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Ishgardian Butler; looking for multiple connections!

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Hello everyone; I'm a returning roleplayer coming back to Final Fantasy after spending time exploring Legion; which was rather enjoyable as was the RP scene but Soul Surrender managed to pull me back in and I would like to start roleplaying once more and this time with a different character back on Final Fantasy; but lets get to business shall we?


The Character: Leon Elric

Starting off with his personality, Leon is cool, calm and collected, this young man does not believe in his limits and always tries to break them and this has showed through during the darkest situations with the walls of Ishgard. Leon has a professional barrier placed up with his line of work; being a butler for the house of Durendaire; meaning he is formal, polite and well spoken; yet when he isn't around anyone higher up that barrier fades and his personality relaxes and seems like the carefree young man that he should be; a kindness showing through that has two different sides from being patient and having thoughtfulness and the other one being stubborn pushed opinions. When it comes to people he cares about and his work his selflessness shows along with his compassion as someone who has suffered he cannot ignore those in suffering and struggling; sometimes breaking character for sympathy towards others.


Boy, that was a lot for just a brief part now wasn't it? My apologies!


But moving onto his appearance and I'll try to keep this one shorter; Leon stands around six fulm, perhaps slightly shorter and isn't a stranger to hard work with his lean physique and broad shoulders along with sporting fair skin and long ash blond hair; which can be seen tied pair in a short ponytail which hangs down against the back of his neck, reaching his shoulders  and a fringe which sweeps across his forehead which covers his left eye and the vertical scar that reaches over it. Leons right cobalt eye is mixed and matched with what he calls a rare deformation, a golden-yellow left eye which is usually hidden by his hair or a patch; yet his gaze is naturally calming which presents the relaxed front often giving the impression that he is nothing more than a simple butler; however in heated moments and when brought to anger the gaze flares with ferocity that lurks beneath his surface and his facial features are slim and unmarred other than the noticeable mentioned scar.


My apologies once more, that again was a long paragraph and if that's not to your taste I apologise yet again!


What am I looking for?

On my return to Final Fantasy, I'm looking to make new friends and create new connections; I love to socialise and I love to roleplay; be it from storylines and arcs to simply just messing about, I'm easy! If you are interested or have any questions about Leon and anything to do with his status or whatever else you may think of; don't be afraid to ask, I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have.


Thank you for reading this if you took the time to do so, I hope it perked your interest or at least gave you a good read and I look forward to roleplaying with you all!





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If you're looking for a more antagonistic character, Aulbiene Daiviere is a Duskwight from Ishgard who hasn't been in Eorzea for very long. She grew up poor in the Brume and was taken in by the Astrologians during her teen years. The lifestyle she lives now is the complete opposite from her upbringing as she now looks more like a noble. However, she has a hatred towards the nobles because of the treatment she was given growing up, so she actually finds it rather amusing when people think her to be a noble.

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What an awesome idea and lovely description all around. I'm on the phone right now but I'll be sending you a PM when I get on the computer!


Either way I wish you the best of luck and welcome back to XIV!

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