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Yeah I have been poking around for a while and even posting...but I guess I forgot to post a "Hey NOT a stranger! No stranger danger!! It's okay no adults needed! Cause I am one!!"

Lets see Where to start! I'll Just go head and use the suggested info so..Here we go~!



--MMORPG background--

Erk...Well, um...ha ha..I played Assassin's Creed Brotherhood? And OH! I have played Halo and Tekken! Fable 3 co-op? Alright I am grasping at straws, though...I highly doubt any of those reeeeally count. So I guess we can say...none?! You guys will be my first!?


--RP experience--

YAY! This part I am good this part!! I am actually a Play by Post as some call it or a forum RPer. I have been forum RPing for over 10 years on various sites spanning various genre's including Harry Potter, Sailor moon, other various anime, and my new resent obsessions which are Marvel and DC comics in which I am admin of both boards and owner of the marvel one.


I do tend to go a little purple at times. But I can post or write to just about any situation or topic, I am familiar with canon and non-canon Rp, as well as eRP and or fade to black. Needles to say I've collected a bunch of stuff over the years. 


So be it AIM, YIM, SYKPE, One on ones or forum chances are i have done it at some point in time.


--Character ideas/info-- 

Welp for the time being I have Abaigeal My hyur Actually let me change that I have a Hyur named Lisette That is on 1.0 but i rarely played her. And now I have a few ideas planned for 2.0 One of which is Abaigeal--


Abaigeal- Right now she is kind of a free spirited lass. She does have an Irish accent which implies she is not from Eorzea but might have traveled there by other means. I intend to have her have come shortly after the destruction but before the travelers reappear. So basically she reappears with in the five years.


Her class i'll play with a little more when I get the chance or rather in game.As is she plays with knifes and is sounds like she is a thief/dancer but that's just more what her gimmick is. There is a lot to be ironed out.


I also for a while have been playing with the idea of a female Ro since i kinda always thought that they were cool. Or at least the one that was in game was, merlwyb. ( um.. I should probably mention I was watching over peoples shoulders until I played a bit and by a bit mean for a few days...)


Not sure if she would be Hellsgaurd or Seawolf.I just like freakishly tall female characters...might be cause i am always considered freakishly tall! LOL! 


--How did you learn about the coalition?-- 

I have actually alwasy known about it from two of my friends that were part of one linkshell. In fact it was rather comical. She would tell me about her FFXIV tales  and RP and i would exchange my xmen and dc comic RP tales with one of them at work. 


Again I heard about it from my roommate and *coughs*playtoy*cough* who was also apart of it with some of his friends...so...longs story short...friends and friend of friends with friends?!


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?--

Hmm...With FFXIV:RRB probably Light to Medium. As I still do continue with my forum RP and I know that actual in-game RP is rather...intensive as I have witnessed from Zessy and Xenedra. Well maybe Intensive is the wrong word...more like..time consuming?( but certainly not in a bad way!)



--Anything from real life you' re comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)--

well...um..I am not in school...havent been since...oh dear..well I am 28. I cosplay for funzies because my major was in costume design. I love comic books and video games. (though really who doesn't these days) I like to draw...*sultry voice* I like long walks on the beach, dancing in the moon light while in the rain, pina coldas  and st---oops! Got carried away bit!! ;)





Anyhow! Pleasure to meet you all!!~♥

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Love your avatar! Saw the full image posted to the gallery, you drew it yourself? It's gorgeous and you should start an art thread. ;)


Also, most Eorzeans speak with various English accents. An Irish accent might not be unheard of there, though I'm not certain of it.


Anywaaaayyy. Welcome!

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Hello again Abaigeal! (I do believe my character Shiro met a character of yours in the forum RP) I used to be into the play-by-post forum RP as well! I also played in a lot of the Harry Potter and Sailormoon themed ones! I'm actually starting to wonder if we met in one. 


If you have any questions feel free to ask around or post in the RP Discussion forum or PM a mod! :3

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Hello again Abaigeal! (I do believe my character Shiro met a character of yours in the forum RP) I used to be into the play-by-post forum RP as well! I also played in a lot of the Harry Potter and Sailormoon themed ones! I'm actually starting to wonder if we met in one. 


If you have any questions feel free to ask around or post in the RP Discussion forum or PM a mod! :3

Hmm! You never know!! For Harry Potter I usually went by Elle and played a Syltherine named Lisette Abberly!   Sailor Moon was Techno-chan and I usually played Jupiter, Uranus, or Star Fighter. I can never remember the names of teh forums themselves TT ^ TT I wish I could be more useful!! 


And Yes! Adorable Shiro!!! Abaigeal still feels bad for letting him drink! :P

Just to confirm. You are the one I was RPing with on Skype, correct?

Aye! You would be correct!! :D

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Hmm! You never know!! For Harry Potter I usually went by Elle and played a Syltherine named Lisette Abberly!   Sailor Moon was Techno-chan and I usually played Jupiter, Uranus, or Star Fighter. I can never remember the names of teh forums themselves TT ^ TT I wish I could be more useful!! 


And Yes! Adorable Shiro!!! Abaigeal still feels bad for letting him drink! :P


Oooh! I used to love playing Sailor Uranus. That was back in the IRC days, though, with a small group called Silver Millennium.


And that RP was definitely fun. So much that I wish it were canon. (Could we make it canon? Please? Please? xD)

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