The predatory smile on her face slowly drained as she realized she was very obviously not alone


Steel blinked, the immense, muscular woman feeling about three fulms tall. "Ah...er....I...here for. For checkup. Of muh shoulder..." she mumbled.

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waved to Steel as she walked in "Sorry Steel Id ask you to sit but currently have naught the space." he frowned at the carbuncle and sighed. Trotting to his desk he rubbed the back of his neck.


"So what would you have me do? exams at this point would be meaningless. All her data would be for your own satisfaction?" He pulled the card out for the exorcist and gave a contact on his pearl. Xha spoke to himself as the other person picked up. "Yes I need your services......as soon as you can....Thank you..." 


leaned back in his chair rubbing his temples for a moment. This having been a much busier day than he had anticipated.


He smiled to Steel thinking he would help clear a few bodies if he could. He patted his desk for her to sit on. "Its solid enough I shall take a look Steel and we can talk a bit more later." he said with a halfhearted and weary smile.

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It was at this point the sixth person walked into the room, not that he took up much space, but a smaller Lalafell came in and tugged on the medical assistants robe "Excuse me Im here for the exorcism."


He was dressed in traditional healer type robes with varying artifacts strapped to his person.

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Xha nodded to Elza and motioned to the Lalafell. "Quint is done here for the most part and I can look at Steel's shoulder."


The lalafell tugged on Elza's outfit "Where do you need me?" he said in a scruffy voice. he pulled out a bag filled with various tools and followed Elza.


Xha looked to Quint "There is very little else I can do for you Im sorry." he offers her the exam chart for her own records then turns to Steel "Alright Steel how can I help you now?" he chuckled a bit.

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Nods in agreement to Xha'to as she looks down on the Lalafell tugging her robes. She gives a sheepish smile.


" Well...the patient is over here. I will bring you over so you can take a look..." she says motioning towards the door in the room that Evangeline is fast asleep in. She quietly opens the door as the Lalafell follows, and she heads over to the Elezen woman.


" We gave her a drought. Xha'to said it should keep her out for a long while, but if she does start to wake up, I can cast a light sleep on her again. "


She looks curiously at the Lalafell as she lets him exam the patient.

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The lalafell looks at Eva and looks closely examining her arms and the other signs of being void touched.


"We should start immediately." he pulled out a small container "Ill store the entity in here for now and dispose of later. Do you have any knowledge of how this works miss?" He didnt look up to her merely eyes on the patient.

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Looks at him and nods.


" I do to most of my understanding. My main background and talent's are in Conjury. I know of at least, how one wielding conjury would go about this. What methods do you use? Either way though, I am here to aid in whatever ways I can. "


She offers a smile of sincerity to the grumpy Lalafell.

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