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Experienced RPers LF RP-FC

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Hello everyone,


As the title says, my BFF and I are looking for an RP-FC. We are both very experienced, are extremely capable of keeping IC and OOC separate (Oh the stories I could tell you about what bad stuff has happened to our characters...), and we're open and friendly to a fault.


The characters that we have are Xaela refugees who are still pretty new to Eorzea, so they don't have a lot of gil and are very hard-working, looking to make it in their new home.


There are a couple of things that we would like to have in our RP-FC: The first is that you are ACTIVE. By active, we mean a minimum of 5+ people RPing during your peak times. If you have more, that's GREAT! We say this because we joined one FC after asking if they were active and were told that yes, ~6 people online during peak hours. Weeeeeeeeeeell.... those 6 players weren't RPing, and there was hardly -ANY- RP that happened during their peak hours.


We would like to avoid start-up FC's or FC's that have been inactive but are starting back up. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt and mug, and they got destroyed before we left the airport (DAYUM YOU TSA!)


We'd also like there to be at least some kind of guild plot, or event(s) each week so that there's more than just slice of life/social RP. Not that we mind SoL RP, we like to engage in other kinds as well.


Other things that would be considered a bonus to us would be: Outside connections or alliances with other FC's, PVE events (raiding or dungeon nights), well maintained website for out of game interaction, and a very social FC chat.


If you think your FC, or perhaps one you know of, would be a good fit for us, please please please post an informational link in this thread. OH! And we've already gone through the ENTIRE Linkshell FC thingy on the site, so don't link that. There's nothing there. My IGN is Kulain Qalli.


Thank you and I greatly look forward to speaking to all of you! ^_^

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Welcome to the grand FC hunt! Ran an FC for about a year myself and now just flit about in the throes of retirement ('Damn kids get off my grass').


Keep in mind there will be times where even the guilds that have most of these things will have nights and maybe even a few days where it's slow. It's pretty normal, especially depending on the seasons and times of years since many folks in this community work retail and are college students or have job schedules that vary from week to week. Some times there might not be an event for a week or two due to things like this. Again, pretty normal.


Your best bet is to join a larger guild with a larger RP pool. My first suggestion would be HoD (Harbingers of Dawn) given their large and active membership, housing, and diverse set of role players. You can find them in the link shell list or here.

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For a large, active FC with a solid plot, active forums, and regular events, Rendezvous of Stars is a good choice. They're good people and their concept means you instantly have a connection to the group. However, they've just wrapped a major plot and I'm not sure if they're currently accepting applications at the moment.


It would be helpful, I think, to know a bit more about your characters; Xaela have a pretty wide range of concepts due to their lore. How do they define themselves: are they adventurers? Spellcasters? Warriors? Explorers? Thieves? Traders? Average Joes? How are they as people: Friendly? Violent? Angry? Prickly? These sorts of things will help people offer some advice on FCs with potentially more specific concepts. For instance, it wouldn't do well to recommend an adventuring company FC if your characters barely know how to lift a sword. :)

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Oh, wow, thank you for the mention, Freelance. It's very interesting to hear a different perspective on us, haha. :blush:


You're correct that we just wrapped up a major, 2-year arc with our plot and that our applications are currently on hold. I'm working on training some new staffers and hoping we'll get the doors re-opened soon-ish (this time with feeling!)


If you're particularly interested in RoS, I'll definitely post both here and on our site when we're able to take new apps again. The only things I can think to mention are:


> It's okay to only join the LS - no FC membership required.

> We do a lot of OoC chatter in our Skype chat as opposed to the FC in game.

> Daily RP isn't a guarantee, but we do arrange at least 1 RP event per week via our site. We also have forum RP crop up every now and then.

> We're medium-heavy in terms of lore abiding, so we tend to 'play by the book' in terms of what exists in Eorzea.

> The general "power level" of our guild isn't as grand as other guilds, I think. We tend to take in characters who are 'average adventurer tier' as opposed to WoL types.

> We use our website. A lot. @___@


If those things aren't what you're looking for, I'm not offended in the least! There are many wonderful RPers here on the RPC and many great groups that said RPers belong to! Another tactic to take might be to show up to some guild-hosted events on the calendar here, to see if you/your characters jive with any group in particular. ^^v


*smokebombs away*

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Hello there! Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. You're welcome to check us out! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested. I think we should fit everything you've mentioned. :)


Edit: Lili beat me, hehe, thanks for the mention!

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It would be helpful, I think, to know a bit more about your characters; Xaela have a pretty wide range of concepts due to their lore. How do they define themselves: are they adventurers? Spellcasters? Warriors? Explorers? Thieves? Traders? Average Joes? How are they as people: Friendly? Violent? Angry? Prickly? These sorts of things will help people offer some advice on FCs with potentially more specific concepts. For instance, it wouldn't do well to recommend an adventuring company FC if your characters barely know how to lift a sword. :)

ACK! You're absolutely right! In my haste to get my thread posted I completely neglected to really go into much of this. I am so sorry HRC. Please accept my humblest apology for this oversight!


Our Xaela are from two different tribes: Kha and Qalli. They would define themselves as individuals first, part of the working pool and nothing special or out of the ordinary. (Definitely no WoL clones here). Neither of them would have any problem with being defined as adventurers, by Eorzean standards, but by Xaela they were just tribe members. By nature, they are both friendly but cautious. They will do what they must to survive, so alignment-wise they would be more neutral good, however any outright criminal activity or evil would turn them off immediately.


As for the rest of the replies: Thank you SOOOO much for the offers and information! I really really appreciate it! However, I'd like to avoid being told about FC's that have closed recruitment. I have waited for guilds (FC's in other games) to open recruitment before, only to find out that it was extremely cliquish and elitist with no real care about integrating a new person at all.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!! Take my words above as only my experience, because that's why I offer it. I make zero accusations about any current or future FC choosing to open or close their recruitment. It just doesn't help me right now. Why talk about a closed FC and have to wait weeks or months to join? I'd rather unsub and go find something else to do after I finish the story.

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