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RP as a Dragoon


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Is it still possible to RP as a dragoon after the events of Heavensward? Apparently there are only 10 in active service. An idea I had as a workaround to this would be to RP as a "wannabe" dragoon that wears the armor of their deceased sibling that used to be a dragoon. Any opinions?

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Be a Dragoon drop out, retired one, trainee who never finished, one who got exiled for whatever reason. There's way around it.


Also, I wouldn't be flaunting that gear either, I don't think Ishgard would like that either. Believe weapons and armors do get returned to Ishgard as soon as someone passed because they don't have endless supplies. Not sure if it count for Dragoon armor though. But that's still basically baiting them I'd imagine, and Ishgard does have elite assassins, and I don't think they would take well at people faking and slandering their most precious military force that way. So well! Up to you. I could be very much wrong, and things might be a lot different with Aymeric around now. Mind you, Ishgardian PC's might take that still very offensive as well. Also the training is what makes you a Dragoon, not the armor. So you still wouldn't be a Dragoon in skills, merely in appearance.


I'd personally simply let go of the armor, and just be a drop of out sorts.

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It is primarily training that defines the Dragoon.


Though primarily used for comedy, the Hildebrand Quest shows that even an old doddering fart of a former Dragoon can launch himself in the air (and nearly die).


Mind you, if you were not a Dragoon during the war, why would you want to be one? 


They exist and were created /SOLELY/ to murder dragons. Dragons are now Ishgard's allies and given the Dragon's propensity to be sore little babies about EVERYTHING, I'd believe that Ishgard would do a lot to ensure you don't have any more aspiring dragon killers.


There was a humongous thread (caused by me admittedly) about future Dragoon RP.


My response was to retire my character (Though he hates his new desk job in the temple knights).


We /KNOW/ about 8-9 of the active dragoons already occupied by NPCs, thus the reason for my choice fore retirement being that being an active service dragoon iss akin to Warrior of Light in exclusivity. Actually it is more likely you went to void ark or crystal tower or any of the 24 man raids IC'ly than being an active service Dragoon post war.


Not only that but Traditional Ishgardian Dragoon training is /highly/ traumatic, on par with historical equivalencies of the Janissaries in old turkey (Willingly induced PTSD rage sort of stuff is the short hand). 


So ask yourself /why/ you want to be a Dragoon and what merits does it gain from being one that cannot be achieved via being a Temple Knight or other settings. Lore book was a bit of a nut punch to extant Dragoons but a lot of us have moved on in ways, (lots of retirees, turned adventurers, reassigned). If your character disappears once the title of dragoon is removed, rethink the character.

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We still have Nidhogg's brood remnants, which probably explain partly why there are still a skeleton dragoon crew in Ishgard (to clean up all of that. 


I'm pretty sure though that you can brace yourselves for 4.0 because the dragoon job isn't going to disappear the day after for obvious totally OOC reasons, so the job might get fresh things pumped into it when the add on releases.

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If your character disappears once the title of dragoon is removed, rethink the character.


Solid advice for any RP character building.


I'm pretty sure though that you can brace yourselves for 4.0 because the dragoon job isn't going to disappear the day after for obvious totally OOC reasons, so the job might get fresh things pumped into it when the add on releases.


Yeah, we'll have lvl60-70 dragoon storyline so we shall see.

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