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New to RPing in an MMO!


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Hello! I'm rather new to roleplaying in an MMO format - I'm more used to roleplaying via email or on a D&D table. But life is all about new experiences, right? So I figured there was no harm at all at asking around about the roleplaying scene in FFXIV, and I was pointed towards this site to hopefully get started in one way or another! Admitted, my knowledge of the game's lore is rather lacking. I started this game initially to just play it was a normal game without digging too much into the lore, and because of long periods of being away I've forgotten pretty much all of the story that occurred, not to mention all the side-information. But, I'm doing my best to take in as much as I can, and I'm hoping to get enough of an idea of the world to make a decent character. So far I only have a base idea of a dept-collector from Ul'dah/Limsa Lominsa that has no real moral conflict about what she does. Of course, I'll need to read more about organized crime in the world of FFXIV, this is just a very basic idea that I am very willing to change up once I actually start reading about the rules and methods of the world. 


I consider myself a light roleplayer - My goal is to hopefully balance raiding and general progression while roleplaying on my free time. I would not call myself a hardcore player at all, in fact I've yet to touch a single Alex Savage raid. I just like making a lot of friends and playing along with them, and I hope to make even more friends to write interesting, fun stories with now that I'm taking a jump into this community! 


If it also helps people get a general idea of my writing style, I have two pieces that I can share. This one is more a little horror short that I wrote, while this piece is one I wrote when I was going through some heavy writer's block. The later is a more personal, introspective piece that I wrote, and I hope if anyone reads those entries, that you like them and/or can give me some feedback on ways to improve my writing. I love to write on my free time, and am always looking to improve in some way or another.


Sorry for the long introduction, but I hope that I made a decent first impression on anyone that reads this. Here's hoping I meet some of you guys in-game and we can come up with some fun, interesting stories together!

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Hey there! 


I really vibe with being new to the MMO format RP. I struggled with it for quite a while until I got the hang of it. I'm a forum RPer , so it's different in almost every way. But I'm sure you'll pick it up! Don't worry too much about not knowing the story. You don't really need to know much until you want to get specific in your plot or character's background. Plus, you can always ask other RPers. 


Welcome and good luck!

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Hey there, and welcome aboard to Balmung! :thumbsup:


I think the most striking change from going to forum roleplay to an MMO roleplay is the concept of a persistent world. That is, even when you're offline or doing other things, life goes on for other characters apart from your own- characters that your character may interact with occasionally or often. A good way of looking at it is some kind of a living, breathing ecosystem of interwoven stories that form an ultimately ever-changing fabric. There's always something going on, which can be both awing and overwhelming all at once. It can definitely take some getting used to, but I've always felt it carries with it something of a more realistic and immersive take compared to other forms. 


This is the Dungeons & Dragons campaign that never stops or ends! :lol:

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