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No. Really, that's about it. Hi. What's up? Salutations. Hello, How are you?



My name's Lily. I realize this makes my username seem soooo great. I've played Final Fantasy for pretty much my entire life. One of my first memories is that music and text scroll of Final Fantasy IV on the SNES. It's no surprise I'm pretty much a raging Square Enix fangirl, but even I didn't stick with 1.0. I bought it, of course, and I played it, of course, but it was far too wince inducing to really get into that hard. I played it a bit while it was free, but I can't proclaim to know the world all that well. I'll probably spend a significant amount of time leading up to re-release bugging people about lore nuggets.



--MMORPG background


Started with Final Fa--psyche, Asheron's Call. Then Runescape, then Final Fantasy XI, then City of Heroes, then FFXI again, then WoW again, then Warhammer (ohgodwhy), then Aeon, then FFXI again, then WoW again, then a bunch of F2P MMO, then GW2, and now I'm somehow in a casual raiding guild for WoW. I don't even know.


--RP experience


When I was, like, four, I ran around making up superheroes and playing them out with my cousins. It didn't get better. I'm addicted. Have been for my entire life.


--Character ideas/info


Roegadyne Arcnist/Archer/Bard/something with a survivalist/explorer point of view. Going the absolute reverse of myself, so calm, measured, rational, and easy to work with. Will expand on after immersing myself in more info.


--How did you learn about the coalition?


My ability to track down information is a dark legend that librarians pass down as an oral tradition.


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?




--Anything from real life youâre comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)



I'm a writer by trade. Mostly crummy adverts and resume making along with some other related oddjobs. I've done a lot of weird jobs over my life.



Also, forgive me for the bizarre intro. It's only 10AM. I'm not thinking straight, especially with this :moogle: adorable thing at the edge of my vision.

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Most of the Welcome Wagon is still asleep, I believe. Welcome!! It's wonderful to have you! I always love to see fellow writers and FFXI players come around .... though it's kind of often here. I'm sure someone will be by passing out pixelated cookies or pancakes or something. 


Take a look at the RP Discussion forums if you haven't yet.  "The Question Box" is a good thread to read for some ideas and a good place to pose any questions you might have. Or feel free to start your own or PM us as you like. We're a friendly (if somewhat rowdy) bunch.



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Take a look at the RP Discussion forums if you haven't yet.  "The Question Box" is a good thread to read for some ideas and a good place to pose any questions you might have. Or feel free to start your own or PM us as you like. We're a friendly (if somewhat rowdy) bunch.




D'awww--I mean, yes, I'll make sure to do that.


Aw yeah. Final Fantasy IV was my first RPG period, and I also recall how striking that text roll and music was. Welcome~


Shining Force 2 was my legit first -- and what inspired me to learn to read! -- because I didn't manage to track down FFIV until years later when a video rental store went out of business.

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