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*bows with a little blush*


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Konnichiwa Kupos~


The first and only real MMORPG I've played for a significant about of time is FFXI. My brother used to play in the early years of the game and when he moved off to college I decided to take up the exploration of Vana'diel in his stead. Other than this, I have not really played any other online games (although I'd love to experience the world of SAO lol).


I have never been apart of a RP community before so this will be my first experience with it. I'm excited to be a member of this coalition!!



Chara: Talah Taleheart (taltale)



Midlander hyur



Not sure of her appearance yet. I'd prefer her to have long hair (if that is an option in ARR-dark brunette or light amber), amber eyes, pale skin and hold a petite physic..this could be subject to change though.


As for her personality, I'd prefer for you to find out gradually, in game, to provide a more rl feel rather than posting everything I'd like you to know about her here, right now, if this is okay.


Talah is my only character in Hydaelyn. Therefore, she will be a chara that I sometimes want to roleplay with (I'll probably be a medium type player..we'll see^^). She is not just a character for roleplaying. FFXIV will be a place where I will expose my own feelings and thoughts as well. Talah has represented me ingame in XI and I don't want to be limited to use this account only as an rp. 


Irl I go to college full time and work part time at the local humane society (which I love). In my free time like to game (obviously lol), read, play soccer, travel, dance, and paint. I am a lover of anime as well<3


I think this rp community will be such a fun place to be a part of and I hope to find my fit here. I so look forward to meeting all of you in Eorzea!



“...The girl is the only one in the world.[/align]


That made her the god of the world.


So she thought she should make her world much cleaner.


She burned all the pictures.


She set fire to the mansion and the old castle.


Along with the structures, she burned all her memories.

Lastly, the god threw the trash,


the only trash left in the world,


out from the cliff.”[/align]

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Thank you all for the /welcomes! 


Ellie, I will most definitely check out the discussion subforum. *bows*


*smiles warmly* Xenedra! *takes the pancake* (I love these^.^)


I am very excited to rp with everyone! Although I'm sure I will have millions upon millions of questions, I'm also sure I will learn much from observing you all~

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You are so cute. >< Welcome to the RPC! I look forward to hearing more about your character (and yourself). Also, I'm not sure about really long hair in FFXIV, for a lot of games it can cause clipping issues but we really won't know until we see. I'm so excited to play! :3

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Thank you for another round of 'Welcomes!'


Vee, unfortunately I'm pretty skeptical about there being long hair in FFXIV too but a girl can dream~ I have been so excited for this game ever since I heard about it for the first time. With beta up and coming in a couple of days, the excitement keeps me dancing on my toes! c:

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