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If you are up for contacts and RP sessions, my character has a past with garlics that she doesn't talk about, but some garlics might know about it. It's a good hook for me to introduce RP things with garlean characters.


Feel free to hit me up!

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I'd very much like to role-play with your Imperial! My own character is a Garlean half-breed, torn between loyalty to the friends he has forged within Eorzea and the loyalty he has towards the more reasonable members of his family. I won't go into too much detail here but I've a number of potential hooks to work with! I'll get in touch with you in-game...though you're more than welcome to prod me too!

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Hello Alion,


One of my alt, Mei', is working for a centurion as a spy/assassin. It was never her choice to end up like this, as she was borned in Othard and faced the consequences of the rebellion. Although she learnt the values of Garlemald, and can understand their reasons, she hates their methods. Being the victim of a terrible pressure, she has spent enough years under garlean control to lose hope of being "free" and follows orders submissively.

She could be a contact for your imperial, if you have ideas in mind. Considering she cannot be seen as a citizen of the Empire, she would be under his authority (as long as it does not go against her current superior's orders).

Don't hesitate to contact me on [La Pacificatrice] if interested : )

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Hey there!


I actually became aware of this thread because people were asking if it was me, due to some similarities; We both came back recently to the game, and both have Garlean Centurions masquerading as something they're not, who still believe in the Empire. Eerie stuff, but I think with that much common ground we should definitely consider getting together and RPing, if you're up for it!

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