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Looking for Connections

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First time posting anything here, but I keep being shoved this direction by people, so I thought what the hey. Here goes nothing.


I tried this before over on my tumblr, so I’m trying once again to make some connections but thought I should post here too! Listed below are my three characters as well as links to their Wiki for more information if you’d like. The Wikis also have a tab for possible RP hooks or initial ideas. But please do feel free to suggest your own! Or we can discuss a bit to find what might be a good way for our characters to meet up somehow.



Kazha’a Anhsari

26, Male, Keeper of the Moon

Blade-for-hire, treasure hunter, and general loner.

Wiki: https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Kazha%27a_Anhsari



Arshtat Ejinn

22, Female, Xaela

Former huntress, tribe-born, and in search of her brother.

Wiki: https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Arshtat_Ejinn



Ellere Valahan

33, Female, Midlander

Doctor, Sharlayan scholar, and a romance aficionado.

Wiki: https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Ellere_Valahan


Little bit about me as a roleplayer:

- I am located on the west coast, so I am in the PDT/PST time zone.

- I am a full-time graduate student, so my schedule varies, but I’m usually available any time in the afternoon/evenings and on weekends unless I have class or a large assignment.

- I like RP with plot and substance, long build-ups and deep story.

- I tend to prefer Skype/Discord RP for the above reason, but am open to in-game RP if that is your preferred method.

- I am open to pre-established or old relationships (old friends, enemies, clients etc).

- I am open to mature or darker themes.

- I lean to things being lore-friendly and compliant, though open to have fun within reason as well.

- Love interests are great.

- Antagonists or enemies are just as great.

- So are friends.


If you’re interested, feel free to shoot me a message here, on tumblr, or add me on Discord ( Hithren #9876 ). Look forward to hearing from some new faces!

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Hi there! I tend to shy away from majorly text based or forum RP, but I'd be more than willing to RP sometime in-game if you'd be interested! I play late night EST, so I feel like our timezone difference might work decent enough depending. 


If you'd like to try and work something out or just chat a bit, feel free to get in touch either here or in-game, though, I go by the name of Flynn Ivers!


I also just want to add that the picture of Kazha'a is probably the most badass screenshot I've seen for FF14 so far, so... amazing job. In awe. :moogle:

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Hello there!


First off I'd like to say you do wonderful artwork. I've seen your stuff floating around and those animated images you do of your characters are quite lovely!


Second, I'd definitely be interested in RPing with you. I don't have much of a pref for which character to meet, however I will say that I too prefer RP outside of the game due to the irritating character limit. I also love ongoing plots with partners and having our characters grow and develop together. I prefer Skype, but PMs through this site are preferable too.


Uh let's see... Oh! Feel free to check out my character wiki pages as well and shoot me a PM if you'd want to set something up. :thumbsup:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there fellow west coaster! :D 


I know it's been a couple weeks since your post went up, but if you're still looking to make some new friends to roleplay with, you're welcome to come check out my FC's upcoming tavern night (event details) and see who you can connect with! We're around doing RP at the venue most nights of the week even if it isn't a "hosted" night, so if you can't make it to the event don't be shy about coming by some other time or just generally reaching out to us for some RP (we have a Discord server with a public text chat channel, the info's on our FC page here at the RPC).


Hope to run into you! :)

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Hello! :)


I like the concept for all of your characters and it was nice to do a quick read through of all the wikis. My Raen Marigold, is/was a vigilante (it's debatable now) who is going through a bit of a rough spot in her life currently. She's been found drinking excessively a lot more often in the Quicksand and for someone who is often a good person to chat with, she tries to keep to herself.


If you're interested, let me know! When it comes to RP outside of the game, my preferred method is RPC since I check it most frequently. However, I also have discord if that is what you prefer.

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Hi! I think either Kazha'a or Arshtat would go well with female Seeker, W'erryn. I also have a a serious little lala that I think would be fun to pair up with Ellere. Erryn was born to her tribe but exiled, and is now a nomadic hunter/blade for hire. She tends to keep to herself but plays the part of the social butterfly well when in a crowd. I definitely think she and Kazha'a could prove great to roleplay with, but I can see her and Arshtat getting on quite well as well.



I'm available for in-game RP, but I too prefer Skype. I think there's a lot of similarities between our roleplay styles, so I think we'd get on great! I'm definitely interested in getting something with a deeper plot going over the long haul. 



If you're interested, you can PM me here or hit me up on Skype (ruv-alicious). 

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I'm admittedly quite interested in RP with either Kazha'a or Ellere (or both! if you'd like). 


As to my character, Serdtsevina is a blind courtesan typically making home in Ul'dah, though he does travel sometimes with his courtesan guild to shows or such things outside of the city. He's rather quiet and soft-spoken, but definitely open to meeting new people of all sorts - especially over tea, or simply running into someone on the street. His wiki can be found here, for perusal! It's very much a WIP, but I think I have enough basic information available on it at this point. 


There are a good few similarities as far as Kazha'a's and Serdtsevina's likes and dislikes, so I think they may be able to get along well - if slowly! Kazha'a is listed as a bit distant and unapproachable, but I'd love to try and see how things go if you're at all interested! 


As for Ellere, the fact she's a scholarly sort would be a draw for Serdt, who is naturally quite curious and loves listening to others tell stories about their adventures or places they've seen. Given his past knowledge of healing magic, that could also be something to strike up conversation over, perhaps! And like Kazha'a, she seems to share many similarities in terms of likes and dislikes with Serdt! So I'd love to give that a try too, if you'd be interested. 


As far as me as a roleplayer: I would love to find RP with plot and substance, and don't mind if they span over a good few days/weeks/months! I like to start with meet-and-greets first, just to see how characters interact with one another, but am definitely open to more should things go well! I primarily RP over Google Documents or PMs here on the RPC, though I can always attempt Discord as well, if that is a prefered method.

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