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New to RP


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Hello there!


I recently transferred to Balmung and I noticed the huge roleplaying community around the server.


I've never roleplayed before, but it's something I want to try out! I was hoping someone can help show me the ropes and etiquette of roleplaying.


Find me online and feel free to whisper to me! My character's name is Maral Avagnar.


Thanks for taking the time to read this! =^u^=

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Hello and welcome to the RPC and Balmung!

You'll find RP to be very enjoyable and a lot of free companies and people willing to help you out with getting started. I know a good place to start off is The Role-Play Handbook. It goes into extensive detail about what RP is, RP styles, lore, and more. We also have our Lore Discussion forum which provides a lot of information you may need when learning about the world you're RPing in.


Hopefully, this will help you get started and if you need more hep, please don't hesitate to ask. :)

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Welcome aboard to the RPC and Balmung! :thumbsup:


Not much to add here that Ghost hasn't already covered. The best experience you'll get is just getting out there, joining a free company or a few linkshells, and testing the waters. You might want to try visiting the Quicksand Adventurer's Guild in Ul'dah first and just watching what other people do. That'll give you some more comfort on where you're headed!

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