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Hey, look, it's what's-his-name! Again!


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Some of y'all know me, and some of y'all don't. Some of y'all might be with me, and... wait, that's not the intro I wanted. Trying again.


For those of you who do know Rhio or me, usually both, no introduction is necessary. For those of you who don't, I'm Eliot, known in-game as Rhio. I've been around, but since my ability to maintain a presence on this forum is basically nil, with 2.0 and beta around the corner I'm trying to actually take an active role again. Most of the time I lurk without actively posting.


The majority of my claim to fame, as it were, comes from the fact that I write about FFXIV and roleplaying for a living over at Massively. (I write about other things, but those aren't relevant here.) Depending on what you think of all that writing, this may or may not be a good thing.


So, if we've met, hello again. If we haven't, hello for the first time.

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Didn't get to RP with you much in 1.0, so I hope to see you around more often come ARR~!


Definitely. Rhio has plans... well, will have plans.


Mal/Theo says hello as well, although she's even worse about posting on forums than I am. The beta is quite convincing.

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