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Hello everyone, normally I am rather shy about posting on 'introduction' threads but I think I might try and turn over a new leaf here. :)



--MMORPG background:


I was first introduced to MMORPGs with the the Diablo series within the chat channels and forums. From there I move to WoW, Tera-Online, Linage and Guildwars 2.


--RP experience

I have some experience with Role Play, unfortunately it has been a very long time since I actively looked around for it. 

Yet recently I have this want to at least try again.:blush:



--Character ideas/info

There are some rolling about in my head, but I have yet to actually place it on paper or type it out.



--How did you learn about the coalition?


Some friends and google.


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Hmm... Perhaps light to medium? For now at least.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)


Oh dear, I have to say something about real life? Well I live in a EST time zone working the grave yard shift at a nursing home. I sleep most of the day sadly and am up throughout all hours, well when I have to flip my sleep schedule around. Can sleep be considered a hobby? I kid! Or do I? Any ways nothing exciting here just work, sleep and ffxiv. :)


And that is it for now;



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Hi there. I think a few ideas, just an outline is great. You can let your RP be the stimuli to flesh out the char. Just make notes if what details and embellishments you add and soon you have a rich background.


Many do this. Though if you need things worked out before hand then try some of the tools like 100 questions for your character, or just start filling in a wiki.

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