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21. I gather dieing in game doesn't mean your character actually dies, but rather is knocked out or wounded. However, let's say a party was RPing in a dungeon and everyone died. Would that still mean the whole group was knocked out/wounded, or would you RP that the group retreated and it's the individuals' decision to say if they were wounded or not?

Different RPers are going to handle this differently.  If there's a serious RP going on and there needs to be some continuity to it, everyone might reassemble and pretend the wipe never took place.  Otherwise, perhaps not.  Dying vs. KO is another one of those hot topics that no two RPers will have the exact same viewpoint on.



22. What's your favorite FFXIV monster? When a mob aggros is that taken into account in RP? Such as if a group was discussing a plan and was camped out somewhere when all of a sudden something comes waltzing in and attacks someone. Would that be RPed as an unexpected ambush, or would the group kill it and ignore that it happened?

Mandragora!!  This is going to vary widely depending on who you're RPing with and their preferences/style.  Not everyone will roll with random ocurrances like that, and many will treat the intrusion as something that didn't happen.  But this all depends on the exact situation and the people with whom you're playing.  To use an example, we'd sometimes have some mobs spawn in the middle of RP and someone would use a job-ability but just say quickly OOC first, "not doing this ICly" - everyone's going to handle this differently though.


Thanks again Eva! So I guess the safe bet if either of these situations occur is to wait and see what others do and either act IC or OOC to continue along.

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Thanks again Eva! So I guess the safe bet if either of these situations occur is to wait and see what others do and either act IC or OOC to continue along.


For a lot of these questions, especially the two last questions, you'll be able to tell with the group you're rolling with, as a lot of these questions will resolve themselves naturally. I would look at it considering what the purpose of the RP is for, and what the location is supposed to replicate-- like if your group went to a sanctioned off area that mobs aren't even supposed to be around, but had no choice to hold the event in a mob-infested area.


Other times, there may be a gathering where mobs will occassionally wander in, aggressive or not, and a player will kill it as soon as it gets close, just to do it (often out of boredom or to help with the emmersion).


In places where your group is supposed to be fighting together, I think often than not RP will be done when killing most things, unless if there are a lot of trash mobs and your group...ehh, for a lack of a better term, clears an area so that RP may actually resume without interruption. But you're spot on, I would just see what happens, but generally you'll get a feel for the RP that should be "included"/"skipped".

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21. I gather dying in game doesn't mean your character actually dies, but rather is knocked out or wounded. However, let's say a party was RPing in a dungeon and everyone died. Would that still mean the whole group was knocked out/wounded, or would you RP that the group retreated and it's the individuals' decision to say if they were wounded or not?


Eva's right on this, that not many people agree with in game death vs KO, or about whether or not you'd be considered dead in this particular situation. However, when you're RPing in ANY PVE situation, (i.e. outside a city) you run the risk of being killed by a mob or group of mobs. In a dungeon, the risk is multiplied. Most heavy PVE'ers don't want rp in a dungeon for exactly that reason-- it's too easy to get distracted by typing and suddenly someone accidentally pulls and everyone is dead. Usually, in such a situation with RP'ers, everyone respawns, regroups, buffs, and takes down the mob. Even when it's not accidental, and you went after a mob, IC, this is commonly the case. You keep trying until the mob is dead and in character, you kind of say it was a one-kill wonder and keep right on truckin'. Otherwise, if there is no way to go on (and this is why I don't ever suggest RPing during end-game content if progression is part of the focus), you back up and let everyone assume the degree of their wounds and basically say 'We need more training' and RP your way out. These are just suggestions, and likely the way I would personally handle that situation. Even people who take roleplaying very seriously don't tend to take the repercussions of PVE/RP too literally when it comes to their characters. If you intend to PVE and RP, I advise doing it while leveling or grinding dungeons you know you can survive with a group and including only people who are both willing to be patient and include RP and who are like-minded with you to avoid any more stress than absolutely necessary.


22. What's your favorite FFXIV monster? When a mob aggros is that taken into account in RP? Such as if a group was discussing a plan and was camped out somewhere when all of a sudden something comes waltzing in and attacks someone. Would that be RPed as an unexpected ambush, or would the group kill it and ignore that it happened?


I mentioned this briefly above but I'd like to elaborate on my point of view on the matter: I have had a world spawn pop up right over me and rolfstomp my RP before. It was -not- pretty, not expected, and it was something that the game just does that we can't control. I have to assume this sort of thing is just possible in the world of the game-- sometimes you and your friends might be just standing around and something comes along and kills you like an angry mountain lion or a zombie. I usually go for the second option as a rule. The reason being, if you decide to always go with rping it as an ambush, you have to factor in the likelihood that a mindless killing machine came after you guys with purpose, etc. What do you do if some wandering group of PVE'ers pulls over and kills the mobs for you one day? RP them into it? Assume that you killed it yourself? And what happens if it kills you all and you have to respawn and switch out of your RP gear to the gear with which you wipe the floor with an angry Cactuar mob? Do you RP that you took the time to become conscious and change your clothes to kill the spiny beast? It's a complicated situation and when you move on down to picking and choosing the situations that you decide whether or not to RP the involvement of random spawns, it can cause conflict with others that don't want to assume that. That's why I choose to pause rp, kill the thing, and return to rp, the same way I would in a game with enemy factions that troll their way into your roleplay with the aim to annoy or kill you. I don't pick and choose, when I do manage or someone manages to kill a legitimate non-RPing troll that they were a noteworthy situation in my roleplay, and due to that, I usually just ignore non-RPing people when they come running up to spit on me and challenge me to a fight-- or I'll kill them then return to my RP as though nothing happened. It's hard, in those situations, to tell when someone is being serious and trying to attack you, but they usually have ways of relaying that, even if you can't speak to one another.

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Thanks again Eva! So I guess the safe bet if either of these situations occur is to wait and see what others do and either act IC or OOC to continue along.


For a lot of these questions, especially the two last questions, you'll be able to tell with the group you're rolling with, as a lot of these questions will resolve themselves naturally. I would look at it considering what the purpose of the RP is for, and what the location is supposed to replicate-- like if your group went to a sanctioned off area that mobs aren't even supposed to be around, but had no choice to hold the event in a mob-infested area.


Other times, there may be a gathering where mobs will occassionally wander in, aggressive or not, and a player will kill it as soon as it gets close, just to do it (often out of boredom or to help with the emmersion).


In places where your group is supposed to be fighting together, I think often than not RP will be done when killing most things, unless if there are a lot of trash mobs and your group...ehh, for a lack of a better term, clears an area so that RP may actually resume without interruption. But you're spot on, I would just see what happens, but generally you'll get a feel for the RP that should be "included"/"skipped".


21. I gather dying in game doesn't mean your character actually dies, but rather is knocked out or wounded. However, let's say a party was RPing in a dungeon and everyone died. Would that still mean the whole group was knocked out/wounded, or would you RP that the group retreated and it's the individuals' decision to say if they were wounded or not?


Eva's right on this, that not many people agree with in game death vs KO, or about whether or not you'd be considered dead in this particular situation. However, when you're RPing in ANY PVE situation, (i.e. outside a city) you run the risk of being killed by a mob or group of mobs. In a dungeon, the risk is multiplied. Most heavy PVE'ers don't want rp in a dungeon for exactly that reason-- it's too easy to get distracted by typing and suddenly someone accidentally pulls and everyone is dead. Usually, in such a situation with RP'ers, everyone respawns, regroups, buffs, and takes down the mob. Even when it's not accidental, and you went after a mob, IC, this is commonly the case. You keep trying until the mob is dead and in character, you kind of say it was a one-kill wonder and keep right on truckin'. Otherwise, if there is no way to go on (and this is why I don't ever suggest RPing during end-game content if progression is part of the focus), you back up and let everyone assume the degree of their wounds and basically say 'We need more training' and RP your way out. These are just suggestions, and likely the way I would personally handle that situation. Even people who take roleplaying very seriously don't tend to take the repercussions of PVE/RP too literally when it comes to their characters. If you intend to PVE and RP, I advise doing it while leveling or grinding dungeons you know you can survive with a group and including only people who are both willing to be patient and include RP and who are like-minded with you to avoid any more stress than absolutely necessary.


22. What's your favorite FFXIV monster? When a mob aggros is that taken into account in RP? Such as if a group was discussing a plan and was camped out somewhere when all of a sudden something comes waltzing in and attacks someone. Would that be RPed as an unexpected ambush, or would the group kill it and ignore that it happened?


I mentioned this briefly above but I'd like to elaborate on my point of view on the matter: I have had a world spawn pop up right over me and rolfstomp my RP before. It was -not- pretty, not expected, and it was something that the game just does that we can't control. I have to assume this sort of thing is just possible in the world of the game-- sometimes you and your friends might be just standing around and something comes along and kills you like an angry mountain lion or a zombie. I usually go for the second option as a rule. The reason being, if you decide to always go with rping it as an ambush, you have to factor in the likelihood that a mindless killing machine came after you guys with purpose, etc. What do you do if some wandering group of PVE'ers pulls over and kills the mobs for you one day? RP them into it? Assume that you killed it yourself? And what happens if it kills you all and you have to respawn and switch out of your RP gear to the gear with which you wipe the floor with an angry Cactuar mob? Do you RP that you took the time to become conscious and change your clothes to kill the spiny beast? It's a complicated situation and when you move on down to picking and choosing the situations that you decide whether or not to RP the involvement of random spawns, it can cause conflict with others that don't want to assume that. That's why I choose to pause rp, kill the thing, and return to rp, the same way I would in a game with enemy factions that troll their way into your roleplay with the aim to annoy or kill you. I don't pick and choose, when I do manage or someone manages to kill a legitimate non-RPing troll that they were a noteworthy situation in my roleplay, and due to that, I usually just ignore non-RPing people when they come running up to spit on me and challenge me to a fight-- or I'll kill them then return to my RP as though nothing happened. It's hard, in those situations, to tell when someone is being serious and trying to attack you, but they usually have ways of relaying that, even if you can't speak to one another.


Thank you Moltove and Siobhain. I now see it will depend on whoever I'm RPing with for sure. 


Also, just want to say again thanks to everyone helping me learn about RP. I am so excited to try it as Bhav once ARR comes online. 


If anymore glaring questions pop up I'll continue posting here.

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Hey, I actually have a question this time!

The whole ARR thing made me think of pirates ("Arr!"), which in turn reminded me of them musketeers in Limsa and everyone thinking that this would be the next job/class/thing we'd get in some future patch or expansion.

Since I've been out of the loop for a long time, I gotta ask... Has there EVER been any word on that? Or on any new class/job/thing, for that matter.

I mean if Final Fantasy Tactics had 19 of em, surely we could afford a few more! ^^

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Hey, I actually have a question this time!

The whole ARR thing made me think of pirates ("Arr!"), which in turn reminded me of them musketeers in Limsa and everyone thinking that this would be the next job/class/thing we'd get in some future patch or expansion.

Since I've been out of the loop for a long time, I gotta ask... Has there EVER been any word on that? Or on any new class/job/thing, for that matter.

I mean if Final Fantasy Tactics had 19 of em, surely we could afford a few more! ^^


Musketeer is still under speculation at the moment and is currently not playable within the game yet. The only new class/job that has been confirmed so far is Arcanist/Summoner along with some other unannounced class that we will see in the future.


Now to go off topic abit ""This pure speculation on my part"" but there is a good chance that Musketeer will be that unannounced class available at launch. Do I have any cold hard proof? No, not really... but given the puzzle pieces they've laid before us, I can take a strong guess at least. They have confirmed that in ARR your starting city will be based on your starting class so that you will start close to your classes respective guild. Example: Conjurer starts in Gridania because their guild The Stillglade Fane is there. Anyways, if you do a bit of research, you'll notice each city state has 2 battle guilds and 1 mage guild. It also is setup in a way that for "early levels" and I quote that strongly. One of the battle classes can act as a tank, the other a damage dealer and one as a mage.


Gridania: Lancer= Tank, Archer= Damage Dealer, Conjurer= Mage.

Ul'dah: Gladiator= Tank, Pugilist= Damage Dealer, Thaumaturge= Mage.

Limsa: Marauder= Tank, Musketeer???= Damage Dealer?, Arcanist= Mage.


Going by that list, all of the cities would have a proper balance of starting classes... That is if they add Musketeer to the roster... As it stands right now, Limsa is short one battle class and they already have a respective guild for the class that isn't there. So I may be just be talking nonsense (And I am to a large degree.) But I feel there is a very high chance that you'll see Musketeer at launch.

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That would make a lot of sense and would make me happy, as musketeers are awesome and summoner is pretty much the missing magic type I've been wanting to see.

That makes me a happy Miqo'te.

Aside from Lancers being in Gridania... That forest maze? Not my favorite area...

Guess I'll start with another class and pick Lancer later. :P

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That would make a lot of sense and would make me happy, as musketeers are awesome and summoner is pretty much the missing magic type I've been wanting to see.

That makes me a happy Miqo'te.

Aside from Lancers being in Gridania... That forest maze? Not my favorite area...

Guess I'll start with another class and pick Lancer later. :P


Ah, actually The Black Shroud isn't a maze anymore in ARR. It's actually quite open and easy to navigate now. Infact, here's a video to give you a glimpse of what I mean!





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every time I see those videos I think, "Oh, wow, look at all those spots I can RP at!" or "Eff it, I'mma hit my walk button and explore just walking everywhere!"


Anyways, as much as I'd like thief to be the upcoming class, it's 100% going to be Archanist and 98% likely the other class will be Musketeer. I actually did not realize the latter would be available at launch, but I hope so, as it'll certainly keep all of us busy.


Another thought that comes to mind is:

"I'm gonna RP so hard when ARR is live..."

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Not so much scouts. The Pugilist Guild in Ul'dah sees to the collection and satisfaction of debts. Like the boxer who comes to break your legs because you owe the loan shark. They also run the Platinum Mirage (a casino). Do not get me wrong, when a Pugilist shows up, most people pay up. They are not exactly loan shark enforcers. They are just prepared to do the same sorts of things when it becomes necessary. Like much in Ul'dah, there is some seedy underworldy and roguey flavor to them, but nothing really in mechanics that makes them a roguey class. Well there is Blindside, but that is really about it. Hope this was helpful. ^ ^

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Pugilists are about as Thiefy as Marauders, in other words. Their guild is known for activities that could be considered criminal, but are technically a legitimate establishment in their home city. They're light armoured and nimble, in contrast to Marauders, but are considered the far more legit of the two. They don't technically steal from those they're beating up and taking payment from, like those pirating Marauders.


However, Pugilists are almost certainly the prime candidate for a Gambler Job. Their guild is the number one gambling house in Ul'dah, which in turn is the most vice-enabling city of Eorzea. My guess is that a Gambler Job will be added with or after Gold Saucer, and the quests to unlock it will involve the Pugilists Guild's investment in or rivalry with GS.


Besides, a martial-artist character type with a gambling theme has precedent in Final Fantasy: Tifa's slots Limit Break mechanic. Who's from the same game as Gold Saucer. Okay, calling it now, Gambler Job quests will reference a master named Zangan. ;)

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A couple of curiosities over finer details:


A.) How is slavery viewed in Hyadelyn? Are there places where it's acceptable, legal even? Does this ever happen in game?


B.) What are some popular gambling methods within the lore? Card games, dice, chess, ect.? Are there special names for these?


Thank you for your time.

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Wow. First two questions you post and I'm kinda stumped on them! I'll give it a shot though.


I don't believe slavery is addressed in game or would be considered acceptable/normal. Eorzea seems to feel very rustic, but have modern ideals when it comes to some things. I may be wrong though, I just personally don't remember. It's certainly not like in XI where the Galka were basically enslaved by the Humes. :) Hopefully someone else will chime in on this as well.


I do know that gambling takes place in Ul'dah, I think at the Platinum Mirage (Pugilist Guild). I'm not aware of any specifics though..


..Man I sucked at answering these. xD -note to self, dun answer when unsure-

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Platinum Mirage is Ul'dah's premier gambling establishment, yes. I'd assume they have generic card games, etc. Probably some that are unique to Eorzea as well, obviously, like the game's parley.


(I'd say that one knife game mentioned in a leve as well, but that seems like something more fitting of a tavern and not an organized casino)They also handle the bets placed on Coliseum fights and death bouts.


Pretty strict on security, too. It's actually mentioned that magic is nullified inside the platinum mirage, so people can't cheat. :cactuar:

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Ambiguity isn't always bad as it provides wiggle room. Anyhow, I had another wonder:


C.) Apparently "Sahgin's had the Reavers destroy a number of villages along the coast (burning them down)." Is it stated when this happened exactly or is the timing ambiguous? Are these towns named?

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I don't believe many details are given about the villages that the Sahagin Reavers destroyed. More information about this may be forthcoming in later versions of the beta or in the final release of the game - for now it looks like they're focusing on Gridania and the surrounding areas.


Regarding an earlier question, I believe there is some reference to chess, or chess pieces made during a quest somewhere. I can't recall the quest to reference it, but I have regretted not taking a screencap of it for awhile now. Perhaps someone else knows. I do know at least three or four RPers - including myself - have taken it upon themselves to RP chess, and use chess terminology in their RP and stories.

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On the subject of slavery. I cannot say for sure that actual full blown slavery exists in Eorzea. I do know that some of the Ul'dah quest lines make reference to a situation similar to indentured servitude happening when someone cannot pay off a debt. Also, there are several mentions of the poor being put into various forms forced servitude in Uldy (good old Ul'dah, great for making you think twice as to whether or not the city state is even worth saving). I would also think it is an sentence option for lawbreakers. I think acceptance of the concept of slavery largely depends on where you are from, and the particular flavor of slavery being talked about. The concept is there, but I think they tend to sugar coat and pretty it up with words. They call it something other than what it actually is, basically. Hope this was helpful.

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A few more questions cropped up.


23. When IC, can the guilds be referred to as "the lancer's guild" or should they only be known as their names(i.e. Wailing Barracks)? Or are both wordings okay?


24. Can npc quests ever be referenced to? Such as let's say there is a sidequest in ARR that calls for collecting 4 wolf fangs. For this example pretend the npc name is Fllyonn and the reasoning behind the collecting is she needs the fangs to create a necklace for her sister. Then let's say my character does this quest. Obviously, I can't say, "Hey I helped Fllyonn with getting her necklace made for her sister!" because many other players probably have done this quest as well. However, could I make a reference to this quest (if I was talking to another player IC) by saying something like, "Today, I collected some wolf fangs that were needed for someone."? Basically, without giving the names or too many details about a SE-created quest can I talk about it in IC or is it best not to?


25. A chocobo, a moogle, and a sylph are forming a party. Who's the tank, the dd, and the healer? When items are dropped from defeating a monster, would you RP them out such as skinning a beast for its fur? If you do RP dropped items, what about NMs that drop weapons, armor, crystals, or any other unique items? Are only certain items RPed out for how a character obtained them, or all are, or none are?

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23. When IC, can the guilds be referred to as "the lancer's guild" or should they only be known as their names(i.e. Wailing Barracks)? Or are both wordings okay?

Both wordings are generally accepted and understood ICly.


24. Can npc quests ever be referenced to? Such as let's say there is a sidequest in ARR that calls for collecting 4 wolf fangs. For this example pretend the npc name is Fllyonn and the reasoning behind the collecting is she needs the fangs to create a necklace for her sister. Then let's say my character does this quest. Obviously, I can't say, "Hey I helped Fllyonn with getting her necklace made for her sister!" because many other players probably have done this quest as well. However, could I make a reference to this quest (if I was talking to another player IC) by saying something like, "Today, I collected some wolf fangs that were needed for someone."? Basically, without giving the names or too many details about a SE-created quest can I talk about it in IC or is it best not to?

I would keep it vague, but each RPer will probably handle this differently. You may want to be careful how much you say about a sidequest ICly for no other reason than spoilers for those who haven't done it yet. Apart from that, I see no reason why not to indicate what sort of work you've done, if you want that to have been conducted in an in-character fashion, so long as it's not giving away details or as you pointed out, something that would not happen more than one time like in the necklace example.


25. When items are dropped from defeating a monster, would you RP them out such as skinning a beast for its fur? If you do RP dropped items, what about NMs that drop weapons, armor, crystals, or any other unique items? Are only certain items RPed out for how a character obtained them, or all are, or none are?

In my experience this is very seldom RPed. It varies a lot as well depending on what your character is like and what you're willing to have them do. For instance, my character will often go to Coerthas to shear sheep for wool. IC I regard this as going there with shears and actually doing that. OOC it's more of a karakul slaughter. But Eva's not one to slaughter a bunch of sheep in-character for their wool like that, thus the change in how it's conducted. Different people will have different opinioins and attitudes about this, however.

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Yeah I had a hard time with the struck question this time. :lol:


25. A chocobo, a moogle, and a sylph are forming a party. Who's the tank, the dd, and the healer?


I'm pretty sure the chocobo would be either tanking or DDing. It's kind of a toss-up on healing between the moogle and the sylph.


I guess in a pinch I'd put the moogle on DD, let the boco tank, and have the sylph take care of healing~


:cactuar: Cactuar could be extra DD. :tonberry: Tonberry can join the fray as well~

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