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Greetings Are In Order.

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[What-ho, fellow adventurers! I am Cecily Jisi! Been playing FFXIV for about two months now, recently got into the RP community a few days ago after transferring to Balmung, and I'm ready for fun with everyone! I'm not really use to using forums, but I'm sure I'll eventually get the hand of things. Right? :dazed: Aaanyway, feel free to give me any pointers to make my experience on this site fun as well as chatting with you lovely people within the game itself! Thanks for taking the time to listen to my rambling!:moogle:

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I'm not really use to using forums, but I'm sure I'll eventually get the hand of things. Right? :dazed: Aaanyway, feel free to give me any pointers to make my experience on this site fun as well as chatting with you lovely people within the game itself!


My best pointer is just to jump in and give it a try. See someone interesting? Try sending them a /tell or walking right up to them if their character info says they're up for that! Check the calendar here on the RPC and stop by any events that catch your interest! And if you still have questions, feel free to ask either here in a thread or in the RPC chat room! :thumbsup:

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