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Returning to tbe fun.


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So I am a returning player. Picked up Heavensward for 9.99 on black friday. I just wanted to say hi to everyone. I am hoping to find people to group with to level up a bit. I am way behind in that respect because I RP too much if that is possible. My character is on Balmung Zoe Lefleur Elezen country girl from Gridania area. Yep thats my whole background right now. Please say hi if you see me in game. I love to RP. (Thats why Im  23 pugulist after about 3 months of play previously) almost no one on my friends list has been active in a while so need to fill tbat list back up. Well hope yo meet as many of you as possible. My biggest goal in game is finding cool clothes. So any tips for that are greatly appreciated also.

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Hey there, and welcome back to the game! :thumbsup:


Best thing I can suggest offhand is getting set up with a few linkshells and a free company that you can ask people in if they want to run some leveling content (which is nothing to say for being able to ask to get some RP too in there), such as level roulette or POTD. You're certainly welcome to hit me up though if you're looking to do the leveling roulette or get some RP going- I usually spend most of my evenings do either one of those. Well, least until Kasi finally hits 60 DRK. Then I expect I will be spending that time only doing RP if I can help it.

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Hello there, welcome back! :D As far as clothing goes, a lot of my favorite clothing options in game are actually glamour gears. The great thing about these is that your character can wear them even at level one! Some of them can be a bit pricey, but I recommend browsing the market board to see what you like, and then finding a crafter who can give you a cheaper deal on it.

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Thank you all for the welcoming comments and the tips. It seems alot has changed in a year and a half, so i have reasearch to do. I am looking for an RP FC. I am hoping I can RP my way into one soon. This is tbe way I like to try and find one; this way I can tell how I will fit in from the beginning. Even if it sometimes takes a while to find my clique.

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Hey there! Welcome back to the game! :D I'd love to RP with you sometime, I'll make sure to keep an eye out for you online. But if you ever see Sileas Bishop online then feel free to give me a poke! Also if you're looking for an FC, then I suggest checking out the free company hall! There's always plenty of FC's updating their pages. (And if interested, feel free to check out my signature since our FC is always recruiting!)

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