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Returning for Beta Next Month

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I still see many familiar names, which is awesome! After an extended IRL break, and especially after playing the ARR Alpha and getting a healthy dose of nostalgia, I'm 100% back on board with FFXIV and not looking back. Hoping to hear from some old friends in the meantime. Already formulating what Tev has been up to for the last few years...

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Welcome back. If you're trying to figure out what he's been up to these past few years' date=' I assume he wasn't in the time jump during the big battle?[/quote']


I left a few months before that, so I needed a reason for his absence. That reason may exclude him from being in the time jump. I suppose there's plenty of time to give it some thought. :)


Hey there!! Welcome back~! :cheer:


There's a familiar face! ::pounce:: How is?

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