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[align=center] I am not new to FFXIV or anything, but I am wanting to start to get my footing in the roleplay community on here. Finally after long debating with myself I got around to making my first FFXIV rp character a few days ago on Balmung! Had to be quick after the 3.2 update was finished in order to sneak one on there xD My new character  happens to be a Raen whom I'm still working the details on etc. Got to do a little more research and build her background more thoroughly before I feel comfortable enough to fully roleplay with her. 






[align=center]But! once she is more fleshed out I would love to start getting more actively started on the roleplay scene on Balmung. Maybe join an FC or LS if you guys got any in mind that would be a good one to have a look at please let me know. Even though I haven't roleplayed on FFXIV yet I'm by no means a nublet to roleplaying.  I've been roleplaying on and off of forums for over nine years, but to be honest  I haven't done it on an MMO before so the thought of starting makes me both anxious and excited xD 






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A good reference is [The Role-Play Handbook] a great resource, you will probably get most of it from your forum RP.


Also check out the [RP Linkskell & Free Company Lists for Balmung] for things that suit you. A Linkshell is like an in game chat channel and you can have 8, and a Free Company is like a Guild (you prob know that)


Fell free to come join us in [Hugs & Cakes Link Shell] where there is a nice positive bunch of RPers.

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Welcome to the RP side of FFXIV! *confetti*


If you need help coming up with character concepts, I'm more than happy to try and help you out! And once you do figure some stuff out, I'm more than happy to RP with you as well. ^^


Send me a PM if you'd like to talk to any of my girls sometime! Their wikis are in my signature.

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Forgive Rihx and her messes she always leaves behind.


*vacuums out welcome thread again*


Welcome to the RPC. Currently between characters right now but as soon as that gets taken care of I'd be open for RP.

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*vacuums out welcome thread again*


R'tah! You're ruining my fun in the welcome thread! RUDE.

*stuffs confetti poppers deeper into pockets again...*

It's not a Matoi welcome without the confetti. We all know this now.



Really though R'tah's great and you should RP with him when you get a chance. <3

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