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Regarding The Wiki

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Hey all~


Most of you know by now that Kylin is gonna start the reorganization of the wiki, which will probably begin tomorrow. The wiki itself probably won't have any new features, but will have improved layouts, as things right now are kind of chaos within it.


That being said in regards to layouts, is there anything anyone wants changed? New additions to the wiki will also be added during this time!


Please post below, let me know, or forever hold your peace!!!

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Put in age as a category, Grand Company Affiliation as the feature that assigns you the City-state badge (currently, Citizenship does that).


Feral Ren is registered in Gridania as a resident, but is a member of Limsa Lominsa's Grand Company.


To make my wiki look correct regarding that, I had to put in LL as her citizenship. Which is not what I want. :|

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Again not all suggestions are guaranteed to be fulfilled, as we don't plan to overhaul much of the code.


That being said my plans with the layout is to simplify, and not have sub category after sub category.


Anyways, all suggestions will be looked at.

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Again not all suggestions are guaranteed to be fulfilled, as we don't plan to overhaul much of the code.


That being said my plans with the layout is to simplify, and not have sub category after sub category.


Anyways, all suggestions will be looked at.


The age I don't mind. But I would rather have the ability to separate Citizenship from actual affiliations. The fact that the category "Citizenship" is tied to the graphical option of your Wiki page is an inconvenience, and I'd appreciate it if you could come up with some way where we could simply toggle the visuals between the three city-states without having to have a visible category for it.

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While it wasn't my design choice to begin with, I can look in to it. If there is an easy fix, then it can be done. The problem is at the moment you are the only one with this concern, and everyone else will have to change their wikis if I do change it.


OH the other thing, I am going to be adding a 'Garlean' and 'Ishgard' choices for cities.

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OH the other thing' date=' I am going to be adding a 'Garlean' and 'Ishgard' choices for cities.[/quote']


Any chance of adding Ala Mhigo to that list? Yes, it's defunct, but technically it's the only citizenship Rhostel has. (According to some bits of ingame dialogue, actual Ul'dah citizenship requires quite a lot of wealth to purchase, if you're not born to it. Many residents and Immortal Flames members are not full citizens and may not have any ambition to such.)

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I have to admit, I'd prefer a check box option for citizenship as opposed to the automatic system currently used. 


Technically, Tadir is a Gridanian citizen, but he has made his home in Limsa Lominsa. He joined their Grand Company, but he was born in Gridania. It'd be nice to be able to show that relationship.

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Unless I'm mistaken, you shooould technically be able to just remove the citizenship category, and instead insert this in it's place


( Using 1 as an example. Depends on how many others you have.)


| stat_1 = Citizenship

| stat_1_value = Limsa-Lominsa


That would simply cut the flag out from the top and have it blank. Not a direct fix for what you're asking about, but I suppose it works for now, no?

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Especially depending on our abilities to switch citizenship in game for our 1.0 characters, this might be a good option to fix.


I personally would like to see this fixed. Everything may be up in the air, but I may do some switching around myself with citizenship and Grand Companies. I'm sure by now Molt has bought his citizenship, or had a while ago, but in light of Bahamut's rampage, I may have him either change or get dual-citizen status with Gridania. Depending on if I make Molt help in the recovery efforts of Gridania, I may have hom join the Twin Adders in order to do so...but it's almost out of character for him. I digress...-.-;


I'm sure dual-citizenship status would be rare with RPers, and I'm not even sure I would do that, especially considering you don't need any citizenship unless...well, there is no unless for now, but I'm wondering if the housing system will require it (in lore or without lore). On top of all this, I'm not sure it would be possible to do dual/triple citizenship categorizing in the Wiki, AND still have a Grand Company spot.


But I'm all for supporting the Grand Company/Citizenship change (just in case for Molt, or for any other characters I may make).

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Just a heads up. I managed to successfully bridge the wiki with the new forum software. Or rather, the bridge is working with the new wiki. Yes, we're moving the wiki again due to a necessary cleanup of codes/categories due to the way the original wiki programmers made everything...but don't worry. All the transferring will be done for you this time so you don't have to do anything. So keep adding/editing stuff to the current wiki as you normally would. I doubt anything graphically will change much either so you probably won't notice a huge change overall.


Basically, the bridge means that one can login to the wiki with their forum credentials as they could with the old site. The current wiki is still drawing from the old forum database and that's the only reason you guys can still login to it. New users can't login or even create new accounts, but this has officially been confirmed to be fixable.

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Regarding the Citizenship:


I am working right now to make more citizen options available, such as Ishgardian/Garlean/Ala Mhigan, which is a very simple thing to be able to do. If you want to request a special citizenship I have not mentioned, please send me a PM.


Regarding Dual Citizenship:


This is not possible to do, sorry.

My suggestion would be to make a notation in your wiki.


Regarding Citizenship vs Grand Company Allegiance:


Currently we are going to keep the format of the flag on your profile being that of which city state you have Citizenship with, and not your Grand Company. If you wish your Grand Company to be notated, please make an addition to your wiki. Currently you will be unable to organize via Grand Company (ie: view others with the same Grand Company affiliation) though this may be possible soon.


Specific code (for your info-box):


| stat_# = Grand Company
| stat_#_value = Insert Grand Company Here
(Please replace # with a number depending on your wiki)


As I am currently working on setting up the new wiki, please direct any other formatting/organizational requests here ASAP, thank you~

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