Noaleth Posted February 26, 2013 Share #1 Posted February 26, 2013 Me and Hinagiku are looking to get in touch with roleplayers from the European timezones (GMT +0/+1/+2) I've noticed that a great majority of players on this site are from North America, so I'd like to find out how many Europeans who'll roleplay in ARR are currently active. Some games have a relatively large, vibrant and active European RP-community (like Guild Wars 2 and WoW at some point), while other games seem to shelter only a very small amount of EU roleplayers (like Everquest 2). I'm hoping there'll be a fair amount to be found in FFXIV: ARR, as timezone differences can possibly be very troublesome (especially when you can't stay up to play past midnight), if you want to build long lasting character relationships and plots 8-) Not necessarily, but it can be a barrier. So, we're curious. How many EU folk do we have in this community at the moment? Or of course, people from other countries or North Americans playing at hours more in line with EU prime-time qualify as well :3 And if you're European, do you intend to roll on a specifically European server, if Square-Enix appoints one, or will you just roll wherever the bulk of the (NA) RP community heads for? Link to comment
Xenedra Posted February 26, 2013 Share #2 Posted February 26, 2013 I'll start by saying I am not, in fact an EU player : x But! Many of us on the RPC keep very odd schedules and as far as I've heard, it's never been an issue for EU players to get plenty of RP from all regions of the world. I myself pretty much sleep whenever I want! So I hereby claim some of your RPs, mwahaha and such. As for server, a great number of us are already rolled on what was called (and may still be after launch) the Balmung server. There have been a few posts deliberating the merits of restarting on a theoretical official RP server, but as some of us have already put in hours of work into our characters and SE has stated we won't be able to move them (at least at launch), I would say Balmung is the go-to at the moment! Also, welcome! Heehee~ Link to comment
Yssen Posted February 26, 2013 Share #3 Posted February 26, 2013 Seconded. I freelance so my schedule is my own, so long as I get my work in on time. Which I always do. Bwhahahaha, responsibility! I am also not an EU player, but I do lay claim to your RP. A note on severs, I would not worry about this too much for the moment. The whole thing is up in the air until we have more concrete details. Assume Balmung if it still exists. I would not expect a plan until more concrete details come forth. Don't panic. When details do come forward in a more solid fashion, the community shall keep you informed as to what is up. Yar! Look forward to seeing you guys in Eorzea. Link to comment
Noaleth Posted February 26, 2013 Author Share #4 Posted February 26, 2013 Thank you for your input, Xenedra and Yssen :3 You may gladly have some of our RPs Looking forward to it, even ^^ That said, I'm probably more concerned about it than I should be :angel:. More than likely, we'll find our way around the time-zone difference and will probably manage to engage in some interesting interactions with NA characters as well, even if we do have to miss out on some events (but, who doesn't? 8-)) Either way, we'll probably be rolling on whatever the designated roleplay server will be that the bulk of the community will roll on, NA and EU alike :3 Be it Balmung or its succesor. I guess time will tell what server we'll all end up ^^ Regardless, I'm still interested in getting in touch with EU folk, of course. So if there are still any lurking about, I'm looking forward to hearing from you! Link to comment
Rhashi Nefhys Posted March 6, 2013 Share #5 Posted March 6, 2013 Hello Noaleth! Looks like we share timezones though I am on an odd schedule here as well which is quite US friendly at times. I also did some searching for other EU players and communitys but it looks pretty grim so far. So just staying on US Servers looks like the better option right now. And most RPers who played 1.0 will probably stick to the Balmung server as Xenedra pointed out already. Link to comment
Noaleth Posted March 6, 2013 Author Share #6 Posted March 6, 2013 Hello Noaleth! Looks like we share timezones though I am on an odd schedule here as well which is quite US friendly at times. I also did some searching for other EU players and communitys but it looks pretty grim so far. So just staying on US Servers looks like the better option right now. And most RPers who played 1.0 will probably stick to the Balmung server as Xenedra pointed out already. Hey there, Rhashi Glad to hear from another European. It's really too bad you haven't met very many other European roleplayers so far. It's strange how some games have a very large amount of EU based roleplayers (e.g. Guild Wars 2), while others have little. Luckily it's still quite some time till launch, and we'll probably see a bunch more show up! Like you said, we're probably just going to roll on a US server anyway, which will likely be Balmung So there will never be a real shortage of roleplay for us, though I do hope we'll have a nice little group of people from our timezones around 8-) Link to comment
Varus Posted June 25, 2013 Share #7 Posted June 25, 2013 Another RPC member brought up a great point: EU players live across the world and thus they are awake when many of the RPC members are asleep. In order to rectify this problem and open up more opportunities for RP socialization for our EU RPC members who have time-constraints and find it difficult to get such opportunities, I'd suggest creating a social group on Skype! This way, EU RPers can interact with other people from similar timezones outside of the forums! Link to comment
Nhyra Posted June 25, 2013 Share #8 Posted June 25, 2013 Heya! I wanted to bring up the old thread, since RPC has gotten a lot more people recently. Looking for others from EU! Even with somewhat strange time schedules myself it seems hard to catch others online. At least when they're neither going to sleep or to work. If there are lots of people from EU and interested RPing at more comfortable times we could maybe arrange something. For example events! Of course people from other parts of the world would be welcome too if their times allow. I assume that at least most EU-players from RPC are going to Balmung, so I don't see the need to specificly roll on EU server. Unless they want to play end-game/other reason... /edit, hehe, Tyonis was faster. Link to comment
Koko Posted June 25, 2013 Share #9 Posted June 25, 2013 I'm Spanish (GMT+2). So yay, Europe. And I am going to most probably, with 99% certainty going to be on Balmung. Link to comment
Ronberku Posted June 25, 2013 Share #10 Posted June 25, 2013 Seems like I never posted in this topic. But I'm also an EU player and I'm already on Balmung. Link to comment
Gerik Posted June 25, 2013 Share #11 Posted June 25, 2013 My friend Burgenheim is from EU too, he was hoping to find other RPers and stuff to hang out with. Link to comment
Flynn Bladebreaker Posted June 25, 2013 Share #12 Posted June 25, 2013 England here o/ Gonna wait and see what yoshi has to say first. Ill go where all the EU RPers are Link to comment
Dycize Posted June 25, 2013 Share #13 Posted June 25, 2013 French here \o/ So good ol' EU with GMT+1 time zone. I'm used to staying late to RP with NA people, but EU players are always easier on the sleeping schedule =p Link to comment
Kari Illderthane Posted June 25, 2013 Share #14 Posted June 25, 2013 Another UK person here for the record.-Will be playing on Balmung. Link to comment
Amyr Mythweaver Posted June 25, 2013 Share #15 Posted June 25, 2013 English here and will be playing on Balmung my insomnia has always let me ignore time zone issues pretty much since Everquest. :lol: Link to comment
Rinh Hallani Posted June 25, 2013 Share #16 Posted June 25, 2013 UK player here! I also had concerns over time zones but will go with Balmung since that seems to be where everyone is going. Link to comment
Mycroft Posted June 25, 2013 Share #17 Posted June 25, 2013 I am a CET resident, and will likely have a character on Balmung, just to keep in touch with the primary RP community, but otherwise I'll hop around on Hyperion. Link to comment
Desphiria Posted June 25, 2013 Share #18 Posted June 25, 2013 I'm Eastern timezone but I'm usually up till like 3 or 4'o clock in the morning on some days. I'm usually up till 3:30 on the weekdays though, unless I have a massive headache or I'm getting really sleepy. On Saturday I'm mostly up until 4. I used to be up till 5 but I'm kind of tired of seeing Inuyasha repeats now. XS Link to comment
Nova Posted June 25, 2013 Share #19 Posted June 25, 2013 I use to live in Germany but I now live in the eastern timezone. I like to practice insomnia most nights so I am rarely asleep before 0200 and am often awake until 0600 EST. If you ever want to RP feel free to hit me up. I'm always looking for yummy RPs Link to comment
Akki-Chan Posted June 26, 2013 Share #20 Posted June 26, 2013 A lot of the EU folks are acctually going to Balmung then, huh... Might have to change that on my guilds setting then. *makes a little note for later* Link to comment
Zikh Posted June 26, 2013 Share #21 Posted June 26, 2013 Hi! I'm zikh! I have a few threads going in the welcome area and Linkshell area recruiting for the Night Shift! Come check our threads out and contribute! We'll get more active closer to the game re-launch and start recruiting then. :3 As the founder I'm mostly up between 10PM local Mountain Time in the states here, and on well into the morning which is right around afternoon and evening for your fellows across the pond. (No Germans.) (Okay Germans) (But no Dutch) (Okay Dutch...) Lol, euro politics. ;D Link to comment
Akki-Chan Posted June 26, 2013 Share #22 Posted June 26, 2013 Okay then.. I just found out that Balmung is a legacy server... Sooo, allow me the innocent and maybe uninformed question.. What the acctual *beep*? Why would you, as a new or non-legacy player, put yourself through the ordeal of joining a legacy server? You're starting all new on a server crammed full with a max level characters who saw everything the old content has to offer. Chance for new characters to make decent money with something that issn't already delivered by max level characters who have easy access to EVERYTHING - Zero. Chance to purchase gear or other goods that aren't absurdely overpriced by said max level characters... Virtually zero, as well. So, someone, please, elaborate for me why a new/non-legacy player would want to go through this madness. Link to comment
Merri Posted June 26, 2013 Share #23 Posted June 26, 2013 Players can make their own decisions on whether or not they wish to join a legacy server. I'm sure there will be EU communities on both, so there's no need to worry. Please remember to keep the discussion civil, though. This has been a hot button topic in the past. It also might not really be appropriate for this thread, and should probably be redirected to one of the many threads already discussing the legacy/non-legacy servers. 2 Link to comment
Kari Illderthane Posted June 27, 2013 Share #24 Posted June 27, 2013 Okay then.. I just found out that Balmung is a legacy server... Sooo, allow me the innocent and maybe uninformed question.. What the acctual *beep*? Why would you, as a new or non-legacy player, put yourself through the ordeal of joining a legacy server? You're starting all new on a server crammed full with a max level characters who saw everything the old content has to offer. Chance for new characters to make decent money with something that issn't already delivered by max level characters who have easy access to EVERYTHING - Zero. Chance to purchase gear or other goods that aren't absurdely overpriced by said max level characters... Virtually zero, as well. So, someone, please, elaborate for me why a new/non-legacy player would want to go through this madness. The community, here I know there is going to be lots of RP. I'm not fussed about being max level with all the best gear I play for fun, As you said yourself "Old content" the world has been remade from scratch there is going to be lots of new stuff. Again for the Gil I'm playing the game to have fun. It only takes 1 person to break an auction house look at what happened to guild wars 2 it was majorly abused before it got fixed Arena net never took the gold away from those people and that was on a new server and that was at launch the same thing can happen to any server. Sometimes having an established economy can be a good thing sometimes it can be bad. So whilst some items can be overpriced some can be under priced by people trying to undercut each other trying to sell the same items to players. Again if I go onto another server I have no idea what the community is going to be like, If there will be any Role play. Note: This isn't a personal dig/grudge against you but merely my opinion as a new person starting FFXIV ARR and I respect what ever decision you make and hope you have a great time in the game! :thumbsup: Also as Meri said this isn't really the right place for this but I hope I gave some insight on why I am joining a legacy server. Link to comment
Zikh Posted June 28, 2013 Share #25 Posted June 28, 2013 They opened up character creation for legacy servers, so I'll be making my LS ready on Balmung. Sure, it'll be filled with diverse amounts of players who've been around. But that means you won't get stuck on quests, there are others out there for help, the market will be plentiful, you'll never be left alone, and even if it's legacy, there are a lot of low level players to depend on. So don't worry! There's no reason you need to be the biggest fish in the pond. Link to comment
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