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Highlander Knight-Errant and Lovable Chocogal Looking for Work and Contacts

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I'm bad with this kind of thing so here goooooeeeeeees:


I'm looking for stuff to get Andrea involved in. People, storylines, work, etc. RP has gotten a bit stagnant for me, and I'm looking for ways to freshen things up some. Bar/Tavern RP just doesn't do it. 


So, what's the deal with Andrea?


Well, she's a big old Highlander, who only recently found out she was half-Garlean on her mother's side. She's great with chocobos, from having been raised on a farm for the majority of her life; she's recently taken up the axe in her efforts to become a knight, and has gotten steadily stronger with it; she's also been learning how to create magitek technology.


As far as her personality goes, she's honest, headstrong, caring, and loyal to her friends. She has the desire, as a self-proclaimed knight, to defend those who can't defend themselves, and is constantly looking for ways to try and better herself. She's a very sociable person and enjoys meeting people, as well as helping where she can.




If any of that caught your interest, either send me a PM, or add me on Discord and chat with me there.


Discord: Star#8265

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Added you on Discord!


But bellow, attached in my sig is a wiki of my Highlander who shares a few similarities as your character and she's always looking to make new friends as currently she is very short of them.


Feel free to take a read thru or give me a poke if you'd like to arrange a bit of RP or have further questions!

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I think your character would get along great with Deahfel. I will add you on discord when I get home and we can discuss. Feel free to give my wiki a look and we can see how our characters mesh. She loves chocobo's and would not mind taking those out for a trip. She also has no magical talent and has looked at supplementing that flaw with magitek.


If anyone else is interested we could even look at starting some kind of protectorate/order of knights linkshell where we go out on patrols or respond to complaints filed with us. As I think that could be a popular character archetype that would be easy enough for us to band together for the greater good. Just brainstorming :D

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Well, I would certainly be on board for the idea Deahfel proposed! My character, a Mixlander born and raised in Coerthas, falls into the whole goody two-shoes knight archetype as well! Though, not entirely, since he will easily break laws if they're clashing with his moral code. But, anyway! ICly, he does disappear from the company every so often to journey into Eorzea, and simply look for those who are in need of aid, and does whatever he's able to provide. Here's a link to his RPC page! So, check him out if you'd like. Certainly doesn't have to the a grand or adventurous RP to get him involved. Poor man just needs more friends. ;u;

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