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Ninja lore?

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Hello! So, it's been too long since I last ran the Ninja quest line and I don't really have an alt at this time to pull through it nor can I find a database of the quest line's dialogue outside of the actual cut scenes. If this has been asked before, I apologize -- my searching skills are weak -- but can anyone inform me on anything you know about the ninja job in-universe?


All lore-based information is helpful! Traditions, how ninjitsu works, impact/use of soul crystal, origins, etc.

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EDIT: Made some changes based on Sounsyy's clarifications below.


Luckily, Ninja was introduced only in 2.0 so there is no 1.0 stuff for me to sift through!


Note: This post contains spoilers for the Ninja quests!





A ninja, referred to as a shinobi by Domans, is a covert agent who engages in espionage, sabotage, reconnaissance, infiltration, and assassination. The majority of Doman shinobi serve as retainers to different lords in a variety of functions such as being a spy, a scout, or a bodyguard. Unscrupulous shinobi may also work as mercenaries or engage in activities that serve their personal agenda.




Soul Crystal

Shinobi each carry their own soul crystal. Whether each crystal is uniquely individual or passed down by tradition is unknown, and how necessary the crystal is in using shinobi abilities is also unknown, although it is tradition to return the soul crystal to the deceased shinobi's village of birth.



Ah... You have my gratitude. When one of our kind falls, tradition dictates that we return their soul to the village, that it may rest with our ancestors.




Skills and Abilities

Shinobi abilities are referred to as ninjutsu. While the term ninjutsu technically encompasses a mix of martial skill, infiltration tactics, and various esoteric aspects of guerrilla warfare--real life ninjutsu disciplines include but are not limited to geography, meteorology, swimming, and spiritual refinement--the ninjutsu of Final Fantasy XIV specifically refers to a shinobi's ability to channel and manifest aether using handsigns called mudra.



We draw power from the world around us─the heaven, the earth, and the hearts of man─and channel this power into physical form. I am told that this is similar to your concept of...ay-ther, was it? I must confess that Eorzean words and ways remain unfamiliar to me.



How does one channel this power, you ask? Through the use of mudra, hand gestures that call forth each of the three forms of energy of which I spoke. The first mudra I will teach you will call power from the heavens. In Doma, we call this Ten.


The use of mudra allows a shinobi to shape aether to various physical forms, whether it be a giant shuriken, a vertical bolt of lightning, a ball of fire, or so on. It is unknown if any additional mudras or ninjutsu techniques exist among Doman shinobi outside of those available in-game.


Using mudras is known to exhaust the spirit, and additional time is required to settle the mind sufficiently to use mudra again. It is emphasized that one's mind and focus must be clear in order to properly utilize mudra, or the ninjutsu will fail. This limitation is surpassed when a shinobi utilizes Kassatsu, although that too has limitations.



Body or mind─by any measure, you are every bit my equal as a shinobi. Save for one final technique which I will now impart to you: Kassatsu.



Use it to rearrange the energies channeled into your body, and unleash powerful ninjutsu techniques one after the next. But be warned. In our tongue, it means quite literally “life and death.” Which one it means for you will depend entirely on your presence of mind.



But be forewarned: these techniques require considerable exertion of your spirit. After performing one, you will observe that some time is required before your mind settles and you are able to wield another. Now, demonstrate Katon for me on the mokujin over there.


There are also esoteric abilities such as shukuchi and underwater surveillance using bamboo flutes.



The time has come for me to impart to you another technique, which we call Shukuchi. You may think of it as compressing the physical space around you, allowing you to cross great distances in the blink of an eye. Go ahead, give it a try.


Shinobi specialize in using two weapons in tandem, but little mention is made in-game of their actual fighting styles or combat doctrine.


Outside of combat abilities, shinobi also act as infiltrators and saboteurs. Like their real-life counterparts, they often disguise themselves as lowly peasants or servants in order to gather information. When that's not an option, a shinobi can utilize their agility to infiltrate a location with a more traditional stealthy approach as well. In addition, each shinobi would have a basic understanding of pyrotechnics in order to use devices such as smoke bombs, which may extend to other explosive devices. Mind you, a shinobi is not exactly going to be throwing blocks of C-4 plastic explosive, but basic thrown grenades and flash bombs are not beyond the realm of possibility.




Ranks and Training

Doman shinobi are given a rank based on their mastery of mudra.



Chunin is our word for a shinobi who has attained full mastery of two-mudra techniques. In our tradition, when a student is deemed by his master to show such potential, she is led to a waterfall outside the village to conduct intense training.


A genin is a student who has mastered or is in the process of mastering a single mudra, and a jonin is one who has mastered all three mudra and the combinations that come with it.


Doman shinobi are raised to be shinobi at a young age, with training starting from childhood.


The nation of Doma is the originator of shinobi and ninjutsu and the only known nation to practice it culturally, although the Garlean Empire have begun training their covert operatives in the techniques of a shinobi through Doman defectors. Garlean shinobi are referred to as "Imperial shadows". However, after the death of Master Gekkai in the Ninja questline, the Imperial shadows disbanded, and the remaining Imperial shadows became bandits or mercenaries.



...Unless he [Redway] was one of Gekkai's shadows. The imperial shinobi lost their place in Garlemald when the unit was disbanded after the man's death.



That would be cause for them to sell their blades. I imagine the demand for mercenaries with ninjutsu would be great among people with money enough to trade in Far Eastern treasures...




Philosophy and Spirituality

Traditional shinobi philosophy is centred around the concepts of devotion, clarity, and the unity of body and mind. Meditation is performed often in order to centre a shinobi's sense of self.



As you know, we are blades, and missions are as whetstones to us. Through duty and service, we sharpen our skills and our minds. This is the next step on your path.



But your mind is full. Still your thoughts. Listen to what your heart says in the silence. In so doing, you will grow as a shinobi.



Now, I will leave you to your meditations. Allow them to further sharpen your mind, so you will be the blade when the time comes again to strike.



Heed my words well. For the shinobi, blade and mind are one. The weak mind gives rise to a weak blade. The false mind gives rise to a false blade. But the mind that is strong and true? That blade will know no equal.



Such were the teachings of my master, his master, and his master's master before him. The shinobi must keep presence of mind at all times, or his blade may as well be one of grass.


Domans in general are also known to practice a form of Shintoism, though it lacks a canon name within FFXIV.



My people do not worship your deities twelve. Our gods are all around us─in the trees, in the soil, in the crashing waters before you. Close your eyes and open your heart to the sound of the rushing falls, that you might purge your mind of all worldly thoughts and distractions.


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Nero did an absolutely fantastic summary of Ninja lore! I really only have a couple small additions to make:


1. While the former Doman Province accounts for the majority of known shinobi, they are not the originators of the art. Ninjutsu actually comes from the Far Eastern Islands beyond Doma's shores. Also most shinobi, if they are not on retainer to a ruling clan, live in a village just outside of Doma, not in the city-state itself.


It contains an account o' how a Far Eastern ninja named Sasuke brought ninjutsu to Doma. Seems ninjutsu was invented in a land far to the east of Othard's shores─same isle as where Sasuke grew up. The bloke was the best ninja about' date=' so he gets secret orders or summat to cross the sea, an' makes his way to Doma. Life for the Doman commonfolk was shite back then, what with the starvin' an' the poverty. The worst, though, was the bleedin' tyrant what ruled the place! Well, bein' the charitable sort, what's Sasuke to do but teach the smallfolk ninjutsu so they can win back their freedom? So yer man trains some ninjas, an' together they boot the ruler's royal arse off the throne, an' put a dagger in his back for good measure. Well, with the dynasty dead, yer ninjas go lookin' for the spoils o' victory. After that, the lot o' them headed to the outlands o' Doma to build a hidden village, so's to live as ninjas away from pryin' eyes.[/quote']



2. Because of the role Garlean shinobi, the imperial shadows, played in the betrayal and razing of Doma, many Far Easterners are mistrustful of anyone who claims to be a shinobi.


Tch' date=' you think me naive enough to trust shinobi!? When Doma fell, we all saw your daggers in its back! Come, Akagi─leave the traitors![/quote']



EDIT: Adding this explanation of Ninjas from Yomei:


My people are the descendants of an ancient clan that traces its origins back to an age of war and strife. My ancestors isolated themselves in a secluded village and devoted themselves to the martial arts, that they might defend themselves and their land from the chaos around them.


At first, my ancestors lived solitary lives. In time, however, their martial abilities came to be recognized by mighty warlords, who enlisted their services. So it was that my ancestors came to serve from the shadows, performing assassinations, espionage, and other such disagreeable-yet-indispensable duties. In the early days, my ancestors were known by many names: the shadow, the grass, the silent ones, those who see but are not seen... In time, as our existence became widely known and accepted by the greater populace, the people came to call us by a single name: shinobi, the hidden.


Our art - the art of ninjutsu - has been honed through the centuries, passed down from master to student, master to student. The shinobi uses ritual hand gestures called mudra to channel the energies of the world around him - heaven, earth, and man - and unleash a host of lethal attacks. There are many aspects of our art that we ourselves do not fully understand. For example, when a shinobi loses his concentration and misforms a mudra, it has been known to summon forth a curious rabbit-like creature from dimensions unknown. Ah, I can see it even now - that toothy grin staring at me, mocking me! Oh, that I would never lay eyes on one of those foul creatures again!







This last section isn't strictly on topic, but I figure I've got this Doman lore dump sitting around, might as well add this since Ninjas and Domans usually come hand in hand.


Doma Lore

This is what straight lore I was able to dig up on Doma, specifically. It's not a lot honestly. From what I've gathered, in summary, is that Doma was a region of Far Eastern Othard's eastern coastline. To be more specific, I believe Doma lies in the northern edge of the coastline region, nestled in/near the valleys of the northeastern highlands where Raen are now primarily found. Doma had burgeoning trade with the island villages off the eastern coast and lived under tyrannical rule by a king until Sasuke brought ninjutsu to Othard. Once liberated, Doma now bows to one or many ruling noble clans. The Yatsurugi Clan is one such ruler of a neighboring village in the Doman province. The ninjas lived separately from Doma in a different nearby village, and were not technically a part of Doma.


When the Empire came to Othard roughly 25+ years ago, they subjugated all resisting nations in Othard. By 1552, Othard was completely under Garlean control. Its subjugated citizens were given the Aan title and forced to serve the Empire. It is unclear whether Doma openly fought against Garlemald's invasion or not, but considering the some of the quotes below, it seems as if Garlemald did not treat the Domans favorably, leading me to believe they did. During Garlemald's recent War of Succession, the Domans attempted to rebel against their captors, but were betrayed by the shinobi and to set an example for the other provinces, Garlemald razed Doma and the Raen lands.



Doma Lore



It contains an account o' how a Far Eastern ninja named Sasuke brought ninjutsu to Doma. Seems ninjutsu was invented in a land far to the east of Othard's shores─same isle as where Sasuke grew up. The bloke was the best ninja about' date=' so he gets secret orders or summat to cross the sea, an' makes his way to Doma. Life for the Doman commonfolk was shite back then, what with the starvin' an' the poverty. The worst, though, was the bleedin' tyrant what ruled the place! Well, bein' the charitable sort, what's Sasuke to do but teach the smallfolk ninjutsu so they can win back their freedom? So yer man trains some ninjas, an' together they boot the ruler's royal arse off the throne, an' put a dagger in his back for good measure. Well, with the dynasty dead, yer ninjas go lookin' for the spoils o' victory. After that, the lot o' them headed to the outlands o' Doma to build a hidden village, so's to live as ninjas away from pryin' eyes.[/quote']




Hailing from the nation of Doma on the shores of Othard' date=' Yugiri and her countrymen have fled their war-torn home and the oppression of Garlean rule in search of refuge. With supplies and hopes for survival dwindling, Yugiri seeks council with Eorzea's leaders, that they too may call this land their home.[/quote']


Now' date=' whereas the Xaela are made up of dozens of small tribes lead by khans, the Raen are mostly stationary and live near Doma or in the Far Eastern islands across the sea from Doma. However, due to the invasion of Othard by the Garlean Empire, a lot of Raen have been displaced and now flock to areas where they can find safety—like Eorzea (as was the case with Yugiri).[/quote']


Unlike their sister clan' date=' the Xaela, who bloody the land with endless tribal conflict, the Raen have embraced a life of tranquility and solitude, long abandoning the nomadic lifestyle of their ancestors to settle the deep valleys of Othard's mountainous eastern reaches. Only on rare occasions will one emerge from the valley mists to seek adventure in realms afar.[/quote']


Tales tell of an isle in the Far East where a talented band of spies have mastered the art of riding giant toads and seeing through the eyes of frogs. Recent intelligence states that one of these trained agents' date=' Toadsquatter Femomo, has been hired at great expense by the Zer'maat Five. If the stories are true, Femomo could attempt to sneak a tiny dart frog into Azeyma's Shields headquarters and view all that transpired within. The identity of our members would be exposed, leaving them vulnerable to retaliation from underground elements. In a preemptive action, Toadsquatter has been lured to an unpopulated area where Isleguard W'mhelgo Hena awaits. Join the Isleguard, and assist in removing this threat.[/quote']


A hard, bitter fruit found in the forests of far eastern Doma. While typically avoided by the five races, it is a favorite amongst chocobos, and is known to lighten the red hues of their feathers.


Woven from sweet-smelling rush grass, these rectangular floor mats are widely used in the far eastern land of Doma.


A folding partition commonly found in Far East nations. Upon one side is a reproduction of an ancient Doman wall painting depicting a variety of beastkin in the natural habitat.


A table designed in the Doman fashion. The underside has been treated with strange eastern magicks to emit heat during the winter months.


Similar to Mun-Tuy sauce' date=' this Far Eastern seasoning is made by fermenting beans in salt and then pressing the beans to collect the remaining savory liquid.[/quote']


A tall variety of wild grass with stalks that end in large silver tufts of wispy flowers.


A trading company from the Far East has hired the shipwrights of Naldiq & Vymelli's to build a small fleet of galleons...and no expense is to be spared. To complete the project on time' date=' the guild requires a large quantity of coastal oak lumber, which can be found growing in the plains near Camp Skull Valley.[/quote']



Societal Norms:

A fountain from the Far East originally used to scare away creatures and neighbors come to nibble on garden patches.


People hailing from the Far East claim that wishes written on small slips of parchment and tied to the bamboo will come true. (Magical wish parchment sold separately.)


The Doman break their fast with a simple' date=' yet balanced meal consisting of rice and several small side dishes.[/quote']


Rather than large portions of one or two dishes' date=' Doman suppers consist of one or two bites of several painstakingly prepared culinary creations served with a bowl of steamed rice.[/quote']


While some view this traditional Doman gardening technique as naught more than a reflection of man's arrogance in believing nature can be bent to his will, most simply find it a beautiful and calming form of art.


My people do not worship your deities twelve. Our gods are all around us - in the trees' date=' in the soil, in the crashing waters before you. Close your eyes and open your heart to the sound of the rushing falls, that you might purge your mind of all worldly thoughts and distractions.[/quote']


A miniature wooden altar hung in Doman houses, allowing people to worship the gods within the privacy of their own homes.


So, what type of meanings do typical male Raen names have? For the most part, they have a strong link to things in nature which are believed to be strong, agile, or even uncontrollable. Farmers and fishers will take the names one step further and implement some form of their profession as well, Kokai (lit. rough seas) being an example of this.


Now on to female forenames. Many female names are based off of plants, weather, birds, or the seasons─words that represent beauty and kindness in the Doman society. It goes without saying that the rules stated above are not set in stone. While it is not common, it is not entirely unheard of for a female Raen to have a name that might represent a powerful storm, or for a male to have a name that means “beautiful rose.”


Just as is the case with most of the other races, the Raen also have surnames (family names). Unlike their Auri ancestors who employed clan names as surnames, the now-clanless Raen have adopted a more complex practice. Families of the warrior class (and generally the ruling class) are the only people “allowed” surnames in Doma, and they will often take surnames that displayed their battle prowess or position within an army. Though the names are not recognized by the ruling class, families of the merchant and peasant classes will still give themselves surnames as to make their everyday lives easier─the names reflecting their professions.


Ah… You have my gratitude. When one of our kind falls' date=' tradition dictates that we return their soul to the village, that it may rest with our ancestors. My fallen brother saw you as a worthy inheritor to his soul. To honor his memory, I entrust it to you. But soul alone will not make you a shinobi. No, this will require training of the body and mind.[/quote']



The Doman Province:

For many years' date=' my nation, Doma, suffered under the yoke of imperial rule, and my people yearned to be free. Thus, when a war of succession broke out in Garlemald, we sought to take advantage of the chaos and reclaim our liberty. Alas, our enemy proved less preoccupied than we had hoped, and our rebellion was put down in the most brutal fashion.[/quote']


The new imperial army, now swelling with the might of countless assimilated nations, methodically subjugates the eastern continent of Othard and the remaining lands of Ilsabard, welcoming those nations willing to bow to imperial rule, while erasing those which refuse the Garlean standard.


With two of the three great continents now under its control, the Garlean Empire sets its sights on Aldenard, and in the year 1557, sends the XIVth legion to conquer Ala Mhigo in the first step to bring Eorzea's people under imperial rule. The Garlean Empire renames the conquered city-state and the surrounding lands of Gyr Abania to the Ala Mhigan Territory.


One nation after the next fell before their relentless onslaught' date=' first those of the northlands, followed by the sovereign states of the eastern continent, Othard. Employing suppression and conciliation in equal measure, Garlemald indoctrinated the peoples it conquered, thus integrating them into its ever-expanding territory. So it was that the Garlean Empire came into existence.[/quote']


Don't tell me you require a history lesson' date=' young one. Since the time of our ancestors, the shinobi have served many masters. Have you never wondered why, Oboro? Why, when Doma was subjugated by the Empire, was our village alone spared Garlemald's wrath? It was because of my actions. I protected us where the entire nation of Doma could not.[/quote']

Do you know how many Domans died that day!? We swore our lives to protect them' date=' and you sold them into slaughter! Do you feel nothing!? Not even a twinge of remorse at the massacre you brought upon your countrymen?[/quote']

Countrymen? What is Doma to me when weighed against the ancient and glorious history of my fellow shinobi? History is littered with the husks of fragile men who gave their worthless lives to bring glory to their betters.


All that changed on that fateful day when the Garleans shattered Doma's defenses. Someone had betrayed our homeland' date=' sold our secrets to the enemy. Looking upon my friends as their bodies lay broken and bleeding, I saw a figure flee into the hills...it was Karasu.[/quote']


Tch' date=' you think me naive enough to trust shinobi!? When Doma fell, we all saw your daggers in its back! Come, Akagi─leave the traitors![/quote']



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The compilation is great! But I may add a bit:

It is unknown if any additional mudras or ninjutsu techniques exist among Doman shinobi outside of those available in-game.


The game has a hint that there seems to be at least one additional mudra outside of those available to main hero:




The Crow Knows

Oboro Moonrise: A mudra of summoning!? ...This bodes ill. Forename, that magicked circle must be destroyed!



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