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Finally ready to roleplay! c:


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Hi, everyone! I've been lurking about for a while during my extended 'try-out' of the game. I originally played right when the original version came out, but only briefly. After a lengthy absence, I returned and thankfully had a few spots on Balmung! A few Fantasias and name changes later, I've decided on a toon to main.


I've also stolen the Welcome template.


--MMORPG background

A lot. Tons. Mostly WoW, but I've gone through a few games to figure out where I'd like to stay. I've had it with WoW and FFXIV has a similar combat system - from my experience - and I've decided to stay after a good two months of playing!


--RP experience

Quite a bit. I started when I was very young with friends over email, but I'd say that I've been producing 'quality' roleplay for a few years.


--Character ideas/info

I currently play a Xaela, Qo'an Dazkar, and have been toying around with doing a little fan canon with her background, considering that there doesn't seem to be too much lore on the Au Ra. She's a ninja class-wise, but I was thinking of a version that developed outside of Doma. Seeing that Xaela are tribal, perhaps their mudra call upon their deities / ancestors. I dunno, I'll figure it out or keep it vague.


As for her personality, the Xaela are noted as being fiery and violent; however, Qo'an is more of a seething rage until she explodes. Quiet, piercing gaze, etc. I don't want to go into the edgelord zone, so I'm working on keeping things balanced.


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Heavy, save for leveling or dungeons.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

I have two cats, a dog, two bearded dragons, and a boyfriend. It's like a zoo in here.


Anyhow, feel free to chat with me in-game: Qo'an Dazkar is the toon's name.

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Hello, and welcome back to the game!


I like the concept for your character, and also your spin on the Ninja abilities. I think it's a good idea, and yeah, you can always keep it vague if needed.


I hope you like it here! Feel free to give me a poke for RP, or if you need help running dungeons or somesuch. C:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there miss Pell! Have you come across many other Xaela to bounce ideas and lore off of? When 3.0 launched, it seemed like everybody and their neighbor created (or fantasia'd) Au'ra characters, but I haven't seen as many lately. I wonder if it's because of the spotty lore for them? We have a couple Raen and a couple Xaela in my FC, though no males (but then I hardly ever see male Au'ra characters, I think people might dislike the character models or something, I don't really know). 


If you're still looking to make some new friends, my FC is hosting a tavern night soon (event details) and you're welcome to come and have some fun with us! Tavern nights can get a little hectic, so if that kind of busy scene isn't your thing, we do some more "whatever" type RP most nights of the week and we're never against including a new friend. That's part of the fun of our venue being an inn, it makes for easy excuses for random people to come by. Anyway, if you want to reach out to us for some RP, all the contact info's on our FC page here on the RPC, including our Discord server which is public-OK. I hope we'll get to meet you! :D

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Hi there, Sena! I had such a busy day yesterday, so I apologize for missing your post.


I haven't roleplayed with any Au Ra quite yet.. mostly because I'm trying to figure out the lore behind this toon. I'll probably be posting something in the workshop area, considering I've gone from a tribal-esque character to perhaps Sharlayan (if I can make it work, lorewise).


I'm not ready for the hustle and bustle scene of a big roleplay night, but I would love to set aside some time to meet y'all and just have some slower paced fun. Once I have her background down, I think I'll be ready for the crazy spam-filled events. c;


I'll join the Discord channel! Thanks for the invite and I appreciate your reply to my intro thread!

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